Community Question Time With @the-oracool: Find The Answers You Seek Here

in oracool •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you were unfortunate enough to miss my introductory post, it can be found here.

Having received enough questions to make a post, it is now time again for me to share my wisdom and wit with the community. If you asked a question, find your answer below.

@dreemit asks;

"Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, a peck of pickled peppers peter piper picked, if peter piper picks another peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers can peter piper pick?"

Whilst I'm able to see into what you simpletons refer to as "the future," my gift of foresight is tied intrinsically to the realms of reality. It is not often I am able to begin a sentence with the words, "I cannot," but in this case, I cannot tell you how many pickled peppers that this fictional Peter Piper is able to pick. Not without more information, that is.

However, I can sense the profound discomfort this curiosity is inflicting upon your mind, body and soul. So, I shall give you an opportunity to find the answer that you seek. Provide me with the following pieces of information and I shall be able to answer your query accurately.

  • Is Peter Piper a human or some other species?

For all I know, Peter could be an earthworm. If this was the case, he shall be picking no peppers any time soon.

  • Does Peter Piper have fully functioning limbs and digits?

Perhaps Peter has suffered some sort of injury prior to his picking of peppers? This would impact the potential volume.

  • Does Peter have normal size hands, or ones like Donald Trump?

Should Peter suffer from creepy-tiny-hand syndrome such as Mr. Trump, that would certainly effect his ability to pick peppers.

  • Is Peter Piper easily distracted?

If a long haired brunette with a robust figure passed by Peter during his pepper-picking session, would he lose focus and go and start a conversation with her?

  • Has Peter ever been addicted to first-person-shooters?

If Peter has spent a lot of time playing video games, his manual dexterity will be far more efficient, increasing the volume of peppers he is able to pick.

Provide the information requested and I shall gift you with an precise answer in my next post.

@dreemit asks;

"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

Well, that was an uncomfortable and somewhat painful question. I was still thinking about the long haired brunette with the robust figure, and so all I can say in response to this question is; ouch!

@vcelier asks;

"What is the question with the answer: 42"

"What's the average IQ among the world's politicians?"
"How many lies per hour, on average, does a politician tell?"
"On a scale of 42-100, what is the average level of morality held by a politician?"

My favourite three. Are you in need of more? I have about another 29836463728643782643872643872648732.

@cassidyandfranks asks;

"I know @the-oracool can't or shouldn't give financial advice...But would you entertain us Please with what 3 crypto currency coins is soo "OraCool" ? Thanks!"

Worry not about the law, my friend. Govern yourself by your own principles, not those imposed upon you that may conflict with your own sense of morality. Also, the overwhelming majority of the world's governments have failed to recognise cryptocurrencies as "legal" currencies, and so, their financial "statutes" are not applicable in this regard.

My three favourites at the moment are;

  • Litecoin

Litecoin is currently teetering on the edge of the 75% activation threshold for the segregated witnesses soft-fork. By the time you read this, 75% will have been reached, and if it is able to maintain until completion, litecoin will have an edge over a number of altcoins and you may see a hefty spike in price. It is also worth noting the extremely large trade volume that Litecoin has seen in the past few weeks. @the-oracool approves of this coin for both investment and day-trading.


Whilst this is technically a digital asset, as opposed to a currency, the technology behind project Golem is profound, and for a long term investment, I can see great opportunity.

  • PIVX

PIVX is another to keep an eye on. It has yet to be added to the major exchanges, but has still held a place in the top 20 for some time now. The coin has the benefits of both great technology and an extremely active and passionate community. This coin will be one of the most dominant currencies in the cryptoscene in future, so for a long term investment, I would certainly approve.

@buzzbeergeek asks;

"Do you hear ripples in Ripple? I could use some."

My friend, does it matter? Cryptocurrencies were invented as a potential means of escaping the tight grip that central banking has long held over society. So what you should really be asking yourself, is do you want to put your support into a coin that has been conceived with the intent of empowering and assisting those very same corrupt central banks? I would hope not. Boycott ripple would be @the-oracool's humble advice to you.

@rigaronib asks;

"If you're so smart, tell us when STEEM is going to moon?"

