The PlayStation minis are strange creatures there are the virtual counterparts to Xbox Live games and that they are cheaper downloadable games trophies
and are or were developed primarily for PSP but a majority feature compatibility with the ps3 of the Vita the problem beyond that lack of trophies is they're usually short
form gameplay being confined to platforms not many people play in that fashion there's certainly a market for those looking for a casual and bite-sized gameplay experiences in their
PlayStation handhelds mid console small as it may be but I can't help but feel like a game like orbit would be much more fit for an iOS or Android device one of developer laughing jackals other
games hungry giraffe has made its way to the App Store so it feels to me like most of its similarly styled minis would be right at home in the more accessible mobile marketplace and what
is that style you may be asking yourself or sitting in absolute silence waiting for me to tell you well orbit can be best described as an arcade style launch simulator best being
pretty objective the plot really mo
re of a loose thread connecting a simple gameplay focused arcade levels is fairly humorous regardless and vive some fairly funny in sometimes fourth-wall breaking dialogue travelling
across the planets in search of gold coins translates into eight levels which could only be completed once the main doctor completes one lap around the giant rock in question space
is also kind enough to provide it neat sense of progression for this game considering each successive planet is larger in size and requiring more resources travel across luckily the
doctor is provided with a better vehicle went to travel upon landing on each planet the final rocket being a huge step up from the initial reliance on the doctor's own arm power the
presence of an upgrade system doesn't hurt either each level has its set of identical upgrades available for purchase with gold found up in the planet's atmosphere from improved
engines to larger fuel tanks to an increased capacity of manual boost the upgrades are an integral part to completing the levels let alone retrieving the optional relics and
blueprints spread throughout the planet's surface and atmosphere the relics provide a much more significant boost to the space program coffers while the blueprints contribute to a
structure of some kind this added bit of optional content and potential replay value is a welcomed contribution to a game controlled with one button there's also a bit more nuance to the
game than a source apparent asteroids view obstructing junk and aliens and fuel siphoning ships emphasized smarter regulation of fuel and movement all these factors combined to make a pretty
fun game but it isn't that it's key specific problems add to the points made about minis earlier at least in its ps3 incarnation orbit has an apparently lower resolution almost
definitely a product that was PSP development focus but the humor simply had addictive gameplay in the charm of the game definitely override the minor problems or it may be worth the small
purchase even on its relatively restricted platformers but its quality only supports the need for it to be on potentially more exposing device.