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I was chatting with an old 'colleague' from collage last night, he wanted to chat about Steem, since I have been posting him about steem since august last year and now he again talk about how to buy and stuff...

But he also mention the word bobble and that cryptos seems like pyramids..... on the word bubble I can somehow accept, but then again not real, since cryptos are going to crush fiat and therefore there can be short term bubbles in crypto, but it is over all UP UP UP EXPONENTIALLY (many people have a hard time to understand that concept, but as time goes, they begin to see the picture)...

Then there is the word pyramid.. it really upset me that he mention that.. almost to the extent where I feel like blocking him.. but then again, he is from "real life" for many years ago.. so I try to be patient... but seriously a pyramid??? double lol... the fiat money system (that he live of) is a huge pyramid... crypto is the salvation... you guys agree?? Just tell me you agree, it will make me feel better...

keep it up! :)

Crypto bubble is much smaller than fiat bubble - no worries ;) well I don't know what's going to happen as well haha, but I have more faith in crypto for sure.

There will always be more bubbles to come. No matter where you are, you may live inside of a bubble. Your work may be a bubble. Everything can be a "bubble". Fuck it :)

LOLed reading this. Even if there isn't one, someone will tell you there's one..

You're a bubble, Kevin!

All this bubble talk when something seems to good to be true...Being in a bubble is a bubble! It's gonna pop eventually and then people will STFU about it and finally start believing, hopefully :D

In the left one ) But its best bubble ever sience 2013 :)

The left one I agree... not nearly enough people are involved in the crypto market to say we are on the right side. Only 50K people are on poloniex at a given time... wait until that is 100K or 150K and then I think we are in the big bubble.

@kevinwong life is one big bubble

so true

Bubble is one big life. HUH?


Bubble-gum actually ;)

I think Im in my own bubble:)

hah.. that sentence went well with your profile pic xD

Hahah that was what I was going for! My profile pic is actually a white pair of glasses with 2 bitcoins in where the glasses are....But I'm always in my own bubble.



Small bubble. Everything is bubbles within bubbles.

In a nice one, a friendly one. The ones that gives you giggles and excitement!

You sound concerned about it, are you @kevinwong ??

I think it is the small one on the left @kevinwong or at least that is what I am hoping (room to grow)

Whichever one you choose. You determine everything. :)

No, that is no bubble. We creating new money. Magic Internet money. :-D

The whole universe is a big bubble expanding ;) and this Crypto bubble, I just hope is the right one ✌

Most people live in a bubble so most of the time its not visible to the average person. But for the people that step outside are the ones that can actually see the bubble for what it is. The question is how big will the bubble get before it pops? :)

The Big Bang One!

Everything is a bubble! I'll hop from bubble to bubble till I reach the top!

Don't stop!

a bubble that certainly shouldn't burst

The entire U.S. financial system is in a bubble. Housing market, wall -street, everything really. And when it pops it will only be good news for Crypto.

Fiat...and derivatives..

It is a good reminder..... bubbles are out there! ;)


This one

That one right there, see it ... over there? I'm pointing to it right now. It's definitely that one.

The big one:)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

If you zoom right in there you might be able to see me.
I'm next to that kid trying to whack me with a pin

Well I owned a house before the 2008 stock market crash, so I guess I was in the housing bubble. But this one looks a lot nicer :)

Please send me a picture for verification :-)

the first bubble I think of is the DEBT bubble.

???????? :)

doesn't matter. have a bubble bath and enjoy it! woo hoo~~~

A small bubble that will join the big bubble. All that can happen, depending on our will.

i hope not the wong bubble

Call it a Bubble and Short the cryptos...

Days Later...

We are in a Bull Market 3rd Wave according to Elliot Wave theory...

  • You can never call anything.

How you made this one? And which bubble you are talking about?

I hope it is the one on the right but I am often wrong!

We are in a bubble that doesn't pop. :) @kevinwong