Orbitcoin has risen 103% during the last day.
It recently traded at 5.121E-05 Bitcoins or about 5,121 Pandacoins.
A coin that is a clone but with the added mission of trying to encourage scientific research. OrbitCoin is a PoW/PoS hybrid without the PoS reward to reduce inflation but maintain the resistance to 51% attacks. There are transaction messages with a 30 second block time, a block reward that halves from 0.25 to a minimal 0.00000001. There are four transaction confirmations needed and 200 for newly mined blocks.block hashing is BLAKE2sPoW hashing is NeoScryptPoS hashing is SHA-256d
Orbitcoin is listed on the Cryptopia cryptocurrency exchange.
What are your thoughts on this coin and its outlook for the future?
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