AmericAfrindian ArtistCHD1 an AmeriOriginal....

in original •  5 years ago 

ALL-ALPHA-AMERICAS ORIGINAL-ONES: Aren’t allowing any asinine a-s-s ambitious arrogant aggressors, antagonist adversaries, alien agencies, act as actual ancient ancestors ascendants as Aboriginal-Americans and American-Aborigines. Additionally, all arrivals are artificially affixed Americanized aberrations and affectations, As angry Aryans – Ashkenazim – Anglicans – Anglo-s. Aren’t at all Americans and AmeriOriginals. Expressly evilly evolved European Ethnic emigrants, exiting early Europe & Eurasia.
AmeriOriginal-1_circle sn waternarj.jpg
CRIMINALLY CORRUPTED: "Coronvirus - Covid-19" contagions. Commonly called classified Caucasians (Cauc-Asians), characterized cold climatic Caucasus cave conditions, categorized Caucasoid-s. Pretending Paleface-Pink-Skins. Regardless of their ridiculous rhetorical, repetitiously repeated over again, in high hopes of brainwashing beauteous Brown-Skin Sovereign Souls & Spirits, Bodies & Minds. Maintained inside their mentality molding mass media marketed madness methodologies, mesmerizing maze Matrix. We aren’t at all alleged and assumed as; Afro “African-Americans” out of continental Africa. We have historically always lived here in the AMERICAS, from timetables immemorial.
THE TOTAL TOLD TRUTHS: Therefore those terming themselves “the Americans”; “The American people”, “the American public, are longstanding liars and of lost loser leadership lies, Wicked witches -worldwide warmongers – warlords – warlocks – werewolves working wrongdoings with wizardry. Westernized wantonly wishing we were whiteouts – whitewashed, “whites”. “white supremacy” and “white superiority” superpower status. Serfs and Slavs and Slaves submissively serving sorcerers, sociopath Saxon sex slavers; snake serpent seafaring suddenly sinking, “slave-ship System SATAN!!

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