Calling All Human Angels of Steem (Operation Human Angels)

in ophumanangels •  7 years ago  (edited)

I'll Tell You All About It

Could you imagine earning crypto by brightening the days of strangers? That's what is happening right now. Human Angels of Steemit are doing some very serious Angel business, and by posting about their actions, they are earning crypto thanks to the glorious Steem Blockchain.

So far we are a small group, there is @phoenixwren, @davedickeyyall and myself and I'm making this post as a call out...

I'm "Calling All Angels!"...

It was just too good to resist!

What Do I Do?

It's so easy and simple you'll laugh, however it is a tad bit harder than it sounds too because it requires a bit of courage. What you do is leave empowering messages around where others will stumble upon them. You can write on paper, and hide the notes around. You can use a post-it note. You can sidewalk chalk. You can paint rocks and leave them in locations where the perfect soul will find them.

@DaveDickeyYall painted up 4 rocks and left them around his neighbourhood. I talked to him this morning, they are already all gone!! You can read about his adventure in full: This walk rocks..... OpHumanAngels edition to see his other ROCKIN messages!

You Can Even Go Black Ops!

Some serious Ninja skills here @davedickeyyall! Under the cover of darkness, making the world a brighter place Dave set out to Reface the world, you can read the full story: OpHumanAngels walk... Black ops edition and see what other signs were left for the neighbourhood to find.

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Chalk is @PhoenixWren's LoveWeapon of Choice! He's been decorating his neighbourhood with very empowering messages, the above message can be found in the post Walk With Me in Denver #22 if you'd like to read all about it!

This one is fresh off the presses! @PhoenixWren was out tonight! Here's the full story.

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This is another one of @PhoenixWren's creations. I wonder if any of you can imagine the courage it takes to chalk like this in broad daylight as folks are walking and driving by? I really hope you'll read this one because it was such a terrific blog, he really turned his own day around by trying to brighten the days of others, you'll love this >>> Walk with me in Denver: Fuck Depression Edition.

@PhoenixWren wrote my only advice.

To make the messages as meaningful and heart string pulling as possible, write messages that you need to hear. What would change your life if you read it? What would your Guardian Angel want to tell you so badly? Give that to others...

A Few From Me :)

So What Do You Say?

Are you up for the challenge? If you are, make sure to post using the #OpHumanAngels tag and I'll be sure to find it. I'll check the tag daily for new Human Angels of Steem posts, and if for some reason I don't find your post (because sometimes new tags act wonky), you can definitely let me know by leaving your post link in my comments.

And if you'd like a few more ideas, you can watch the video below (you'll see us in it doing our Human Angel thang in Edmonton, Alberta!). Our family, and a few of our friends back home, have been doing this for many years now, it's great to be spreading it even further on the Steem Blockchain, where our actions will live forever. Keep Inspiring!! Operation Human Angels...ENGAGED!

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Well @lyndsaybowes,

They way you conveyed the philosophy of life through meaningful art is really appreciable. How unique and purposeful tactic you introduced me. This thing can bring a definite change in a society.

You wrote motivational sentences which boosts my confidence and i will definitely try it in my School. As i am a teacher by profession and i will show your blog to my students that how beautifully message can be conveyed.

All the pics are breath taking with strong messages but my personal favorite is

You just made my day by spreading #kindness everywhere.

Please! keep sharing such positive thoughts and let us learn the basic philosophy of life in an innovative way.

My best wishes and Support is always with you.

Stay Blessed!

Bravo!!!! Wonderful Idea!

I am obliged by the support and love i got from you people.

Thank you so very much for your kind words @wwf :)

Wow, I am deeply honoured that you would show this idea to your students! Thank you so much for finding this useful, and for your very meaningful comment. I'm smiling so much right now!

It is a matter of honor for me too that i put smile on your face. Yes now i would definitely share it with my Students.

