Backwards logic.

in opinion •  7 years ago  (edited)

There are bigots in the world. There are people who hold prejudicial views that are irrational and unreasonable. Some of these people run and own businesses. Me personally i would rather avoid them. I don't want to interact with people who hold bigoted views and i most certainly don't want to exchange money with them for goods and/or services.

For some insane reason there are people out there who want to give bigots money! Not only that, but they want government to force you to exchange your money for these bigots goods and services! Seriously, WTF is up with that?

If you're gay and there's a local business that doesn't want your money shouldn't you be glad that you didn't give them your money? If you're gay and there's a business that doesn't want your money because they have some irrational prejudice against you, wouldn't you want the competitors to the bigot to get your money? Wouldn't you want everyone to spend their hard-earned cash at a competitor?

Why in the hell would a gay person who was refused service at a bigots business think it's a good idea to have the government force that bigot to serve other people?

Do you think its good that bigots stay in business? What about racists or sexists?

Seriously i don't get this. Don't we want the good business owners to get everyones service and the bigots to go out of business?

If you think it's a good idea to get government to force business owners who hold prejudicial views to serve the very people who they are prejudice against then you're an idiot. If a business owner is prejudicial towards people who I'm friends with i don't want to be a patron at their establishment! I want to take my money to a competitor and see the bigot go out of business and so should everyone else. You can't do that if you have the government make laws forcing them to serve you.

Come on. stop asking the government to make laws or take action against bigots please or ill end up buying something from a business owner that's homophobic or even racist and i really don't want to give my money to someone like that.

Sorry if I'm repeating myself but it really annoys me when virtue signaling assholes think it's a good idea to potentially make me give money to a bigot. Seriously if your gay and the business owner is homophobic take your money to a competitor!

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

If youre gay and theres a local buisness that doesnt want your money shouldnt you be glad that you didnt give them your moeny? If youre gay and theres a a buisness that doesnt want your money becasue they have some irational prejudice against you wouoldnt you want the competitors to the bigot to get your money.
It should be business instead of buisness.