FREE PROMOTION FOR YOUR STEEMIT ACCOUNT + The Best Questions Asked By The Community So Far

in oracool •  8 years ago  (edited)

I have had a lot of fun of answering all of your questions, but now the well has run dry. I will be in need of a few more questions before I'm able to present the next set of answer.

Put my wisdom and my to the test by asking me any question. I will provide an answer in a following post and you will earn yourself some complimentary promotion in the process. You may also ask me questions anonymously, if you care not for promotion.

Let's take a look at some of the best questions posed by the community thus far.

@stevescoins asks;

"How many more boobs will be bounced off my head before I pass on to the The Great Void?"

Worry not, my friend. Many a breast will cradle your cranium in the years to come. However, I must advise you that it is ungentlemanly to refer to the next stop on the female body as "the great void."

Anonymous asks;

"how old are you? you talk like an old lady"

You have never heard me talk. If you had, you would have been asleep and unable to ask me this question. When I speak, it is a delightfully soothing experience, as though an angel from heaven is whispering a soft and sweet lullaby in your ear. This is why I am forced to type, for when one hears my voice, they cannot live without hearing it again. Longing to hear @the-oracool's voice is actually the fourth highest cause of death— see google for confirmation.

As for my age, I don't have one. It is a difficult concept for an unilluminated mind to grasp, but I do not view time the same way as others. For you, time is a straight line, from A to B. You are unable to move in any other direction than forward. For me, time is more akin to your perception of location. I can see it all, and go wherever(or whenever) I please.

Picture a one-way street full or automobiles, too narrow to turn around on, so all vehicles are forced to go forward at all times. This is how you experience time. I, however, experience time as though I were in a helicopter above this street, with the option of landing anywhere(any point in time) that I please.

I hope that you are able to make sense of this in spite of your intelligence being so far below that of my own.

@dreemit asks;

  • "Does a blade of grass have sentience?"

  • "How big can a boob get before it bursts?"

  • The first is the most human of questions. Sentience is a man-made concept born of arrogance and a lack of understanding. You(humans) define intelligence by sentience. If a species is without awareness or understanding, then it is also without intelligence. This is a simple-minded approach to the science of life.
    What do we know of sentient beings? They are forever alluded by peace, crippled by an inability to make sense of things. Drowned in sorrows of circumstance and desires for insignificant and often meaningless achievements. A sentient existence is an existence of torment, of wanting more and having less, and of fear. Fear of life and its inadequacies. Fear of death and its inevitability.
    Now turn to the plant, the tree, or the blade of grass. Their song is the song of nature. An immutable, harmonic bond unites them with a world they needn't fear nor revere. They simply are. Life for a blade of glass is one of absolute serenity, free from worry or strife. doubt or disdain, insecurity or indignation. Where human after human squanders their life in search of a purpose, the blade of grass has transcended far beyond the need to understand its purpose, arriving at a point of acceptance that is not hindered by a desire to comprehend its place on the Earth. Life for a blade of glass, is peace.
    Now I ask you-- Which is the more intelligent life form?
    Think on this the next time you use the word sentience as though it is a supreme gift. I think you humans might benefit from a lesson in humility. I am probably the best person to give this lesson too. As I am the most humble person in the world, and the best teacher that has ever lived.

  • In regards to how large a breast can get before it bursts, the answer is exactly 47.246833 inches in circumference.

Anonymous asks;

"You can see the future right? So.. if you could foresee that in six weeks time you would no longer want to be with your girlfriend, would you A) break up with her right then and there, or B) wait six weeks until your mind naturally evolved to the point of no longer wanting to be with her?"

A very interesting question, though I am currently unattached(in this dimension). I like your mind, friend. But the answer is neither A nor B. Don't feel bad for not having the ability to see option C. You, like most humans, haven't the vision nor the understanding to see the world in the way that @the-oracool is able to.

