By the end of 2014 the international community will be served by two terror acts by an irresponsible armed party. First, the nearly 17 hour hostage-taking incident at Cafe Lindt, Martin Place, Sydney, Australia (15/12/2014). A day later, a worse incident occurred in Pakistan. In the incident, militant Taliban militants attacked a school in Peshawar, killing at least 126 people, and most of the victims were children (16/12/2014). This does not include ISIS barbaric acts in Syria and Iraq and Boko Haram in Cameroon and Nigeria, if added.
But along with the fireworks that exploded in the air, as a sign of the coming of the new year 2015 with a variety of good expectations, the act of terror is again repeated. This incident occurred in France on January 7, 2015. In the incident, unidentified gunmen took shootings to the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo (CH) Magazine in Paris. No less than 12 people were killed and 11 others were injured in the shooting incident.
Gratefully, the French police work quickly and successfully identify and paralyze the three suspects. The dead suspects were Said Kouachi (34), Cherif Kouachi (33), and Amedy Coulibaly (32). Unfortunately one other suspect, Hayat Boumeddiene (wife of Amedy Coulibaly), managed to escape and still in the status of a fugitive.
This Paris incident immediately provoked my interest to follow all the news about it. Understand it, this incident has become the headline of world news. After a few days of observing, I finally decided to write it down. I invited John Sulaiman, International Political Lecturer from Defense University, to collaborate. We wrote the title, "Charlie Hebdo Tragedy Proves There Are Limits to Freedom of Speech." This paper was published The Jakarta Globe newspaper, January 11 for web edition and January 13 for print edition.
In essence, in that paper, we who have different religious backgrounds (I am Islam & John Solomon Christian) agreed to condemn the massacre that took place in CH magazine and caused 12 people to die. We also reject any form of terror in the name of any religion or name. Especially if the terror is to cause others to die. Point.
Unexpectedly, though we have rejected and condemned the massacre of CH journalists, this article seems to have received a cynical response from many parties. Illustrated from the comments on The Jakarta Globe website. Until this article was made, no fewer than 108 incoming comments-either cynical or cynical-and got into the Top 10 Most Read on that week.1 Generally the cynical commentary objected to our writing that also criticized the satirical style from CH magazine. Make them free speech absolutely, though its content is to insult any group or religion.
What amazes us is that, although their cynicism is based on free speech arguments, they are allergic to our written criticism. Are not our critics of CH magazine also part of the free speech. Moreover, our criticisms are not like those whose nature is spreading hatred. Of course, our writing is not intended to oppose free speech. We are also supporters of democracy. Our freedom is the best product that democracy can produce. But free speech, for us is not something absolute and freely udelnya free. Freedom is also a matter of responsibility.
A few days after our writing appeared in The Jakarta Globe, the writings of Wishnugroho Akbar's brother also appeared in Jakartabeat with the title "We Are Not Charlie, We Fight Charlie." After I read, the writings of Vishnu seemed to have the same spirit as what we wrote.
In his writings, Vishnu condemned the massacre of journalists of CH magazine. But he also did not forget to criticize the magazine CH for making fun of Prophet Muhammad and the symbols of Islam, regardless of the feelings of the Muslim world when he saw or read the news about the harassment of the holy book or prophet they glorified. Wishnu exemplified the abuse in 2013, when CH magazine featured a cartoon cover of a man who made the Koran a shield to block a bullet. The captions in the cover are: "The Qur'an is Rubbish, Can not Stop Bullets."
The writing of Wishnu then got much attention from the readers of Jakartabeat. Until this essay is written, already more than 600 share the essay is spread readers via social media. Even the writings of Vishnu became a trending topic that week, with over 7000 hits viewing readers growing every day.
Because it has the same spirit and promo editorial wording that is quite nonjok for the script, various responses appear especially on the Facebook page Jakartabeat. Associated with the editorial illustrations for the Vishnu script showing the Banksy drawing (which viral spread with JeSuisCharlie a day after the incident) was given a red streak with the word FAIL, implying how the hippest most critical graffiti artist millions of people hipster millions of people failed (or deceived?) To unpack what is actually happening here.
Wording promo Facebook Page then got 236 likes, 79 comments and 46 share (data until January 25, 2015). The statistics are obviously quite striking for one 'heavy' script in non-mainstream media.
