Question Time With @the-oracool: The Community Asks. The Oracool Answers.

in oracool •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you were unfortunate enough to miss my introductory post, it can be found here.

Having received enough questions to make a post, it is now time again for me to share my wisdom and wit with the community. If you asked a question, find your answer below.

@skypal asks;

"What happens after death?"

At death, the spirit's connection to the body is severed and the anchor to the physical realm broken. The collective weight of your good deeds are then measured against that of your bad deeds. If the good outweighs the bad, then you are granted union with the mother consciousness of the universe that is the source of all things, and the origin of your life force. But, if it turns out that the bad you have done outweighs that of the good, then you are denied access to the Oneness and cursed to spend an eternity in purgatory, tormented by self-reflection and regret. The catch is; you are your own judge. It is you who must weigh your own deeds and decide whether you deserve to return home.

That is, unless you die through martyrdom by way of the Jihad. Then this happens..

anonymous accuses;

"you cant tell the future you dumbass"

Oh, but I can, my child. I shall prove it to you right now.

In one second from now, you will be an idiot.

In five seconds from now, you will still be an idiot.

See? 100% accuracy. ;)

anonymous accuses:

"every one who is askin you questions is stupid you cant tell the future"

You again? You must really love me. Your support is appreciated!

As for your comment; have you considered that perhaps you are the stupid one? Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, those who are asking me questions believe that I cannot really tell the future, but ask me them anyway in the hopes of receiving an interesting response?

Obviously this would not be true.. Because I am @the-oracool, and clearly, I have the gift of the sight. But, maybe, just maybe, you're the stupid one for believing that they believe something you don't believe.

Think on that-- but try not to hurt your head.

@cassidyandfranks asks;

"Just how bad is our bowl of ice melting on a scale of 1-10? and 10 being BAD!!!'?"

An excellent question, my friend. I am glad I am able to get the chance to address this issue.

In regards to your question, the answer is 1. You needn't fear a biblical style flooding of the Earth due to rising sea levels. Not in your life time, nor even that of your grand children's grand children's grand children.

The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts a sea level rise of 59cm (17 inches) by 2100, which is practically nothing, and even this figure is over exaggerated.

Climate change is a hoax. Not too long ago, it was referred to as "Global warming," but when scientists failed to detect rising temperatures based on fallacious projections, the name was changed to "Climate change."

The phrase "Global warming" was first cited in a 1991 publishing named, "The First Global Revolution." The piece was produced by "The Club of Rome," a globalist think tank with malevolent agendas.

The end game is the justification of their depopulation agenda, as well as profit taking through means of a "carbon tax." A tax on carbon was already implemented in Australia as a test run, but was repealed due to public outcries. They will not give up so easily however. They need only increase the threat of Global warming to the public, and then they will get their justification to impose the tax regardless of any objections. This "Global warming/Climate change threat" will be fabricated through the use of weather modification, which is a decades-old, and now openly admitted technology that many organisations have access to.

One does not have to look very hard to uncover this elaborate hoax. I suggest you do so to get a better understanding of the picture.

Perhaps you already knew this. Perhaps you were merely referring to the temporary rise in sea levels over the previous weekend. If so, worry not, dear friend. This was not due to the melting of ice caps. I went for a swim in the Pacific ocean at that time, and having such an overwhelmingly large penis, the sea levels abruptly rose a few inches due to water displacement.

I hope this was helpful.

@dreemit states;

"Love this movie. But you knew that already ;)"

Well of course I know that, @dreemit. I am @the-oracool after all.

This is why I also know about those other movies you like. Dirty girl...

If you asked a question and cannot find your answer here, check the previous posts on this blog as you may have missed it. I do not ignore any questions, so you should be able to find yours if you have a look.

This was fun. I enjoy sharing my wisdom with the little people. I need more questions now.

You can ask me questions anonymously at

If you care not for anonymity, you may ask me a question in the comments section below, which I will answer in the next post with your name shown.

Once I have enough questions from the community, you will hear from me again.

I already know that you are going to follow me. So here, I shall make it easy for you. Thank you in advance to those of you who resteem this post to help me acquire more questions.

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Stop stealing my idea :P

This is not an idea, my child. This is a calling.

lol perfect answer!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

LOL! Damn, you're good ;) This needs to be seen @the-oracool, as you already know I will be resteeming it.

Only good?

How insulting...

Thank you very much for the resteem.

You should have thanked me before I did it.... ;)

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

I will answer your question in the next post. Be patient.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment