Wallet and Digital Currency: “BEAM”: ¡Privacy Control in the Blockchain!

in originalworks •  6 years ago  (edited)
As a preamble, I invite you to watch this introductory video, of my authorship, with summarized information about BEAM:


If before entering any electronic interface supported in the Blockchain, some user tells me that all the information is public, certainly, I would have thought it more, before being part of this. Actually, I don't regret having done so, but I have always thought and feel that on the Internet, on any web page, we all require security and protection for our personal or confidential data... and the content of my wallets, in the aforementioned chain of blocks, should only be information of interest to me.

That reality and situation described briefly, has led me to seek information about privacy online, doing so as a preventive measure to protect my identity and cryptographic goods on the Internet, and of course, in the chain of blocks. In most of the sources consulted, they say that, for its credibility and transparency, it must be subject to the public nature of all the data, transactions and exchanges that are encrypted and executed there. ¡But that reality, of course, can change!



At least, that is what I have understood, and very probably I am wrong; and I am in my full right, but also, in the duty to rectify, if that were the case. However, as I always say, the important thing is to be aware of the subjects of our interest and in agreement, I act. I think the constant search for information has allowed me to know a little more about BEAM, and it is a great achievement for me. ¡Hurra, hurra, hurra!

¡Okey, @jessfrendcor! But you, can you tell us exactly what BEAM is?

¡Yes, of course! BEAM is an expandable digital currency, from the securities store, which in turn, has a wallet, both totally decentralized, anonymously and privately, by default; although it is based on the chain of blocks, where personal and confidential data are public, such as, for example, the content of the wallets and the value of the crypto currencies accumulated, transferred or exchanged. I believe that transparency does not have to interfere with privacy and vice versa... and in this sense, all actions taken, inside and outside the mentioned network, should be oriented towards privacy.

Privacy in Finance: ¡Is a Priority!

¿Can you imagine unknown people with access to your bank accounts? ¡It's dangerous, isn't it? In this case, the chances are high that the computer criminals (hackers) will act indiscriminately, if they could see the content of our information in the bank. The same goes for Blockchain.

It is not logical to be a user of a bank, where personal and confidential data are public. It is not convenient, because what we are looking for is transparency, but at the same time, security and privacy.


!Very Well! BEAM, in the cryptographic context represents a solution to the problem of "Non-confidentiality " of online transactions. Without a doubt, BEAM is an action alternative that seeks to minimize the impact of the "No Privacy" on digital platforms, where electronics coins are deposited, sold, bought and exchanged. To achieve this, the digital platform, related currency and purse, are based on the Blockchain technology, with the same security as Bitcoin, and other known digital coins.

BEAM Features

Among the main features of BEAM, the following can be listed (in no specific order):



→It is indeed one of its most outstanding characteristics, because Internet users, in general terms, and especially those who make use of digital purses and coins, want the data handled not to be public, but private...and for now, Blockchain, in some cases, does not allow that confidentiality that is offered by BEAM.



→Versatility is another salient feature of BEAM, with the digital currency and wallet being versatile, thanks to the "Script Script" technology that accepts different transactions and exchanges of crypto-assets, which go beyond simple value transactions, and also focus on atomic exchange, guarantee deposit and transactions blocked by time.



→Another of BEAM basic characteristics is scalability. It is achieved from the "cut" in the protocol "Mimblewimble" which aims to avoid computational overload, and allows, at the same time, that the chain of blocks related to this digital currency and wallet, be of smaller magnitude, compared to other similar electronic platforms.



→The sustainability of BEAM, is feasible thanks to the use of "Open Code", which is implemented from scratch and is executable from the actions of the community itself, which is supported by "Beam Growth Pool". It should be noted that 20% of the rewards for block mining is allocated to the group under consideration to encourage and promote the use of the digital currency "BEAM" and its purse.



→From the context of usability BEAM requires a wallet for desktop computers and mobile electronic devices, which allows individual users, and small businesses the operationalization of transactions and exchanges of the digital currency in consideration.



Regarding compatibility, an algorithm "Equihash" was selected, which has been used in the industry, thus assuring a great adoption by the miners of the GPU. That is why, BEAM, is designed to be manipulated with an extensive group of tools that have as purpose the execution and administration of mining nodes.

