
in opus •  7 years ago 

Mad Pythia predicted her death from winter and cold. Therefore, she always avoided this time of the year. She escaped from the winter straight into the spring or even better - in the summer. She took a plane ticket to another country, and then moved to the place where there was no winter. Where there was no snow and no cold. And the New Year was celebrated there on a sunny, somewhat cool day without snow and snowstorms.
She was always in a hurry to live. Year - for two, or even three years of normal life. And she lived. For many, she was an ideal and an object to follow. Excellent student in school, then - at the University ... and at the next university ... she always hurried to live and achieve her goals. But never, never in her life, did she forget that prediction of the insane pythia by the warm May evening. She was destined to die from the cold and winter, but she too wanted to live.
And she lived. In warm countries, among people who did not know what a real winter is. She drank warm tea and coffee in the evenings ... and she was successful. She is successful in her work, successful in her striving to become better and stronger.
In the beginning, there was simply no time for personal life. After all, it was necessary to become someone ... become someone with a capital letter. And she persistently pursued this goal.
Having achieved it, there is still less time left for personal life. After all, it was necessary to remain this someone, not to fall, not to stumble. And she clung tenaciously to her place. And then it went higher and higher.
Afterwards, my personal life was not strong enough. Because very few people could stay long with such an ideal beautiful and successful woman. But she did not lose hope.
Then, after a series of disappointments in the helplessness of those who wanted to love her, she realized that she no longer had a desire for private life. No desire, because the pain and loneliness after the next prince moved away with her pictures in the center of the city, became already obtrusive.
And she stopped trying. She went higher and higher to her goal, reaching ever further and further her ideality. And she was happy. at least as much as she always said to herself. She stopped feeling something stronger than usual sympathy, caught admiring glances and continued to live on.
And then came the New Year. She was sitting alone in her empty apartment in the center of the city. so successful and so perfect .. such a beautiful and such ... lonely.
And it was then that she finally realized that the insane pythia was right.
After all, she had long since died for everyone else ... from the cold and winter.
From the cold and winter in your heart.

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