Blockchain National Seminar With @oracle-d At FEB Malikusalleh University, Lhokseumawe Aceh, Oct 20th 2018

in oracle-d •  6 years ago 

Special Region Aceh Nanggroe Darussalam Province in Indonesia will be visited by @oracle-d team during their visit to Indonesia. This province is very important, since Steemit is very popular and even introduced to more Indonesian by Acehnese. This visit is not only to honor the Acehnese but also to invite Acehnese to be hand in hand with the world to grow, develop, and solve problems through blockchain technology with its appropriate application. Though Steemit is popular in Aceh, but actually the knowledge about blockchain technology itself is not that popular. We need to know more and deeper about blockchain technology to make sure we can have appropriate applications that benefitted for all today and tomorrow. That is the reason as well, @oracle-d will have national seminar at Malikusalleh Universtity, Lhokseumawe – Aceh, on Oct 20th 2018.



One of event at Cut Meutia Hall Building, FEB Unimal. Picture : @ayijufridar

Since the first day I told @ayijufridar about @oracle-d plan to visit Aceh, he was really happy and excited. He said that this visit will be very important and we need to have kind of seminar or open lecture on campus. We had a few discussion before about how we need education about blockchain technology, we do not understand that much. We even discussed about blockchain events in Indonesia that mostly only talking about trading and cryptocurrency, not about the technology itself and how to use this technolgy. Then @ayijufridar talked to Faculty of Economics and Business Malikusalleh University (FEB Unimal) Dean, Mr. Wahyuddin Albra, and he also got very excited. He aggreed to have National Seminar with @oracle-d at Unimal, he understands very much that the knowledge about blockchain technology and its utilization in every field, especially in finance, are very important. Not only for his students and campus, but also for the society and Aceh. “Hopefully, there will be FEB Unimal students who develop startup companies based on blockchain technology,” He said.

I can see that FEB Unimal are having a strong will to encourage students to be advanced and ready for the future. As written on Malikusalleh University Academic Guidance Book 2017, this faculty has mission to generate competent graduates in their field, have integrity, creative, and innovative, as well as to develop science and technology. It is their vision to be the center of National Standard education and development of Economics and Business based on local wisdom in 2020. Since we have blockchain technology at the moment, I am sure all the missions and vision of this faculty can be achieved. It is just about how we understand and implement blockchain technology in appropriate applications to achieve this missions and vision. I am so glad that FEB Unimal willing to open about this blockchain technology and this is what supposed to be followed by a lot o other campus in Indonesia.


@ayijufridar and Dean FEB Unimal with some lecturers meeting yesterday. Picture: @ayijuridar

This National Seminar will be held on Saturday, October 20th 2018 at Cut Meutia Hall Building, FEB Malikusalleh University, Bukit Indah Campus, Lhokseumawe, Aceh Nanggroe Darussalam, starts from O9.30 AM – 12.00 PM West Indonesia Time. This place is quite big, it can accommodate up to 200 people. Most of the participant of this national event are students from pre-international class FEB Unimal. Some of bankers, bloggers, lecturers, entrepreneurs, and Steemian will also attend to understand more about blockchain technology and its appropriate applications from @oracle-d which will be presented by @starkerz and @anarcotech.

As the organizer for @oracle-d visit to Indonesia, I personally have to thank @ayijufridar and Dean Mr. Wahyudin Albar for the openness and co-operations. I do really appreciate what they have done for this event and more over to what they are doing for the future of Aceh. Best of luck and I am sure we all can’t wait to meet all together at FEB Unimal, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

Bandung, October 4th 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis

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Thanks @mariska.lubis for covering some of the costs for this event! we are So excited to come along and add value along with help people improve their Blockchain knowledge! Great times and opportunities ahead!

Semoga acaranya lancar. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh sangat mendukung acara tersebut dan bersyukur @starkerz dan @anarcotech bersedia hadir dan menjelaskan tentang teknologi blockchain.

Salut untuk FEB Universitas Malikussaleh, yang selalu siap menyelenggarakan seminar baik tingkat nasional maupun internasional.

Semoga acaranya lancar dan memberikan banyak pemahaman kepada kita semua tentang teknologi blockchain.

Wiihhh... Mantap..

Mantap x ni, nampaknya wajib hadir

@mukhtarilyas, semoga acara seminarnya sukses dan teknologi Blockchain dapat membumi, karena kita hidup di jaman melineal mbak @mariska.lubis. terimakasih

Semoga sukses dan lancar acaranya, Kak.
Kami menunggu info-info dan mengikuti update informasi.

Ini kabar gembira, dan kesempatan besar untuk saya khususnya, meenghadiri acara spektakuler dari kunjungan blockchain ke Aceh. Kebetulan saya tinggal dekat dengan Gedung Unimal Lhikseumawe. Saya berharap nanti bisa bertemu dengan Steemian senior dan bisa dapat pelajaran berharga untuk saya bawa pulang. Ini benar-benar informasi yang sangat penting. Dan bermanfaat. Terimakasih mbak @mariska.lubis

Semoga bisa hadir @midiagam. Dulu untuk menghadiri seminar blockchain di Hotel Kempinski di Jakarta, bayarnya sampau 900 USD.

bayar apa engak ini seminar, saya dari Aceh Timur mau ikut juga ini? thaks @mariska.lubis

Nggaklah bang... Kontak aja Bang @ayijufridar ya.

Ada undangan khusus buat Steemians beberapa kursi Bang @ilyasismail. Kabari saya kalau mau hadir, ya... Jangan sampai terlambat.

Kesempatan seperti ini, harus saya manfa'atkan dengan baik, tadi saya kami sudah diskusi, kebetulan di wilayah tempat tinggal saya, sudah banyak Steemian yang menjamur, dan kami sepakat untuk hadir meramaikan acara spektakuler tersebut, semoga bisa jumpa dengan @ayijufridar, mbak mariska, bang @levycore, bang @aiqabrago, bang @abduhawab, disana nanti

Semoga juga bisa silaturahmi n bisa nyerah informasi nya...
Amin bg ,mudah mudah kita juga bisa ketemuan..

semoga tidak ada halangan apapun, supaya bisa ketemuan dengan sesama Steemian, kayak meet up dulu, salam kompak selalu kawan @komenk

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Kesempatan seperti ini, harus saya manfa'atkan dengan baik, tadi saya kami sudah diskusi, kebetulan di wilayah tempat tinggal saya, sudah banyak Steemian yang menjamur, dan kami sepakat untuk hadir meramaikan acara spektakuler tersebut, semoga bisa jumpa dengan @ayijufridar, mbak @mariska.lubis bang @levycore, bang @aiqabrago, bang @abduhawab, disana nanti

Sepertinya ini adalah seminar terkeren di bulan Oktober

Good luck kak @mariska.lubis


Mantap,, hadir di lhokseumawe

Mantap,, semoga sukses

Asyiknya ada seminar di Aceh. Semoga bisa ikut belajar tentang steemit lagi, nanti kalau diadakan di Bandung.

Senangnya menanti
Gak sabar untuk hari H nya
Semoga ALLAH memberikanku kesehatan
Terimakasih kakakku yang telah bekerja keras untuk ini...
Salam hangat dan sehat selalu bersama keluarga...amin

Semoga tanggal 20 jadwal ane bisa menyesuaikan...

Peluang yang sangat bagus ni,,, sudah sampai di lhokseumawe

Mantap sudah sampai ke tempat saya,,, salam sukses selalu

yaaah..gabisa ikut