Adaptation privilege and Voluntary Buyouts: Perspectives on ethnocentrism in sea level rise relocation and retreat policies in the US

in oregon •  7 years ago 

By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Global Warming Focus -- New research on Climate Change is the subject of a report. According to news reporting originating in Bend, Oregon, by VerticalNews editors, the research stated, “The coast is a highly populated environment that is under increasing risk because of sea level rise (SLR) and climate change. Social science predicts that social and political systems will habitually privilege certain communities and disadvantage others under conditions of risk and disaster.”

Financial support for this research came from National Science Foundation Arctic Social Science Program.

The news reporters obtained a quote from the research, “This paper tests that supposition on a particular disaster policy in the United States. Voluntary buyouts are a policy tool in the US that has the potential to help communities adapt to SLR. While buyouts have been resisted in the past, there is some indication that they are becoming more politically popular. Despite increased popularity, communities in Alaska who need to relocate because of repetitive flooding and sea level rise do not meet the basic requirements of the buyout program in a way that makes this policy applicable to their situation. We find that notions of the market, property, and individualism are ideological assumptions inherent to the buyout policies, which ultimately serve to disadvantage tribal communities as they attempt to relocate as an adaptation strategy to climate change.”

According to the news reporters, the research concluded: “This analysis suggests that adaptation policies to climate change themselves, can limit the inventory of possibilities that some communities have to choose from, and re-entrench inequity in the face of risk.”

For more information on this research see: Adaptation privilege and Voluntary Buyouts: Perspectives on ethnocentrism in sea level rise relocation and retreat policies in the US. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions , 2018;49():10-13. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England.

Our news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained by contacting E. Marino, Oregon State Univ Cascades, Bend, OR 97702, United States.

The direct object identifier (DOI) for that additional information is: This DOI is a link to an online electronic document that is either free or for purchase, and can be your direct source for a journal article and its citation.

Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2018, NewsRx LLC

CITATION: (2018-04-30), Reports from E. Marino and Colleagues Advance Knowledge in Climate Change (Adaptation privilege and Voluntary Buyouts: Perspectives on ethnocentrism in sea level rise relocation and retreat policies in the US), Global Warming Focus, 144, ISSN: 1945-7855, BUTTER® ID: 015592596

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