I would go with option C) Share the vision of my imminent dissatisfaction with her, and in doing so, motivate her to correct her behaviour. This would alter the future and ensure that she made the necessary changes to keep me interested, because no one wants to say goodbye to @the-oracool.

This was a terrific question, perhaps my favourite so far. I almost had to think, believe it or not. you should most definitely ask me another question.

@stellabelle accuses;

"The oracool is not the real Oracle."

Just as Jesus was hailed an imposter by the unilluminated, I too knew that I and my greatness would be questioned by many. It was almost 4000 years ago that I foresaw @stellabelle's unwarranted accusation. I had been in the middle of drawing up some initial designs for what you now refer to as "The Great Pyramid of Giza." I simply called it home.

Having the knowledge of this accusation so long before it was delivered, allowed me the opportunity to provide irrefutable evidence. Below you will find a message which I inscribed onto the wall in a secret room at the base of "The Great Pyramid."

The English language was yet to be developed at this point, and as such, this message should be enough to put any doubts about my gifts to bed. You can even go and see this for yourself if this image is not proof enough. All you have to do is convince the Egyptian government to allow you to excavate approximately 33 meters below the pyramid.

I rest my case.

Anonymous asks;

"If you know everything, what am I eating right now?"

Don't be dirty. This is a family friendly blog.

Leave a question in the comments below and wait for an answer.

Or, ask me questions anonymously at

Until next time, my friends.

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If you're so smart, tell us when STEEM is going to moon...Or when we can expect another weird (yet awesome) 700% increase in the price of SBDs. These seem like pretty important things to know.

Money is never the important thing. True wealth is inside you already and you just have to find it to see how irrelevant any monetary system really is in the grand scheme of things.

I can't buy food with the wealth inside of me, though..sooo...

Just trying to give you a different perspective. :) Maybe it's the only way to buy food.

Just messin' with ya. ;)

Whilst this is true, in what you refer to as "the modern world", one can be in need of money in order to live long enough to discover the wealth that dwells within.

What good is a tool without the direction or will to use it?

Now there is a a good question. I shall respond to it in my next post here on Steemit.

Thank you. Check back tomorrow for your answers.

This was very amusing and well done. Resteem.

This is greatly appreciated. This should help me amass more questions. Thank you.

Sure. If I had a specific question for you I would ask. :)

I'm sure a question will come to you before our time together on Steemit is through. It needn't be philosophical, nor even serious. Anything goes here at @the-oracool show. Entertainment is not recognized as medicine by modern society, but it should be. Think of me as Steemit's doctor, prescribing food for thought and laughter to boost your spirits.

A while back I posted a "Dating Application" with little response.... How long will I remain single?

Even more.. if there is somebody "special" out there for me.. do I know her already.. and for the sake of Steemit entertainment.. is she steemy and/or on steem?

My friend. you question requires a very lengthy response. I am going to answer all other question in a post now, but yours will have its own dedicated post tonight or tomorrow. So, do not feel that I have ignored you when you see post go up shortly.

whoa, really? This will be interesting...

I know @the-oracool can't or shouldn't give financial advice...

But would you entertain us Please with what 3 crypto currency coins is soo "OraCool" ?


Frank III

Tomorrow, my friend. You shall be enlightened.

Do you hear ripples in Ripple? I could use some.

What is the question with the answer: 42 ?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have two very deep and profound questions that we must have the answers to.

Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, a peck of pickled peppers peter piper picked, if peter piper picks another peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers can peter piper pick?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

How did life start? oh great oracool? Let me make a guess... You breathed life into the earth which made normal chemical reactions gain life? no breathed life into MARS which is where life actually started, but it hitched a ride to earth (transpermia) before the red planet died due to you getting stoned and forgetting to supply it with another breathe of life so it could maintain an adequate atmosphere to maintain life. Thankfully for you that meteor impact which left a huge dent in mars flung life out into space which ended up finding its way to earth, so your precious creations lived on. Yes, I too have the gift oracool.. i predict a dark oracool on steemit in the near future..