fire that occur in areas US

in ophumanangels •  7 years ago 

Hallo steemiiaann.. posting my time on fire that occur in areas US. cause of fire is due to explosion of gas cylinders owned a woman seller fried bananas.

Postingan saya kali mengenai kebakaran yang terjadi didaerah kami. Penyebab kebakaran adalah akibat meledaknya tabung gas milik seorang wanita penjual pisang goreng.

the arrival of service to the location, some time after fire

Kedatangan dinas ke lokasi, beberapa saat setelah terjadi kebakaran

A number of help began to arrive to the location of the fire. The aid was accommodated by TNI established posts at the location of the fire.

Sejumlah bantuan mulai berdatangan ke lokasi kebakaran. Bantuan tersebut ditampung posko yang didirikan TNI di lokasi kebakaran.

help from residents. Average rice with eggs. Later from the Kodim there is also the same mi water, "said one officer post, on location,

in addition to food aid, there are 3 tents established by the TNI at the site. Tents are used to accommodate residents who want to evacuate

bantuan dari warga. Rata-rata beras sama telur. Nanti dari Kodim juga ada mi sama air," kata salah seorang petugas posko, di lokasi,
selain bantuan makanan, ada 3 tenda yang didirikan TNI di lokasi. Tenda tersebut digunakan untuk menampung warga yang ingin mengungsi



Hopefully can give good impact and useful. thank you for reading my article may be a benefit for you all.

Semoga dapat memberikan dampak baik dan berguna. terima kasih telah membaca artikel saya semoga menjadi manfaat buat kalian semua.


This was posted from Smoke.Network

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