Today I would like to blog on two topics, original content and hypocrisy.
Original Content:
I have always been interested in blogging and sharing thought and learning from others. I have always struggled with the idea of “original content”. What is “original content”? My son the musician explained to me how difficult if not impossible to write music as original. He explained how there are only so many musical notes and only so many combinations. Is thought and expression the same as music? There are only so many words and combinations. Our thoughts are just a total sum of our experience and our environment. As we grow, learn and absorb our life experiences we are what we learn. So other then just copy and pasting we are still writing learned thoughts and opinions of those thoughts. Going forward I am going to be less worried about “original content”.
Recently I heard Peter Schiff, someone that I admire share “that there isn’t many things he dislikes more then hypocrisy”. I got to thinking that who likes hypocrisy? This must be one of the universal dislikes everyone can agree on. I too dislike hypocrisy and also when people I am close to refuse to recognize hypocrisy, especially when it is so obvious and sometimes in your face obvious. Those that know me know my recent interest in macroeconomics. This link is from the Peter Schiff Show Podcast - Episode 216 and it is most interesting and obvious hypocrisy. The subject of this pod cast hypocrisy is minimum wage. I love how Peter Schiff is so logical and easy to understand.