The belief system of Oberlin College is concerning.

in opinion •  last year 


“'It’s acceptable to have your own opinions, but when they go against Oberlin College’s beliefs, it’s a problem for your employment,' Creg Jantz, senior associate director of athletics, told Russell in one of the meeting. "

I have conflicting thoughts on the issue of trans athletes, but my focus here is on the words of this college administrator: essentially, "It's acceptable to have your own opinions, but only if they don't deviate from authorized opinion."

Oberlin, of course, is the college that tried to destroy a small family business because it didn't allow a minority student to steal, an attack on the business that received active encouragement from the college administration.

I'm sure there are many good faculty and students at Oberlin College, but overall it seems clear that the school is a cesspool overflowing with the most foul ideological diarrhea of contemporary American academia.

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