Fundraising Post #10 ~ 133 ~ Walk With Me #ChalkWithMe #OpHumanAngels :: Message of the Day

in ophumanangels •  7 years ago  (edited)

Post rewards will go to @familyprotection!!

No One Is Irredeemable!

I had the boys with me and they both asked what that word meant. I told them to remember Darth Vader...even though he had taken very evil actions, he was still able to change, to turn things around. Anyone can change for the better, and it's never too late to start!

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They're a bit too young for me to use myself as an example, but I am one too! And I will share my journey with them as they get a bit older. When I was younger I was a terribly selfish person. All I cared about was myself and my survival. I lied, cheated and stole. When I got drinking I was a master at burning bridges. I was a real piece of shit.

Yet, there were a few people in my life that never gave up on me. They saw the good in me, buried as it was. And when I changed my life, my ways, I'm still to this day just overwhelmed with tears at their unconditional love. It's one thing to love someone who is good and kind and pure and always achieving excellence. It's another thing to love someone unconditionally, someone who everyone else (including themselves) has decided doesn't deserve love.

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As you can see the boys helped out with some art around the message. I always feel it adds such a beautiful innocence when they do their art for #ophumanangels operations. I hope it makes the ones who see it smile.

Love You

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Where Were We?

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At the church down the road. I hope they don't mind our graffiti :) For some reason I think the message would be approved...;)


Edgar followed us there!


Two cool cats...


Make that three. 3 cool cats

I Spotted A Beautiful Butterfly on an Even More Beautiful Flower

Perfect for this theme of transformation, no?


Edgar saw the butterfly too...


Bye bye butterfly, another lesson, all good things must come to an end.


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I love the chalk art + op message together!! I thought it said "love bug" where it says "love you," so that's a love bug in my head now. 😊 I love too that Edgar comes with you on your walks. 💚
I can't imagine you being selfish, only hurting, as so many humans are. You are loved!

It totally looks like love bug, you are right bro! I asked Stryder and he is sure he wrote love you hahahaa!!

Thank you for the loving brighten all my days my friend!!!

Those words brought tears to my eyes. You know, we tend to give up on people so easily, even on ourselves way too early, and we end up missing out on treasures. I think we should understand that to get precious diamonds, we need to mine in the deep. The deep is where greatness lies. Indeed no one is irredeemable, not at all.

Well now it's my turn to have tears in my eyes...everything you said there much wisdom...WOW!!!

oh, a great word! I am with your boys - didn't know it, so I was happy you explained it in the post;)

a photo with a flower growing through the road is just to the topic!
when we make something right, the Universe itself helps us;)

people like to say: "People never change", and I was sure they are right!
until i didn't change by myself...;)

we've much in common, dear, maybe that's why I felt warmth to you at once, because I was a piece of shit as well;))
what I did..what I I lived...brrr....
it was just another me, and I never supposed the birth of my baby would change me fully!

matherhood has great power, and time as well.
Wisdom comes not at once;)

...we've much in common, dear, maybe that's why I felt warmth to you at once...

The feeling is so completely mutual, I love everything you stand for, how passionate you are about protecting children!! How you say it like it is <3 <3 I'm so so so so grateful that I found you from a @familyprotection resteem!! I look forward to many more months and years of getting to know beautiful Natalia! <3 <3 <3 <3

Thank you for your vulnerability in the comment you wrote me too...Bless you!!

there's a theory that people who feel warmth to other people when they are unknown or know each other very little, it means they were close in their past lives, and the Soul remember and feels her soulmate.

maybe it's about us?)
actually, I'm not very friendly, and I don't have many friends in real life, I'm more like a misanthrope)
but for some people I really feel deep sympathy without any reason even.
I can just FEEL the person is MINE and then it doesn't matter he's good or bad. And vice cersa a person can be very good to me, but he or she will be very far from me mentally.

I'm happy we've found each other, now I like Steemit more;))

I'm more like a misanthrope.

I looked up the word and laughed and laughed, yes, I am this too hahaha! I call it #hermitlife :) :) But I like your word a lot better.


Thanks for letting me into your world!

A really wonderful walk. Love the message and the artwork. A perfect collaboration. I like it the Edgar follows you guys, like an old faithful dog...You are surrounded by cool cats! 😺

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

You have a chocolate lab? We love labs! We have always had black labs but we can't get any here. They are such family dogs!

I have had yellow, golden and black labs growing up, and been around enough choco's yes <3 They are great family dogs, but ours were really, really obsessed with eating hahaha.

That's strange you don't see them over there...what's the most common breed?

W call them little rat dogs. They are a part chihuahua and lord knows what else. Lots of dogs run loose and procreate on a regular basis so they are thoroughly mixed. There are Rotwiellers and Shepards and other large dog crossbreeds. Large sogs are used as guard dogs and for dog fights. Yes, they have disgusting dogfights here as well as chicken fights. Lots of gambling around these two activities.

Large dogs are used as guard dogs and for dog fights. Yes, they have disgusting dogfights here as well as chicken fights. Lots of gambling around these two activities.

Aw, that's terrible...fuggin hoomans!! Why do we do this!???


I think we all have regrets from the past, and some of us are lucky to have people around who don't lose faith. Look where you are at now - spreading love and freedom across our blockchain, awesome!

I'm happy you came through to the other side too then Asher!! xoxo Much Love and Respect Always!!

Redemption... What a beautiful, amazing concept! :D



Hehehehe...who ever woulda thought it eh? :) :) :)

Your spirit reminds me a lot of my eldest daughters, feirce and wild.
This is why growing we need beautiful souls like you to share that inner transformation.

I had my "going dark" period too, and a lot of that was just losing faith.

Greatful for the light, i've said it a million times but I mean it just as much every time.

Did you get the tag in my garden post by chance?

@lyndsaybowes, Brilliant chalk patterns and contexts on the street. Teeny boys too creative & lovely. They are master blasters :D Edgar being both boys pet and she looks around butterfly on the flower.

I'm glad you liked our art today Mr. Madushanka! And I'm so glad you were able to recover your steem account. Will you get your funds back?

Nope... the hacker my funds immediately transfer his binance account and then I could he already transferred it to fiat.

And you showed people what account it went to, I saw it, it was very strange.

Walking keeps the body and mind sharp.
Edgar's double


Awwww!! Hiii Betty!! Does she have 23 digits as well?

No, she is anatomically correct. lol

ophumangels is a great invention by you.........walkwithme is also a great platform........... once you were so active in walkwithme.......... but now this is rare

True, the tag I curate the most right now is #Ulog. I am always evolving and changing my friend, I have to keep life interesting! :)

you are in right path...... life is we have to change ourselves with the change of our environment

Eso es cierto @lyndsaybowes cuando somos jovenes creemos unas cosas que no vienen ni al caso, pero con un poco más de experiencia de seguro nuestras prioridades cambian y como dices" Nunca es demasiado tarde para comenzar."

Gracias por entenderlo.

Tus palabras me consuelan.

I love that Edgar followed you on your walk!

That's such a cool cat you got there..

Nice chalkings..

sniff. having an emotional moment at that. xx

What a wonderful message! I'm so glad that you were able to turn things around. And I'm sure that those who loved you were positive that you could do it!

That was the most heart touching part...that they accepted me...either way...any way...their love knew no bounds!

Your are such a great steemian! Thank you so much. Your example inspires many, and your good deeds do not go unnoticed! Don’t forget that.

Big love I have for you @jonyoudyer, keep being that beautiful Change!

Thank you

Happy to your photography mam ... liked your son's smile... 😊

that's so cool
fabulous one

That was well said.
Keep steeming