Deport This Mooteer Fookeer

in or •  6 years ago 

Deportation is very specific racism geared towards Hispanics. eaten
Threaten my father, Mooteer Fookeer! He only ever lived in Brooklyn, Clearwater and Barbados, W.I. He came in through Ellis island, Alcatraz for New York, quarantined for malaria he contracted in Trinidad. He CHOSE to be a law abiding citizen until he died in 2014. You lost your chance to deport him, Mooteer Fookeer. He could have strong armed innocent civilians for a bigger piece of the American pie. He only harassed my mom, the only black person I ever knew with a green card. eaten
Mexicans harass other central Americans. You have to get through that Scheizer hole in order to get to the Trojan horse WALL. Guatemalans got fed up with Mexican mistreatment and formed MS13. Gang haze seemed a more efficient crowd control than deportation. But they basically did what my father CHOSE not to do. eaten
Deport me Mooteer Fookeer. I was born in Saint John Episcopal (Brooklyn), but you can't! That's right? They tore it down. How about Pinellas county? I went to high school in Dunedin. I'm sure there's worse places to live. Or Saint James parrish, Barbados maybe? That's where the resorts are, second only to MEXICO. I can sip Mai Thais with Bezos and Kanye. eaten
Get my point Mooteer Fookeer? Stop harassing Mayan and Aztec people, fortunate enough to have missed the whole trans Atlantic African slave trade debacle, who basically weed themselves out just like Caribs and Arawaks did in the Caribbean. Do we really want to agitate with ICE people who carry latent, cannibal geneticism?

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