Zoroastrian Jamsetjee JeeJeebhoy and the opium Astor Sassoons Cohong Kibbutz

in opium •  6 years ago  (edited)

Astor, John Jacob
U.S. Immigration and Migration Reference Library
COPYRIGHT 2004 The Gale Group, Inc.
John Jacob Astor
Born July 17, 1763
Waldorf, Germany
Died March 29, 1848
New York, New York
First American immigrant millionaire

Giving Credit to the Texas Able program: Pricing Revolution

Opium Traders and Their Worlds-Volume Two: A Revisionist Exposé of the World ...
By M. Kienholz
Chapter Twenty – Six
The Sassoons and their Nexus

John Jacob Astor in a moment of prescience dropped out of the opium trade and sold his opium fleet in 1827, seven years before he sold his American Fur Company.

Sassoons and the Rothchilds...

August Belmont, Sr. made good use of his political clout by promoting debt-financing by the City of New York and selling New York City bonds in Europe on Commission. Through international boundaries, “repoublican” revolutions and was a pillar of strength for Tammany’s Tweed Ring.

Who is Boss Tweed and what did he do?

William Magear Tweed (April 3, 1823 – April 12, 1878)—often erroneously referred to as "William Marcy Tweed" (see below), and widely known as "Boss" Tweed—was an American politician most notable for being the "boss" of Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in the politics of 19th ...

Tammany’s Tweed Ring 1856 William B. Astor endorser of corrupt Tammany politician, New York Mayor Fernando Wood.

What is the Tammany Ring?

The inner circle of the Tweed Ring were Mayor A. Oakey Hall, city comptroller Richard B. "Slippery Dick" Connolly, city chamberlain Peter Barr "Bismarck" Sweeny, and William M. Tweed himself, president of the Board of Supervisors. The Tweed Ring and Tammany Hall were not necessarily two sides of the same coin.

The Sassoon family, known as "Rothschilds of the East" due to the great wealth they accumulated in trade, is of Baghdadi Jewish descent and international renown. It was based in Baghdad, Iraq, before moving to Bombay, India, and then spreading to China, England, and other countries. It is said that the family descended from the Shoshans, one of the families of Iberian Peninsula. From the 18th century, the Sassoons were one of the wealthiest families in the world, with a merchant empire spanning the continent of Asia.

David Sassoon (October 1792 – November 7, 1864) was the treasurer of Baghdad between 1817 and 1829. He became the leader of the Jewish community in Bombay (now Mumbai) after Baghdadi Jews emigrated there.

On a Wim Hof tangent at the plantation economy

Persian Zoroastrian Jamsetjee JeeJeebhoy in that Fukien province!:The forgotten history of how ancient Zoroastrians helped create the old Silk Route and ... America's first multimillionaire, John Jacobs Astor, joined the opium smuggling trade in 1816 when his American Fur Company bought 10 tons of Turkish opium and smuggled it into Canton.... chasm K clique number v. schism clan complex network as to:

Who ran Tammany Hall and what was its purpose?

Although its popularity stemmed from a willingness to help the city's poor and immigrant populations, Tammany Hall became known for charges of corruption levied against leaders such as William M. “Boss” Tweed.

The Kangxi Emperor (康熙; 4 May 1654 – 20 December 1722), personal name Xuanye, was the fourth emperor of the Qing dynasty, the first to be born on Chinese soil south of the Shanhai Pass near Beijing, and the second Qing emperor to rule over that part of China, from 1661 to 1722.

The Canton System (1757–1842) served as a means for China to control trade with the west within its own country by focusing all trade on the southern port of Canton (now Guangzhou).

The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban

Kowtow, which is borrowed from kau tau in Cantonese (koutou in Mandarin Chinese), is the act of deep respect shown by prostration, that is, kneeling and bowing so low as to have one's head touching the ground.

Fort Union was established in the fall of 1828 by John Jacob Astor's American Fur Company.

Financier John Jacob Astor IV was the great-grandson of John Jacob Astor. He helped build the Waldorf-Astoria hotel and died in the sinking of the RMS Titanic.

What is the Cohong system?
The Cohong, sometimes spelled kehang or gonghang, was a guild of Chinese merchants or hongs who operated the import-export monopoly in Canton (now Guangzhou) during the Qing dynasty (1644–1911).

The Six Kalimas (from Arabic كلمة‎ kalimah "word") in Islam in South Asia are six significant parts of one's religious belief, mostly taken from hadiths (in some traditions, six phrases, then known as the five kalimas)

The Canton Register was an English language newspaper founded by Scottish merchants James Matheson and his nephew Alexander together with Philadelphian William Wightman Wood, the first editor. First published in Canton on November 8, 1827 and printed every two weeks, it was one of China's first English-language newspapers.