My respect and support is always with you @lyndsaybowes ;) :)

I've always loved this idea and hope the positive messages have made a change to someone's life this Christmas.
I'm gonna stop dropping a few messages locally when I return home in a few days, under the cover of darkness to see what local reaction there is. I have an 'extremely' nosey neighbour who will no doubt have theories about who is doing it and what for, I look forward to hearing her wild theories on who/why/how the messages appeared.
Cheers for the inspiration babe, should be fun. 😉

YASSS!! AHHAHAAAAA!!! That's too cool @TremendosPercy!!! I got goose bumps just thinking about the nosey neighbour's reactions!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope Lives!!!!!

Please get the neighbors reaction on video as I have been unsuccessful thus far

You're a saint @lyndsaybowes.. thanks fort the shout out.. it's just that it's such a great tag and a great idea... I actually find myself daydreaming about my next mission... I've got one planned now but need a couple days to finish preparations...

I was just thinking tonight how things are going pretty good for me... work wise.. life wise.. every other sort of wise you can think of... coincidence? I doubt it.. positive thinking nets positive results.. I hope the people who find my messages are inspired like I am leaving them... hopefully it's the step they need to turn themselves around from whatever situation they're in.. and if not at least they know someone cares...

Did you post this one???

I found it in a woman's bathroom in Denver ... LOL!! @davedickeyyall

No I did not post that one.. but I approve that message

LOL! Now that would have been funny. The message is beautiful, so much so that I took a photo of it and everyone loved it on my Instagram account.

That's cool.. at least the message is getting out there

Must be, I took this photo around 10 months ago, so when I saw this blog it brought back this memory. Interesting. There is the idea of the "collective consciousness." Makes sense.

Ooomy GOODNESS!!! How WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's so great to hear that this is making your life more Fun <3 <3 <3 What an awesome side effect!!

Not just more fun.. more rewarding.. more positive.. better in so many ways

I really like this idea @lyndsaybowes!

I paint rocks as my art anyway... I like the idea of making some with inspirational messages and just leaving them around for people to find... they'll also be made "pretty" so people will want to pick them up and keep them... as a reminder that they are worthy.

So yeah, totally onboard with that idea! Now I need to go paint some rocks!

YAY!! @DenmarkGuy!! I'm cheering over here!!! WOWOWWW!!! How perfect that you are already an artist who paints rocks, I cannot wait to see your creations! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 So many Heart Smiles for you right now!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I hope you can feel my excitement!!

I'm so happy you started this ophumanangels. You just truly never know what someone else is thinking in any given moment and how what you say can truly help someone. I know I drive my kids and family crazy because I always say I love you. Never a time I'm speaking to someone that i do not say it. I'm gonna give the post it notes a go. You are a very special person @lyndsaybowes

You are a very rare and special soul too SeaReader <3 <3 I've sure enjoyed getting to know you through these months. Bless you for always saying I Love You!!! Better to drive others crazy, then to let those words be unspoken!!

Thank you very much @lyndsaybowes I have loved getting to know you as well. I agree never let the words I love you go unspoken. <3<3<3

Why I attract towards your posts? You are not only a positive person but also you have a spiritual beauty which can't fade even in old age. I think on the whole steemit you are spreading the positivity fastly. The most loving point is that you spreading the positivity practically. I remember even today your that walkwithme post in which your pinned the positive notes many spots and after some days you again went there and checked the notes that Are that pinned or not... You have shared some photos of that walkwithme post. I not only enjoy your post but also learn something which is very necessary. Some small words which have a biggest meaning in themselves..

Your life has value live it.
stop doubting yourself.
you are what's good in this world.
tell someone that you love them. Time is short on this earth.

Hats off to all of you guys...what are you doing! It's just amazing. I also try to change the mind of people with positivity. I ever try to post positive message but not only try infact I share. I want to ask you that which of the tag should I use so that my post also reach to you? I need to you guys. Is there your any tag, with the use of that tag I can post my blog?

Come join us.. let's make our corner of the world a brighter place

Yes, I'll give my best to make our corner best on the whole steemit community. I am so glad to be the part of your team.

Welcome to the team... art supplies on are the left... strait jackets are on the right... please don't eat the crayons...

Be the reason for someone's smile..

Yes, please use the #OpHumanAngels tag, and if you are walking too, use the #walkwithme tag as well in your post. I will find your wonderful blog that way! Thank you so much for your consideration, and the loving words you blessed me with!

