The most unique, patented and secure new generation ecosystem…

in optherium •  7 years ago 


Kind time of the day, my friends!

Today with you I would like to consider such simply explosive large-scale project in the world cryptocurrency, as Optherium.

What is the O p t h e r i u m project, what are the features characterizing its outstanding features, what is its meaning, what are the distinctive advantages and what is its essence?
O p t h e r i u m L a b s is a large-scale financial technology company, representing a platform and even an entire ecosystem and a member of the funds of Crypto Valley, Linux, and Hyperledger. In other words, Optherium is the most unique, patented and secure new generation ecosystem
O p t h e r i u m in the European Union are fully licensed to ensure the exchange of crypto currencies for fi nish cash and vice versa, and in addition, thanks to licensing, it is possible to provide an electronic wallet to its users on the basis of its own ecosystem.
O p t h e r i u m ecosystem has a Modular platform that allows using its own multi-decentralized block system that is multi-safe, where it will be possible to use dynamic multi-currency biometric verification for identity verification and instant confirmation of transactions with several signatures on its platform. This is an unequivocal breakthrough where individuals and corporations will be able to store their digital assets and will be able to perform instant transactions and confirmations worldwide on an international scale with an incredible speed (100,000 transactions per second) in O p t h e r i u m.
Next, I want to highlight the products of the project as a whole, what the project is aimed at, and what are its most interesting benefits.
The O p t h e r i u m project aims to implement and continuously develop its next innovative products:

  1. E c o s y s t e m O p t h e r i u m
    It has the following interesting advantages:
  • B i o m e t r i c v e r i f i c a t i o n
  • B i o m e t r i c k e y r e c o v e r y
  • W P S (detailed service of the purse provider)
  • K Y C (identification of their users)
  • M u l t i - s e c u r i t y
  • M u l t i - d e c e n t r a l i z a t i o n
    O p t h e r i u m achieves the creation of a so-called ecosystem around the system, in other words, a certain method is achieved that helps to get the result of obtaining quick transactions and instant confirmations using the above-mentioned interesting advantages of the product.
    O p t h e r i u m Labs has its own private P2P nodes and systems based on blocking technology, using a modern system of smart contracts and other necessary technologies to achieve the result, which makes up the entire project ecosystem from within.
    At this time, O p t h e r i u m Labs provides enterprises and organizations with a unique opportunity to create their own products within the O p t h e r i u m ecosystem, while businesses and organizations can use high-speed transactions within the Optherium ecosystem for their own purposes. This is a whole new level of ecosystem organization.
  1. B 2 C O p t h e r i u m p l a t f o r m
    It has such interesting advantages as:
  • M u l t i c u r r e n c y
  • T r a n s a c t i o n s w i t h m u l t i - s i g n a t u r e
  • D y n a m i c B i o m e t r i c V e r i f i c a t i o n
  • V i s a
  • M a s t e r
  • N F C
  • Q R
    One of the elements of the B2C product of the O p t h e r i u m platform is an electronic wallet, which is also a mobile application of O p t h e r i u m. It is an advanced tool that facilitates convenient storage, security, fast and reliable financial operations, and an excellent modern exchanger designed to manage digital the platform clients' assets and is designed to make it the safest and most convenient using the above interesting platform advantages.
  1. B 2 B p l a t f o r m O p t h e r i u m
    Advantages such as:
  • M u l t i c u r r e n c y
  • T r a n s a c t i o n s w i t h m u l t i - s i g n a t u r e
  • A P I
    The O p t h e r i u m B2B platform serves banking structures and corporate clients who are interested in using the products and services of the platform as part of their own projects for the purpose of managing and reporting using smart contracts with the above interesting platform benefits.
  1. E x c h a n g e b i t c r o x . i o (
    Such as:
  • M u l t i - s a f e
  • M u l t i - d e c e n t r a l i z e d
  • P 2 P
    The digital exchange provides liquidity for all transactions of the ecosystem, allowing instant conversion and transaction confirmation, with a speed of more than 100,000 transactions per second, while using its most interesting above-mentioned platform advantages.
    It turns out that the platform is endowed with the best interesting competitive advantages of its kind, so the project is guaranteed to be successful!
    Many projects before the start of the ICO have only the idea, whoever has a prototype of the product, or some other information moments, which give an advantage at least in words. And this is one of the few projects to date that can inspire confidence in their own affairs, which can be transparently monitored in the sources of the project (I will leave them as always below). Ideas and ambitions are simply enormous, let's hope for successful achievement of the platform by the platform, and wish success!
    I also wanted to note that the tasks, though broad, are packed into concrete blocks, which makes the idea of the project quite achievable.
    And one more important moment is of course the team! A strong team with financial and technical expertise and experience in the world of crypto currency. They are successful people, thanks to whom the platform engine is already running, and the current results according to the road map can be monitored and monitored according to the sources listed below.
    It turns out that the platform is endowed with the best interesting competitive advantages of its kind, so the project is guaranteed to be successful!
    It turns out that each of the key products of the O p t h e r i u m platform was developed as a whole to solve the three main tasks of the modern blockbuster industry:
  1. the speed of conversions and confirmations;
  2. security of digital assets;
  3. ease of use of digital assets.
    Thus, the Platform O p t h e r i u m not only helps users to use and manage their digital assets more intuitively, but also radically changes the technology of blocking, making it possible to use it in the financial banking sector.


Good luck on the way to the top!

Details can be found on the site, forum, and social networks.
In my opinion a very strong project, which will develop successfully.
All for now!
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