Sir James Nicolas Sutherland Matheson, 1st Baronet, FRS (17 November 1796 – 31 December 1878), was a Scottish trader in India. Born in Shiness, Lairg, Sutherland, Scotland, he was the son of Captain Donald Matheson. He attended Edinburgh's Royal High School and the University of Edinburgh. He and William Jardine went on to co-found the Hong Kong-based trading conglomerate Jardine Matheson & Co. that became today's Jardine Matheson Holdings.

Wyndham Street is a one-way street in Central, Hong Kong. It is one of the earliest colonial streets, once known as Pedder Hill.

Un-Chinese Activities
May 17, 2001

What was the purpose of Lord Macartney's journey to China in 1793?
The Macartney Embassy, also called the Macartney Mission, was the first British diplomatic mission to China, which took place in 1793. It is named for its leader, George Macartney, Great Britain's first envoy to China.

Abraham Lincoln and Civil War Finance

What is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle most famous for?
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle KStJ DL (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was a Scottish-born writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes.

The counterintuitive tricks to asking better questions, according to Harvard research
By Lila MacLellan

K'ang Hsi
1654 - 1722
Chinese Emperor

Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff (8 July 1803 – 9 August 1851), anglicised as Charles Gutzlaff, was a German Lutheran missionary to the Far East, notable as one of the first Protestant missionaries in Bangkok, Thailand (1828) and in Korea (1832). He was also the first Lutheran missionary to China. He was a magistrate in Ningpo and Chusan and the second Chinese Secretary of the British administration in Hong Kong.

He wrote widely read books and served as interpreter for British diplomatic missions during the First Opium War. Gützlaff was one of the first Protestant missionaries in China to wear Chinese clothing.

The Legacy of Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff
Jessie G. Lutz

With a name like Gützlaff...

Who was the richest man on board the Titanic?

John Jacob Astor IV was a First Class passenger of the Titanic. He died in the sinking. JJ Astor an American millionaire. He was a businessman, inventor, writer, a member of the prominent Astor family, a lieutenant colonel in the Spanish-American War, and the richest man to perish in the sinking of the RMS Titanic.

New York's Worst Drug Sites: Persistent Markets of Death

What is Samuel Taylor Coleridge known for?

A friend to poet William Wordsworth, Coleridge was a founder of the English Romantic Movement. His best known poems are "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and "Kubla Khan," the latter of which was reportedly written under the influence of opium. Coleridge died in 1834.

Recalling New York at the Brink of Bankruptcy

The Pharmacy Act 1868 was the major 19th-century legislation in the United Kingdom limiting the sale of poisons and dangerous drugs to qualified pharmacists and druggists.

What was Samuel Coleridge addicted to?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Opium Addiction. In 1800, Coleridge visited a doctor to seek relief from chronic rheumatic pain. The doctor prescribed laudanum, the liquid form of opium. Laudanum was a common and effective painkiller that, unbeknownst to doctors, was extremely addictive.

Wordsworth Slept Here
And so did Charlotte Bronte and James Murray and E. M. Forster and Beatrix Potter

The virtues of Kalimat at-tawhîd
Kalimat at-tawhîd, which is said by Muslims on all occasions, has many virtues. It is declared in hadîth-i sharîfs:
(A person who says Lâ ilâha ill-Allah attains salvation from predicaments and afflictions.) [Bazzar]

When did that writing of “La ilaha ill-Allah Muhammadun Rasul-Allah” occur? No one knows. This phrase is called Kalimat at-tawhîd. The 5 Kalimahs came into existence to facilitate the easy memorizing and learning of Aqeedah (beliefs).

(By abstaining from harâms [prohibited acts], if one says Lâ ilâha ill-Allah with ikhlâs [sincerity], he enters Paradise.) [Khatîb, Tabarânî]

Abrahamic religious cultural conventions in comparison:

Charles Gützlaff: his secret and sacred services

During the Opium War, Gutzlaff worked as a translator for the British. Gutzlaff was an energetic and foolhardy German missionary, and with opium trading, he attempted a social conventional sell of Communion with the Oriental Orthodox Churches:

The First Opium War (第一次鴉片戰爭), also known as the Opium War or the Anglo-Chinese War, was a series of military engagements fought between the United Kingdom and the Qing dynasty of China over their conflicting viewpoints on diplomatic relations, trade, and the administration of justice in China.

Bacha bazi, meaning 'boy play', is a tradition found across Afghanistan, where boys dress as women and perform
But these boys, some as young as 10, are also sexually abused by the men - passed around after the parties
The stigma of having been a 'bacha bereesh' sees the victims shunned by their families and society
However, 'owning' more than one boy is seen as a display of both power and wealth among some Afghan war lords
The secret shame of Afghanistan's bacha bazi 'dancing boys' who are made to dress like little girls, then abused by paedophiles

The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys is the fifth studio album by English rock band Traffic, released in 1971.

