Blockchain National Seminar At Faculty of Information Technology, Padang State Polytechnics With @oracle-d, Padang, West Sumatra, October 24th, 2018

in oracle-d •  6 years ago  (edited)

After national seminar at Faculty of Bussines and Management, Malikusalleh University, Lhokseumawe Aceh, @oracle-d team will continue their journey to provide information about blockchain technology and its implementation at Faculty of Information Technology Padang State Polytechnics, Padang, West Sumatra om October 24th, 2018. I think this is the first time the capital city of West Sumatra has an event for blockchain technology. There are not too many Steemian as well over there, though there are some people who originally from Padang, but is not popular at all. This event should become a breakthrough for anyone in Padang to understand more about blockchain technology and later on could develop the future with it. No matter what, we have to see that blockchain technology is unstoppable and we need to learn about it seriously or we are going to be left behind.

politeknik padang.jpg

West Sumatra is one of my favorite place to visit since I was young. This place has extremely delicious dishes that wellknown all over Indonesa even the world. Rendang, their traditional beef curry, are known as the most delicious food in the world accoding to CNN travel. It is true, it is so delicious that we can find Rendang as one of the best seller food throughout Indonesia. Not only the food, West Sumatra has a very strong unique culture that develop their strong personality as well. Everywhere they go, we still be able to recognize their identity by the way they talk and how proud they are about themselves and the culture, which is good. That is why they are not that easy to be influenced by other cultures unless it is accept it is acceptable and has positive impact to them. The good thing is, people over there are very open minded and willing to learn, they are not affraid to travel everywhere to study, learn, and trade. That is why as well, there are so many famous scholars, writers, thinkers, and important people in Indonesia that originally come from West Sumatra. They are very confidence about themselves that make them understand that all they learn and study bring something good for themselves, society, and others.

Since blockchain technology is not that popular at the moment over there, because of lack correct information and education about it, I can understand if blockchain technology and even Stemit is not popular at all. Though West Sumatra is not far away from Aceh and has a very good relationship in a lot of things with Acehnese, but it does not mean they could easily accept something new that they do not really understand. For me this is a real challenge and also a good opportunity, I am sure when they understand about this technology and its implementations, especially all the good things they can have in a lot of sectors with blockchain technology, they will love it so much. This blockchain technology is not only about IT, it is about how we use this technology in every sectors to develop ourselves, society, country, and the world to have a better future. We can change this world into a better place by changing ourselves first, and blockchain technology really help every individu to change into a better one, if they want it. Blockchain is about free will and whatever we choose will have its consequences directly to ourselves and also others.


Padang State Polytechnics was part of Andalas University before, but since 2014, they are on their own. Their campus is located at Limau Manis, just next to Andalas University campus. There are 32 majors that offered by this campus, which includes Information and Technology. I am so glad that this campus will conduct a program called Multi Entry Multi Exit (MEME) as an answer the challenge toward Industrial Era 4.0 ( . With this program, it is expected that all the alumni could become a very competent and professional who are ready to work and become the winner of the future. Combine with the knowledge of this blockchain tecknology which will be presented by @oracle-d (@starkerz and @anarcotech), there is no doubt that this campus could help their students to achieve a better future.

I would like to thank Mr. Rahmat Hidayat and Faculty of Information Technology Padang State Polytechnics to prepare the events. I also personally have to thank Mr. Wahyudin Albra, Dean of Faculty Business and Managament, Malikusalleh University who are very kind introducing @oracle-d to Padang State Polytechnics and help to prepare the event. It is not easy to find people who could see the opportunity and believe in this blockchain technology, only those who are willing to learn and open their heart and mind who understand and will become the winner of the future.

Don’t miss this chance, go and get your future! We will be at School of Business and Management, Bandung Technology Institute on the October 26th 2018 too!

Bandung, October 13th 2018
Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis

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Mudah-mudahan saya berkesempatan untuk ikut pertemuan dengan para senior steemit and esteemapp di kota Lhokseumawe nanti tgl 20. Kami tunggu kedatangan tim promo Steem di Lhokseumawe. Semoga kak Mariska sehat selalu.

Amin, semoga ya kita bisa berjumpa di sana...

Mantap,,, semoga bisa berkembang di negeri ini. Salam sukses selalu


Dengan adanya Seminar Teknologi Blockchain Ini semoga semakin banyak masyarakat indonesia khusunya para remaja yang mengerti manfaat Blockchain.

Memang itu adalah tujuannya, agar generasi masa depan ini bisa lebih siap dan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi menghadapi era industri masa depan.

Luar biasa,,, kesempatan bagus buat kita semua. Salam sukses selalu

semoga bisa dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh semua...

Dengan seringnya di langsungkannya acara seperti ini, harapannya bisa membawa dampak positif bagi semua insan Steemian.

Salam sukses mbak @mariska.lubis

Bukan hanya bagi Steemian tetapi bagi Indonesia dan seluruh warga dunia dong...

Opss ! Iya mbak @mariska.lubis, bagi seluruh warga Indonesia, oh iya mbak, ajari saya nulis kayak mbak dong, tulisan mbak panjang sekali, dan enak di baca, mbak mariska sangat hebat, saya benar-benar takjub sama tulisannya mbak 😊

Gak sabar untuk menanti di kota Lhokseumawe
Kesempatan yang tak mungkin di siasiakan untuk menambah Ilmu pengerahuan dengan kesan yangbluar biasa tentunya.
Saya dan kawan-kawan disini mengapresiasi atas kwrja keras kakakku @mariska.lubis yang telah menjadi pendamping @oracle-d andc team
Sukses buat di sana
Terimaksih kakak
Salam hangat dan sehat selalalu
Itu pinta doa saya buat kakak dan keluarga

Terima kasih, sampai jumpa ya di Lhokseumawe pekan depan...

Wah......acara keren kayak gini kapan ada di Bengkulu ya 😍

Semoga nanti kalau diadakan di Bengkulu aku bisa ikutan

Posted using Partiko Android

Jika ada yang berkenan untuk membantu dan menyelenggarakan acara di sana, tentunya saya siap untuk datang bersama teman-teman untuk berbagi pengetahuan bagi masyarakat di Bengkulu.... Hehehe...

Nanti aku mulai tanya-tanya mbak

Posted using Partiko Android

Semoga dilhokseumawe nanti saya bisa mengikutinya.

Semoga lancar dan sukses seminarnya kak @mariska.lubis dan membawa banyak manfaat bagi Steemian semua.