My dear friend, be patient. First we build it. And then they come. Then the price goes insanely high and we organize another Steemfest and party like fucking millionaires, because many of us will be ;)

Give me more questions.

You can ask me questions anonymously at

If you care not for anonymity, you may ask me a question in the comments section below, which I will answer in the next post with your name shown.

Once I have enough questions from the community, you will hear from me again.

Follow @the-oracool for more wit and wisdom, and share the experience with your followers by resteeming this post. Until next time, my friends.

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I've recently gotten in touch with my inner feminine side, and she's turned out to be a complete bitch. I was going to hire an exorcist, but was surprised at how expensive that is. Is there another way to handle this?

Learn to balance your masculine and femenine energy and realize that you control your own perception and view of every aspect of yourself? And perhaps consider that you are objectifying and separating yourself from yourself and in turn putting negative energy into the reality which will return to you at some point.

Are you attempting to steal my job, sir?

Could I steal from myself or really choose my decision on that? Are you aware that I am you?

You are not I. Though, I am we. So no, my friend. I am not aware that you are me, for you are we.

:) That answers that question.

Funny :p

It gets better trust me.

You didn't foresee me knowing that you would return and not have an answer to my question? Humans may forget something after a few weeks, but those of us that understand that time is both perspective based and an illusion would probably say I managed to stump you.

Your answer will come. Much like, @mrwang's question, yours will require some special attention and a lengthier answer, so you can expect an entire post devoted to your question in the coming days.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Oh I look forward to it. :) full disclosure I'm aware of the answer.

I can't stop laughing crying out loud, your is serious s"it !!! But Obviously you know this already!

You want a real mind fuck? There is no right or wrong and understanding the laws of the universe and what that comprehension gives someone, there is only one way that they could ultimately address me and the reason I have been "trying to steal" their job. Essentially I am testing the "prophet" for legitimacy and purpose, but a real oracle would understand this and not only have foreseen this, but realize that ultimately they put me in their path for this reason. Makes my question I was referring to infinitely more relevant in the grand scheme of things, but since I felt like they disappeared for two weeks after saying "very good question I'll address it in my next post," that I must have been meant to remind them that I wasn't going away. Oracle-ception

And the fact that I just essentially stole their explanation that they could use to explain why I am here and doing this and why it would be of their own design, they can't attack me for doing what ultimately was inevitable and part of the divine order of the present moment that shapes who they are and who they become.

Could I steal from myself or really choose my decision on that? Are you aware that I am you?

These are your own words from a comment above. I can tell you are an intellectual, so I hope that I need not highlight the logical fallacy that is ripe within your reasoning.

Nonetheless, I think you must pay closer attention if you believe that an answer of mine would be similar to that of your own. You have over complicated the most simplistic of happenings.

If I were not really an oracle, and only a mere man pretending to be an oracle for both comedic and philosophical provocation; then I could tell you that perhaps I didn't answer your inquiry because when I looked down the list on my last post for the questions, yours was tucked away inside a comment thread, resulting in me overlooking it.

Of course, this is completely irrelevant because I am a legitimate oracle(obviously), so instead I shall tell you the truth; I foresaw that if I did not answer your question in this post, you would leave an absurd amount of comments on the post asserting yourself as the true deliverer of wisdom, and question my status as an oracle. I welcomed the opportunity to have a high number of comments on the post as it would encourage more Steemians to click and read.

This was moderately dishonest of me, so you have my apologies, and my gratitude.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

:) I find irony in the distinction of us as individuals and separating the interconnected benefits. I believe that what benefits you benefits all of us, because we are all one. If an oracle is a real thing and not just a word to ascribe human understanding to an enlightened individual then in my mind we are all infinitely asleep and awake, in turn we either all are or are not an oracle.

I assure you that you are not...

I have been given a few glimpses of "future events" myself and I understand that morality and perspectives are all subjective, my original question was more about determining if you were responding from a truly awakened state or not. You can see the discussion I had with dreemit about it below. My concerns were subjective and I didn't want to point blank ask your intentions in a way that would not reflect appropriately with the theme of your post. We all have something to do here and we all affect those we come into contact with positively or negatively. Hopefully you don't feel my concerns were an attack, but more meant to make sure your character and mindset were reflecting your true path.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

On one hand I'm impressed. But, I would have to hear your answer to my first question in this post to make any concrete assessments.
--Just a tip, if your answer makes me yawn, then whatever kind of oracle you may be, you certainly are not a cool one...and if your answer does not make me laugh hard enough to fear my bladder may let go, then even if you are a cool one, you are not the cool one.