Vincent is the patron of all works of charity. ... Among these organizations is the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, a charitable organization dedicated to the service of the poor, established in 1833 by French university students, led by the Blessed Frederic Ozanam.

In the end, we are self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages that are little miracles of self-reference.
— Douglas Hofstadter, I Am a Strange Loop p.363

The Kibbutz Movement (Hebrew: התנועה הקיבוצית‬, HaTenoa'a HaKibbutzit) is the largest settlement movement for kibbutzim in Israel. It was formed in 1999 by a partial merger of the United Kibbutz Movement and Kibbutz Artzi and is made up of approximately 230 kibbutzim. It does not include the Religious Kibbutz Movement with its 16 kibbutzim and the two Poalei Agudat Yisrael-affiliated religious kibbutzim.

Meditation With a Jewish Twist Offers Israelis a Respite From Reality
Israelis are increasingly combining Eastern philosophies with Jewish insights in their search for spiritual solace.

A kibbutz is a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture. The first kibbutz, established in 1909, was Degania.

Kingdom of Kush, Hindu Kush, Asuras (Ahuras) and Devas (Daevas)

Born to a poor but priestly family in 1783, Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy, Bombay's Most Worthy Son,

Social GPS
Emotional Intelligence: The Social Skills You Weren't Taught in School

Scientists have discovered a jellyfish which can live forever. Turritopsis dohrnii is now officially known as the only immortal creature. The secret to eternal life, as it turns out, is not just living a really, really long time. It's all about maturity, or rather, the lack of it.

Is there a jellyfish that is immortal?

While it is often joked that cats have nine lives, a certain species of jellyfish has been deemed "immortal" by scientists who have observed its ability to, when in crisis, revert its cells to their earliest form and grow anew. Theoretically, this process can go on indefinitely, effectively rendering the jellyfish biologically immortal, although in practice individuals can still die. In nature, most Turritopsis are likely to succumb to predation or disease in the medusa stage, without reverting to the polyp form.

Spiders Can Fly Hundreds of Miles Using Electricity
Scientists are finally starting to understand the centuries-old mystery of “ballooning.”

What does a telomere have to do with aging?

Telomerase counteracts telomere shortening. An enzyme named telomerase adds bases to the ends of telomeres. In young cells, telomerase keeps telomeres from wearing down too much. But as cells divide repeatedly, there is not enough telomerase, so the telomeres grow shorter and the cells age.

Do jelly fish die of old age?
While the “immortal” jellyfish Turritopsis dohrnii may be able to turn back its life cycle, it may not escape the inevitable slowing down that comes with age. In other words, while reversing your fate and escaping death for a short while may be a neat trick, it doesn't guarantee immortality.

The Turritopsis nutricula can regenerate its cells, and this feature could allow it to live forever.

Cross-species transmission, (CST) or spillover, is the ability for a foreign virus, once introduced into an individual of a new host species, to infect that individual and spread throughout a new host population. ... It can also occur between species with low contact rates but usually through an intermediary species.

Cloning human genes and mixing them, co-mingling of animal and human makes news headlines: First human-pig 'chimera' created in milestone study

Transatlantic rift
The Western alliance is in trouble
That should worry Europe, America and the world

EPA Small Business (of Innovative Research)

Applying combinatorics, splicing and editing nucleic acid, and modeling from formulas proofed in theory, may optimize emerging technologies, however, ethics alluded to as myths of Pandora's box as such as well Bush era policy that attempts to govern applications for dire abominations sake...

Human NDE1 splicing and mammalian brain development

Serenity Sells suggested TCEQ oversight advisory SBAC's for academic teaming agreement SBIR project narratives in the past couple of years:

About Small Business Advisory Committees
Small Business and Local Government (SBACs) Advisory Committees provide small businesses and small local governments in Texas with a voice in the regulatory process and help promote environmental quality.

As well contacted:

The Houston Advanced Research Center, commonly referred to as HARC, is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in The Woodlands, Texas dedicated to improving human and ecosystem well-being through the application of sustainability science and principles of sustainable development.HARC employs a staff of about 45 researchers and administrators. Revenues are projected to reach $20 million by 2008, primarily derived from projects supported by government agencies, foundations and corporations.

In Islam, bid‘ah (Arabic: بدعة‎; English: innovation) refers to innovation in religious matters. Concepts of Shirk and Bid'ah in Islam (idolatry and heresy) concern religious matters. In whom do you trust?

