Lots of racist sympathizers leave twitter today.

in opinion •  7 years ago 

Can someone explain to me why a person would leave one social media platform for another when the hateful rhetoric of the one you're leaving is just as prevalent at the one you're moving to???

I just don't get it. A bunch of people on Twitter are deactivating their twitter accounts because they believe a Twitter user who they say is a purveyor of 'hate speech' is allowed to make posts on twitter. The part I really don't get is the platform that everyone is threatening to move to has users that different people say are also purveyors of hate speech!

Can someone make any sense of this? It make no sense.

If the twitter user who this group of people doesn't like is not removed from Twitter in 30 days then all the people who deactivate today will forfeit there accounts as the system permanently deletes those twitter users. They then continue their lives on social media at a site called 'counter culture' which is bigoted and racist. A social media platform that is racist is going to have users that post 'hate speech' surely?

counter culture bans countries from using its platform. Banning countries is racist. Not by dictionary definition of course but by media definition. The way words are defined by the media whether its mainstream media or social media is slightly different from dictionary definition.

For example when the POTUS banned multiple countries from entry into the United States this was clearly and loudly defined by the media as racist. The security risks associated with the countries are irrelevant in accordance with media definition. So the security risks with the counter culture platform are irrelevant too.

This is the part that confuses me the most. Why would you want to go to a platform that openly admits its racist? Personally all the people threatening to go to this site should be left to do so. If they want to support a platform with open racist policies then good riddance. Isn't twitter going to benefit from a bunch of racists leaving its platform?

Yay, less racists on twitter! woohoo!

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