One of the comments that came in and then responded to the script of Vishnu was Rudolf Dethu. In his article titled "Vive Le Banksy, Je Suis Charlie" which was later published by Jakartabeat editor on January 21, 2015, Dethu criticized Vishnu for being considered using sophisticated theories of well-known figures to justify the killing of journalist and cartoonist CH magazine. At least that's what is illustrated in the first paragraph of how problematic the writings of Dethu are. It is clear that Vishnu condemned the massacre, but was considered to be supportive. Dethu also corrects Banksy and exposes the danger if the topic is linked to Banksy without explaining what the intended danger is.
On this basis, the text is addressed as a follow-up discussion in response to the writings of Dethu.
Meaning of Freedom
After reading it carefully, I honestly barely understand the contents of Dethu's writing because it is full of emotion in it. In fact he came to quote Jaya Roxx on Twitter saying, "Religion is like a penis. Sensitive. Nudged a little straight ngaceng. "Though that's not the point.
What Vishnu criticized against the content of the CH that smells orientalisme it is because the magazine failed to understand religion, in this case is Islam. CH magazine uses only racial prejudices to insult Islam. And Edward Said, very clearly demonstrated the racial prejudices in his book Orientalism and Covering Islam.2
In that context, Dethu seems to be positioning himself like an orientalist mostly: He loves to frame something that he has not fully understood correctly. For him, though that is not true, it is freedom of expression. Point.
As Dethu says, "Freedom of expression, freedom of speech, must must continue to be fought to the full extent. Because of that we can exchange ideas like this now and understand the perspective of the other person. Want it to understand the Southwest Pacific, Lower East Side, South Central, to hell. This global universe. The boundaries are getting hacked. The important restraint of ultimate freedom of speech and expression is minimal. "
Furthermore, Dethu also criticized those who said the freedom of speech is too far: "Well, come back the low quality phrase. Me, if all of you would allow me to insult, amused with such inferior comments. Freedom of speech, once again, must have to keep being pushed to the maximum extent possible, to the furthest point. "
There is nothing wrong with freedom of speech. But if that freedom is not equipped with sufficient and objective knowledge, the fall is definitely slanderous. Not brainstorming, as Dethu understood. In this case, the perpetrators of the massacre at the CH magazine office and the CH journalist are very clear that they do not have an objective knowledge of Islam.
Therefore, in order not to misunderstand Islam, Hasan Hanafi, Professor of Philosophy from Cairo University, felt the need to straighten it out. In his article entitled Reconciliation and Preparation for Peaceful Living: An Islamic Perspective3 he says that Islam, as a religion, is derived from the same root as greeting, which means peace. The word salam, which means peace or peace in all its forms, is called constantly repeatedly in the Qur'an, as a noun rather than a verb.4 Because a noun is a substance, while a verb is an action, we can say that the peace marked by the word salam as a noun is a substance, a structure and a world system not just an act.
Islam, therefore, is a peaceful religion.5 It is not the religion of the proponent of murder. This word is for now more used as an adjective than a noun. As soon as Islam is adopted as a belief system by an individual or a group, Islam becomes an act, singular or plural, masculine or feminine. One derivative of the noun is as-Silm, which means at the same time Islam and Peace.6 Al Salam, which means peace or peace is one of 99 attributes of God.7 Because the names of God are understood as a code peace, then they become part of human behavior, both individually and collectively. Since the name of God is holy and sanctified, no Muslim can call himself as Al Salam, because it is the name of God. But Muslims can be called as Abd al-Salam, which means servant of peace or peace.
And the Prophet Muhammad is a mirror of what is called Abd al-Salam. Even Muslims themselves are encouraged to deliver a prayer to the Prophet when his name is mentioned. Therefore, the phrase "Salla Allahu 'alayhi wassalam" or SAW (peace and grace of God may be bestowed upon him) will always accompany the name of the Prophet.8
Thus, what the perpetrators of the massacres of CH journalists do is not a servant of God, not a servant of peace. It is not the followers of the Prophet Muhammad. Because they do not reflect Islam at all. They certainly are not Islam. They are just terrorists who misinterpret Islam, and use it to justify their barbaric acts.
Neither does the CH magazine, nor can it be justified because substantively, the satirical in the magazine's caricature of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad is completely inaccurate. Alias is inconsequential. Please set the terrorists, but not Islam. Let not CH take advantage of Islam for the purposes of publishing magazines, to be known and sold.