Hawala is an alternative remittance channel that exists outside of traditional banking systems.

How hawala money-transfer schemes are changing

As an agent of change, technology gaps may be addressed in such proposed project narratives solicited:

A Common Human b Globin Splicing Mutation Modeled in Mice
By Jada Lewis, Baoli Yang, Ronald Kim, Halina Sierakowska, Ryszard Kole, Oliver Smithies, and Nobuyo Maeda

Fred Rogers and the Loveliness of the Little Good

What is Sapir Whorf hypothesis or the hypothesis of linguistic relativity?

Linguistic relativity. The hypothesis of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition. Popularly known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, the principle is often defined to include two versions.

Why no one speaks Indonesia's language Bahasa Indonesia was adopted to make communication easier across the vast Indonesian archipelago, but its simplicity has only created new barriers.


Northrop Grumman says it is looking into report of employee involved with white nationalist group

Interests are interesting in public office.

New leader at EPA is former coal lobbyist, Senate staffer

“Half-breed” or “war souvenir” is the cruel name inflicted by those of “pure” blood.
Due to racial and social prejudices, Saint Martin de Porres might have grown to be a bitter man, but he did not.
Saint Martin de Porres
Saint of the Day for November 3
(December 9, 1579 – November 3, 1639)

How To Schedule Your Day For Peak Creative Performance

The Tennessee Attorney General’s Office is one of six states suing Purdue Pharma over opioid sales.
State AG’s office explains case in opioid lawsuit
Three things revealed by Tennessee's lawsuit against Oxycontin-maker Purdue Pharma

How much does France owe to Haiti?

France's unwillingness to pay back this ransom – in 1825 90 million francs, later bumped up to 150 million, and estimated to now be worth around $21 billion – makes France even more of an outlier considering that many institutions and countries, such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Paris Club, and ...

Haiti protests carry on despite fuel hike U-turn; flights canceled

Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s transition team unveiled a plan on Friday to shake up the fight against crime, including reduced jail time but stiffer controls on weapons, as the country reels from a militarized drug war. Incoming Mexican president to seek negotiated peace in drug war

What is Haiti's relationship with the United States?

Haiti–United States relations (1804–1914) After Haiti gained its independence from France in 1804, through slave rebellion, the pro-slavery south worried this event could influence slaves in the US, and America refused to recognize Haiti's independence until 1862.

Hiring Mexicans to install French plumbing in Haiti

Monday, November 19
World Toilet Day 2018

The Haitian Revolution (French: Révolution haïtienne [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ ajisjɛ̃n]) was a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection by self-liberated slaves against French colonial rule in Saint-Domingue, now the sovereign nation of Haiti. It began on 22 August 1791 at 22:00, and ended in 1804 with the former colony's independence. It involved blacks, mulattoes, French, Spanish, and British participants—with the ex-slave Toussaint L'Ouverture emerging as Haiti's most charismatic hero. It was the only slave uprising that led to the founding of a state which was both free from slavery, and ruled by non-whites and former captives. It is now widely seen as a defining moment in the history of racism in the Atlantic World.

On January 1st 1804, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, an African-born ex-slave could declare Haiti independent. It was the first black republic in the world and the first country in the Western hemisphere to abolish slavery completely.

Circle Acres is located on roughly 9.7 acres in the Montopolis neighborhood of South East Austin. As a former landfill and brownfield, the site has suffered through a pattern of destructive uses but nonetheless bears a striking range of forest, wetland, and grassland environments within an overwhelmingly urban context.

The mission of STAR Central Texas (formerly the Central Texas Recycling Committee) is to provide Recycling and Zero Waste Education and Networking in Central Texas.

There is a toilet that generates electricity at Circle Acres. This innovation was shown to me on a tour from the SPARK FORUM in February of 2017 This make me think of US founding father, Benjamin Franklin having a eureka moment on the throne for US innovation. Humorous indeed as NASA and other government agencies have researched generating electricity from an innovation with toilet and sewer system in outer space as well here on earth. The antithesis of addressing waste, either being in denial or simply ignorant has costs for our collective society.

The pharmaceuticals in the drinking water pollution

Data: High lead levels detected in Travis County drinking waters

As a SBIR-ESCO Serenity Sells suggests a project narrative to optimize municipal waste water treatment with generating electricity via osmotic energy and geothermal innovations coupled with wind and solar utility as:

How your toilet can generate electricity

Talking Toilet, Potty Mouth?

Racism is a sin almost nobody confesses. Like pollution, it is a “sin of the world” that is everybody’s responsibility but apparently nobody’s fault. One could hardly imagine a more fitting patron of Christian forgiveness–on the part of those discriminated against–and Christian justice–on the part of reformed racists–than Martin de Porres.

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