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condra and davekavanagh come directly to mind if you don't already follow them, are you on or discord?! i'm sure i'll come up with more!

I was already following Dave but gave condra a follow also. I love good portrait work. Thank you for sharing those with me and I'd love to see more if you know of any.

Idkpdx on both.

from top of my head, and i think you are not following any of them and they are in my ginabot post alert.
soyrosa is i think the first person i kinda "clicked" here on steemit
scottshots interseting photographer, does a lot of vlogs from his shoots
derangedvisions photographer, does some contests, some of the stuff you would probably like
r00sj3 claims she is not a photographer but i think she does most of travel photography from all of this people :)
gabyoraa does great photos
and i probably missed few people and i hope they don't see this and get mad :D

i should add vmoldo he is not posting that much lately but i do like almost every one of his photos

I will check each one of them out! Thank you! You're always helpful here on Steemit and I wish I had more voting power to reward you with. One day, my friend!

Got a lot for you. jarvie derangedvisions derekkind caseygrimley kieranstone bil.prag are some of my favorite photographers. All good quality content that makes my feed smile always.

awhh I follow most of them but I do appreciate the effort. I wasn't following you yet so there is that!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yeah, it's depressing looking at New in the photography category. I'd recommend checking out cam.mcfarlane, a really good photographer from Australia that I only recently found here.

Also follow photofeed if you don't already. They are curating some pretty good photography.

Will check them out! Thank you.

Very good

You had me 🤣 at

What does this picture have to do with this post? Absolutely Nothing! But it's​ a cool photo, right?

Scott Thompson on Steemit has some very inspiring photos. So much so I'm thinking about taking a trip to link up with him in Utah. He even takes the time out to create an occasional DTube video.

hahah Sometimes I forget how catty I can be.

Utah is a gorgeous state! Have fun on your trip :)

Yes, is beautiful photo.

Thank you!