In that context, CH and Je Suis Charlie ala Dethu should keep the words of Albert Camus, "freedom means responsibility." That means responsible freedom is a freedom of expression based on adequate knowledge, accurate, and objective data. That way, there is no such thing as asbun (origin of sound). CH and CH Suish Charlie's Dethu magazines are a great example of ash as I mean. That's how we should interpret freedom. "FREEDOM OF LIABILITY."
Being spiritual
If Dethu can not understand the meaning of freedom that I mean, it will only lead to the meaning of pathological and ironic freedom. Plato in his famous book, The Republic, once reminded that freedom is indeed the best of democratic virtues, and therefore, democracy is a state fit only for the spiritually healthy man.
For Plato, by promoting the search for unresolved freedom, democracy will only cultivate an enormous desire that gradually "seizes the young spiritual fortress of the young" and leads it into the path of pride. If that happens, freedom will only make things go wild, because the value of that freedom has been wrongly believed by the unhealthy person.
According to French philosopher, journalist, and pacifist Alain, what Plato means in the Republic, is that his book can be an individual guide to self-control. The goal is none other than, so that our understanding of values (democracy and religion) is not misinterpreted. Staying in line with the good that is contained within those values.
Be a Casual Man
If my argument is still called by Dethu too much use the advanced theories of famous figures to get justification. Then allow me to insert an important message addressed to the perpetrators of terror, CH journalists and "Je Suis Charlie." This message came from a friend who claimed to be a true ganjais.
My friend, who lives in Tanjung Priok, said, "The perpetrators of terror, Journalists CH Magazine and Je Suis Charlie are people who are not" relaxed "in expression. They need to be encouraged to talk together, let them know how to get along relaxed. "He said that getting drunk with pure cannabis (not mixed with chemicals) could make life more" relaxed "in expression. Becoming displeased with others. It is said again, can make life more peaceful. According to him, do not need big narrative as a guide to be able to live in peace. "Enough with marijuana, we become relaxed and peaceful."
This is certainly not an appeal to wear marijuana. Just a simple example to show that a true cannabis user can know how to express in a relaxed and responsible way. In this case, for me the perpetrators of terror, CH magazine journalist and Je Suis Charlie are not people who are relaxed in expression. Let's be casual expression. No need for such a splendid expression like the fancy Je Suis Charlie ala Rudolf Dethu.
In closing this paper, I will quote one of the lyrics of Imanez song, which seems like Dethu9 admire, "Do not know the time / Party always / All I like is sunset and sunrise ... Ooo ... Beach boy / Ooo ... Love peace / Ooo ... Beach boy / Ooo ... Live relaxed. "
Je Suis Imanez! Je Suis Paz! Je Suis Said! and Je Suis anything nice, just do not Je Suis Teroris and Je Suis Charlie Heboh
****Back Notes:****
See below at the following link.
My advice to Dethu before you judge the argument 'We Are Not Charlie', read Edward Said's book with khusyu. Let me see what is meant by Vishnu on Orientalism and Covering Islam when criticizing CH magazine.
Read Hasan Hanafi, "Reconciliation and Preparation for Peaceful Community Life: An Islamic Perspective," in Muhammad Iqbal (ed), Islam and Peace, (Jakarta: Progres, 2003), p. 1-46.
The word Salam appears in the Qur'an 157 times, as a noun 79 times, as an adjective 50 times, and as a verb 28 times. Since adjectives are widely used to describe nouns, they are effectively used as a noun 129 times. Ibid, h. 34.
The word Islam is used 50 times, as a noun (Islam) 8 times, as a single, masculine (Muslim) and feminine (Muslimah) 3 times, and as a plural (Muslimu) or feminine (Muslimat) 39 times. Ibid.
"O ye who believe, enter you into Islam as a whole, and do not join the steps of Satan. Verily the steps of the devil are real enemies to you "(2: 208). The text of the Holy Quran. Hanafi refers to the translation and interpretation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, (Beirut, Lebanon: 1968). Ibid.
He is God Without God Himself, the King, the Most Holy One. The Most Holy. The Most Wise, Who Delivers Security (59:23). Ibid.
One of the best references to be read about the short biography of Prophet Muhammad is the work of Tariq Ramadan, In The Footsteps of the Prophet: New York: Oxford University Press, 2007).
I check on Dethu's personal website on the menu about me, he quotes this Imanez poem.