Image source: @oracle-d
A happy friend of steemian.
I was stunned to read a very interesting post from @oracle-d. The article is the second part of the article that has been published in steemit. The title: Video Series From Token Fest 2018 - Part #2
This interest after I read the core of the mission that was developed, namely about the commitment to remain non-political. Because the number one goal is to increase the price and utility of the STEEM blockchain.
Following the original quote:
Core Mission
We remain apolitical, and our number one goal is to raise the price and utility of the STEEM blockchain, improve culture and education about the blockchain, and create opportunities which support exceptional quality content creators through collaboration with investors and clients. In other words, to add as much value to the blockchain every day as we can.
For me personally, this is a very special thing. Because, the political role in this world is very large. It seems, there is no mission that can avoid the role of politics and government.
But what is done by Oracle-D Campaign powered by Funding-A Decentralized Crowdfunding Platform on STEEM Blockchain. Surely this is very worthy of our support together for the better blockchain development in the future. Because this blockchain business is a future hope with the world community later.
The presence of Oracle-D Campaign on campuses in the world, would be a good starting point in introducing blockchain to the world community as a whole. Because, the campus community might be the next driving force to introduce blockchain to the wider community.
We hope this mission can work well and the world will witness that blockchain is a promising business globally and globally. And if it happens later, blockchain can become a common currency in the world, without any restrictions from one country.
About what is Oracle-D, please refer to the article I quoted directly from the original source:
is a new STEEM blockchain business venture bringing new investment into the ecosystem. Founded by @starkerz and @anarcotech, we previously were co-founders of the #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador projects, and we developed the CAMPUS curation system, which is a fully decentralised system for distributing rewards.
Hopefully this brief review can give meaning and a sign of full support for the progress of the blockchain developed by @oracle-d. Thank you for those who are willing to read it, thank you also for @starkerz @anarcotech @steem-ambassador.
Thank you also for the support given @good-karma in its support in the posting using eSteem Surfer. In the stated @oracle-d note, this is a wondeful Desktop client for STEEM Blockchain. Download today from
want more details about oracle-d, please visit:
Email: [email protected]
Koetaraja, October 13, 2018
Image source: oracle-d
Membangun Bisnis Blockchain tanpa Politik
Sahabat steemian yang berbahagia.
Saya sempat tertegun membaca satu postingan yang sangat menarik dari @oracle-d. Tulisan tersebut bagian kedua dari tulisan yang sudah dipublis di steemit. Judulnya: Video Series From Token Fest 2018 - Part #2
Rasa tertarik tersebut setelah saya membaca inti dari misi yang dikembangkan, yakni tentang komitmen untuk tetap tidak berpolitik. Karena tujuan nomor satunya adalah menaikkan harga dan utilitas dari blockchain STEEM.
Berikut kutipan aslinya:
Core Mission
We remain apolitical, and our number one goal is to raise the price and utility of the STEEM blockchain, improve culture and education about the blockchain, and create opportunities which support exceptional quality content creators through collaboration with investors and clients. In other words, to add as much value to the blockchain every day as we can.
Bagi saya secara pribadi, ini merupakan satu hal yang sangat istimewa. Sebab, peran politik di dunia ini sangat besar. Rasanya, tidak ada sesuatu misi yang bisa menghindar dari peran politik dan pemerintah.
Tapi apa yang dilakukan Oracle-D Campaign powered by Fundition- A Decentralized Crowdfunding Platform on STEEM Blockchain. Tentunya ini sangatlah layak kita dukung bersama demi perkembangan blockchain yang lebih baik lagi dimasa mendatang. Karena bisnis blockchain ini adalah harapan masa dengan masyarakat dunia nantinya.
Kehadiran Oracle-D Campaign di kampus-kampus yang ada di dunia, kiranya menjadi titik awal yang baik dalam memperkenalkan blockchain bagi masyarakat dunia secara menyeluruh. Karena, masyarakat kampus kiranya bisa menjadi motor penggerak selanjutnya memperkenalkan blockchain ini kepada masyarakat yang lebih luas.
Kita berharap misi ini bisa berjalan dengan baik dan dunia akan menjadi saksi bahwa blockchain merupakan bisnis yang menjanjikan secara global dan mendunia. Dan bila nanti terjadi, blockchain bisa menjadi mata uang bersama di dunia, tanpa ada batasan dari satu negara.
Tentang apa itu Oracle-D, silahkan simak tulisan yang saya kutip langsung dari sumber aslinya:
is a new STEEM blockchain business venture bringing new investment into the ecosystem. Founded by @starkerz and @anarcotech, we previously were co-founders of the #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador projects, and we developed the CAMPUS curation system, which is a fully decentralised system for distributing rewards.
Semoga ulasan singkat ini bisa memberi arti dan tanda dukungan penuh bagi kemajuan blockchain yang dikembangkan @@@oracle-d. Terima kasih bagi yang sudah berkenan membacanya, terima kasih juga buat @starkerz @anarcotech @steem-ambassador.
Terimakasih juga buat dukungan yang diberikan @good-karma dalam dukunganya dalam postingan dengan menggunakan eSteem Surfer. Dalam catatan @oracle-d dinyatakan,ini adalah klien Desktop wondeful untuk STEEM Blockchain. Unduh hari ini dari
mau lebih detil tentang oracle-d, silahkan kunjungi:
Email: [email protected]
Koetaraja, 13 Oktober 2018