@lyndsaybowes thanks, I am so glad that I'll post with the use of your tag.

Great post my friend. I have been doing this all week but didn’t know you were having a challenge. This is so much fun to give away these affirmations that lets others know you are thinking of them. Count me in. 🐓🐓resteemed.

Ooh right on! Yes, make a post about it for sure, let's spread the idea!! xoxo

C'mon in... the water's fine...

I absolutely LOVE this idea. It is like finding "fortune cookies". I don't go out much but I have two fine young men, age 11 and 7, homeschooled and always looking for ways to make the world a better place.

They stop in several times a week to check on me, can't wait to share this idea with them. They already put on little treasure hunts for family, friends and neighbors, this will be right up their alley.

Keep those bright ideas coming!

Omg Bless you and the little Men!!! :) I look forward to seeing what y'all come up with!!!!!

Painting rocks with inspirational messages, this is something I could actually do. I guess I need to find some rocks to work with.

Sounds like you're going to do great! And what an awesome winter hobby!! <3 I can't wait to see your creations and read all about it @amberyooper! <3 <3 <3 You are Amazing!

I absolutely love this! We can be the creators of good news and make it go viral to spread love! Meanwhile rewarding actions of kindness with the gift of crypto is also empowering people and liberating humans to follow their creative passions. Onward and upward, through the fog!

Thank you for being one of few, who truly has eyes to see... <3 I love you my Brother.

Hey, shouldn't this also go under #thegoodnews tag? 😀
As always, thanks for the inspiration! Went out and got a couple of short messages chalked today!

I don't want @hendrix22 to flag me for tag abuse lolol :)

I can't wait to see your #ophumanangels post!!! EEEEEE!!!

Hahaha! The post is up! 😁

This is all very heart warming and uplifting.

Reminds me of a story of a guy I knew in AA who was ready to kill himself when he saw a billboard that said "You Are Loved".

He obviously never did kill himself and got sober.

We never know how something simply will hit a person at just the right time. The universe has a way of doing that.

Whoa...that's an incredible story, I'm grateful he told you!! It definitely reaffirms how important small actions like this can turn out to be. Thanks for sharing Task, I know this will motivate others!

Very inspirational way to get encouraging messages to people that need to hear them.

Thank you @team101, I hope one day you join us <3 xo

Your heart is so big it's starting to spill over into the world.

This was inevitable. And miraculous.

Thanks for believing in this Op Winston!

I LOVE this! I may not have many for a while, I am in semi-hibernation this time of year lol! I will be sure to do this in town though. Our little town was DEEPLY traumatized recently, it needs this kind of anonymous lovin'!

Oooh I love it, I have goosebumps reading your intentions for your town. I pray you all find the healing that you need. Much Love @fishyculture! #YouGotThis!

The idea always leaves a smile on my face just as I know it would do for anyone who comes across those written notes. They would simply glow

I'm so happy it makes you smile. More smiles are needed in this World :)

I LOVE THIS! I have done this before at libraries! I think it's fantastic to leave these beautiful, inspiring, encouraging messages where whomever needs em can find them... truly a human angel. GREAT idea! XO

That's so awesome!! I'm assuming you were leaving them in books? How delighted those readers must have been <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I hope to see your works one day!!

What a wonderful post idea!

I love the idea of writing something that we ourselves need to hear. And also love asking what our guardian angel would want to tell us! I'll have to think about this and work on leaving notes and making a post. Love it!

Oooh Anna, that's just tremendous!! I really look forward to seeing your messages!!!

Thanks Ms Bowes! You have wonderful fun ideas!! I have a note written out on paper. Just have to decide where to re-write it and leave it! Working on that!

Have a wonderful New Years Eve and Day!!! xo

You're so brave!!! <3 <3 <3 And you have a lovely New Year too!!

<3 Thx!! xo

I will! Either relaxing and munching on snacks here or my daughters! Too cold to go too far!

I LOVE this so much Lyndsay! I followed you over from FB and I’m so glad that I did! This is how change happens. This is a Vibrational Revolution!

Hiiii @bohobabie! I'm so glad to see you made it over to the Steem blockchain! Thanks for finding me!!