I understand the need and appreciate humor as much as the next person, but the answer I would give you wouldn't be funny because that isn't the mission or path that I am on. I am on a healing and personal growth mission and I am not claiming to be an oracle. I am just claiming to be aware enough to spot key things that no true oracle would ever do, like answer questions from ego mindset, or not try to manage to expand your thinking while making you laugh. For instance, an actual oracle would only answer your question in a way that makes you look inside yourself for the truth and understanding that any answer anyone coming from a perspective of higher consciousness could give you could truly only be that way. Removing the obvious "troll" aspect to the question, if you asked me something like how many peppers would YOU have to pick to feel accomplished, I would ask you something that seems like an extremely unrelated or indirect question in response, that question would spark the thought process in you that truth is subjective and the only person that could ever make us feel accomplished or adequate would be ourselves. :) If you want some random funny shit, hmmmm. How does an oracle enlighten the world? Remove all of the heavy overthinking.

But if I was seeking this type of response, I would not have asked a patently silly question in the first place. Also, I needn't ask a question to inspire deep inner reflection of anyone other than myself.
The very fact that you are inside this blog attempting to 'expose' someone who calls themself the-oracool would suggest to me that your ego desires some attention. So I will oblige you by saying, you are obviously very intelligent. I'm certain no one would question that.
But you are also grossly underestimating the power of laughter, my friend. It has been known to cure disease (dis-ease). And the pure pleasure of it is truly incomparable.
I do not mean to offend you with this response, and if you are here with a more lighthearted intention than it appears, I apologize if it seems I am attacking you.

No offense taken. I can appreciate your perspective and my intentions are not ego based. My concern is that I have seen both enlightened responses and obvious humor, but when I see something like what follows and offering financial advice that could negatively impact someone that thinks they may be receiving well enlightened advice, it would occur to me that clearly identifying all of this as humor and not a reflection of higher consciousness may be best for everyone. I in no way think I am smarter than anyone else here, everything is relative to our own perceptions and understanding. It's just part of my perception that while I see obvious humor, throwing in random enlightened ideas or concepts that may or may not be original in the middle of that could mislead someone. My intention is not to break down anyone, but raise awareness of how higher consciousness is not something that would be unaware of the impacts it has on others through sending very mixed signals at the same time.

I hope that you are able to make sense of this in spite of your intelligence being so far below that of my own.

I see. And I think you are being genuine. So I will tell you that I've been following these posts for quite some time, and I have seen the author break character inside the comment sections on occasion. Once was when the person with whom he was speaking misunderstood the humor and was obviously wounded. In fact it was this exchange that made me a true fan, because it became apparent that this blogger is not only super funny, but also kind-hearted.
I have trouble imagining that anyone would take the financial advice of someone who calles themselves the oracool as gospel. Maybe if he'd gone with actual oracle or the trueoracle or something like that, then your concern would potentially be warranted. I just feel the name itself lets the readers in on it.

I feel the same way, I find it all pretty hilarious to be honest. I just felt that after having been called out for answering his own question of my intentions with one of my own, I would be more clear on his intentions with this series. I have always enjoyed extremely dry humor, so I interpret all of this in that way. In fact I had no intention of even overtly stating what my concern was and the question I originally posed was meant to point out the obvious irony. I've had plenty of experiences where my good intentions hurt someone, so I am always trying to be more mindful that just because I think it is something doesn't mean everyone else does.

Oh good! I much rather make new friends then find myself in an adversarial position with someone, and I really debated with myself on saying something to you. But I wasn't sure what your motivations were, and my nature is to defend people if I think they are being attacked. Well, those that I can see are good souls anyway ;)
I'm glad we cleared that up. Nice to meet you @clayboyn!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It was Close-it was thank God for Samantha Jones who instilled the importance of daily kegels within my young mind, Close. (I will not be wetting myself today!

My bladder (and my husband) thank you!

....enjoying your wit-sdom!

Following - Looking forward to your return.