Vibrational Revolution :) :) :) You got it! xoxoxo

I am most definately down for this. Our area isn't going to know what hit it!

Nope, they won't hahaha, if our neighbourhood gets even more friendly it'll be you to blame! haha!!

Awesome idea! I have been doing this on face book for years this is the next step. I was a little disappointed coming to Steemit where they said memes and short one liners are discouraged. I know it was to get away from the facebook style banter but positive and uplifting memes are great. I tried a few here but got little to no response. Maybe I just need more followers first . But taking it to the streets is a great idea. I'm in, this is right up my alley! Maybe its time to dig out that airbrush I've had for years and never used and learn how to use it lol.

I'm super excited to see what you and your airbrush could get up to! I know what you mean about posting on's a challenge, it pushes us, it makes us evolve as writers, photographers, content creators and storytellers. One photo, and one liners don't cut it. We need to go further than our old skill sets. I know you've got it in you! My first posts were all very short, and it was so hard to write more, to put more photos in the post, it's very time consuming! I am getting there though, and it sounds like you're a really persistent individual! You got this!

I really look forward to seeing @blaynesukut in the #ophumanangels TAG!!! I'll be there to support you.

Great idea Lyndsay! I'll see what I can do!

YAYYYY CECI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'll admit it: it'd be nice to see to one ... but I never seen one here where i live!
Maybe i will be the first to write one in my city..

Yess!! There is a saying: "If you can't find a good person, Be one" :) :) :)

Ooohhh yes! Build the movement here! I just love reading all of these comments filled with inspiration and intent! I can't wait to see how each individual impacts others. #ophumanangels is a movement <3

It is so great reading everyone's comments, my face hurts from smiling!!!!!

Id love to join in! I love to make inspiring artwork for around our community, and have done this myself a few times in town, but I will gladly join in full force whenever I take the trip into city world <3

I love the stop doubting yourself one!

I cannot wait to see your artworks!!! YIPEE!!!!! And yes, Dave's notes were very brilliant, especially that Stop Sign!!!

Indeed :P I love to art about good things <3

So much love and respect. I have adored the ophumanangels efforts on fb. It's wonderful to see this growing on steemit. Amazing efforts friends ❤👼

It is so great to see others joining in here!! :) Breathing new life into the Op!

This is a wonderful idea and would go a long way in putting smiles on faces and joy in hearts. I surely would love to be a part of this.

I would love for you to join in! xo I vow to check the tag every day and give my support.

Hi @lyndsaybowes,

very inspirational message you shared. That's a wonderful idea. i really appreciate your effort. Thanks

Great plan I may have to do this. Already having ideas. Angels fly! Love to you

Good, that makes me very happy to hear!

beautiful post with a lot of self motivational saying. Great @lyndsaybowes i like it

Thank you @kamchore :)

you are most welcome. Motivational post is a fuel for all of us. All the best for future posts.

very nice thoughts...
You are angel too... #ophumanangels

You are too. Thank you for brightening my evening @kartiksingh!

Love this idea. I resolve to spread more kindness this year.

I’ll have to get creative because my city is covered in snow so I can’t easily leave paper around, and rocks are all buried under the snow. I’ll give it some thought and see what I can do!

Thanks so much for wanting to join in the fun @jessicakluthe! :) :) I look forward to seeing you soon!

My favourite message here has to be "You matter more than your ability to earn dollars". I Love this idea. Very inspiring.

That one really does hit the heart <3 <3 <3

Too bad, I only read this now. I hope I'm not too late to join the fun. This is really awesome!

Never too late, please join in the fun!! #OpHumanAngels xoxoxo I look forward to seeing you in the tag!

can you tell me about it more details????????????i have become very eager by reading your post

What more would you like to know?

Steemit is great for being very revolutionary, needs some improvements to get highly adopted but is getting better and better. That will allow people just to be paid just for improving others day!
Upvoted :)

Your video and your photography are excellent

very interesting

Hi, I see you write the same comment. On Steemit, it is valued to write meaningful and different comments on the posts of others. I want to see you succeed! Be original when making comments. No copy and paste.



  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great post ! Resteemed and upvoted @lyndsaybowes :)

what a great idea. thankyou @lyndsaybowes