In the next image, the process in which the digital and cryptographic actions are centered is visualized, in the platform BEAM.


Within the platform BEAM, this is a process that involves a series of six essential, irreplaceable and unpostponable steps.

Advantages and curiosities of BEAM

With the digital purse and coin BEAM, you can enjoy the advantages listed below:

1.- Direct and total control over the respective transactions and exchanges in the aforementioned chain of blocks. The addresses of both the sender and the receiver are privately protected in the Blockchain.

2.- Absolute privacy of the information (including personal/confidential data, and crypto-monetary). The user decides which information to share in the Blockchain. The value of the transaction or exchange is hidden.

3.- Transactions and exchanges are subject to laws and norms established and recognized in the world society, and in particular, in the scenario of crypto-currencies.

4.- The number of transactions and exchanges per day does not cause overloads on computers -nodes- (refers to swelling).

5.- The blocks of the chain are extracted using the algorithm "Equihash Proof-of-Work".

6.- The scalability is superior to other Blockchains, and the "Mimblewimble" protocol contributes to this.

7.- BEAM, is capable of supporting multiple transactions, such as those centered on custody, blocking time, atomic exchanges, among other operations supported by the system interface.

8.- BEAM, according to data provided by the CEO, will only reach the sum of 253 million.

9.- The confidentiality of transactions and exchanges in BEAM, are possible using the commitments of "Pedersen ".


10.- No address information is stored in the block chain of the integral system that makes up the platform, protocol and interface from BEAM.

11.- No additional sizes are recorded in the block chain of the platform, protocol and interface from BEAM.

12.- The current size of the Blockchain is set between 2-8 GB (aproximity).

In the comparative table, which is immediately projected, some characteristics of BEAM, are visible, and in parallel, lead to establish similarities and differences between various platforms, currencies and implicit processes, establishing a relationship in some items with the preceding information:


If we compare some of the elements in the table above and derive from each of the digital coins reflected there, we can see differences that, of course, benefit the digital coin and the wallet of BEAM.

¡But, a moment @jessfrendcor! ¿Did you mention within the features, advantages and curiosities of BEAM, the protocol Mimble what?

Okay! I refer to the protocol "Mimblewimble" (Privacy-Centric Protocol Mimblewimble), which allows the execution of transactions and confidential exchanges, differing from the actions specified in the chain of blocks of "Bitcoin", which are public, being able to see values of the sum of the inputs that must be equal to the sum of the outputs. With this protocol, the values are encrypted "homorphic" through random chains called "blinding factors".

This means, in other words, that the data of the transactions and exchanges achieved are encrypted with encrypted data that generate a similar result, but that cannot be seen directly; therefore, it is understood that this is about the privacy of information concerning electronic currencies, in the situation that concerns. In addition, the protocol under consideration allows for the reduction of transactions, which is equal to less cryptographic weight. Source: Antonio Madeira. (Paraphrased information).

In the same way, it is necessary to take into account that, through the "Mimblewimble" protocol, it is possible to store, transfer, sell and exchange digital coins and in that cryptographic order, the following actions are specified: "Hide" and "Link".

This means that it can hide a key, and have access to it, only when required, while the rest of the time remains invisible. Likewise, the aforementioned protocol allows the blocks of transactions or exchanges to be smaller, where the commitment of the operation carried out is recorded, and not the addresses and quantities that are manipulated within the respective chain, with greater probabilities of increasing cryptographic scalability. Which, in fact, is a pre-eminent achievement.


BEAM, therefore, by relying on the "Mimblewimble" protocol, makes transactions or exchanges fast, secure and completely private, which are three of the qualities within the cryptographic world that appeal to Internet users, especially those engaged in e-commerce using digital currencies.

Complementarily, I quote Antonio Madeira , who in a Blog of his authorship in Criptocompare , clearly and timely refers the following:

"In Mimblewimble, the recipient of a transaction generates the blinding factor that is used to prove the ownership of bitcoins. And the way it does this is through this "excess value", which is the difference between inputs and outputs. This excess value is a set of random numbers that ensure that only the person who generated the blinding factor (the receiver) can spend the bitcoins. Therefore, the blinding factors no longer add up to zero, but rather to another amount that is like a private key."

The aforementioned author, in a few words, describes how the protocol "Mimblewimble" works, adding value content in this way, which at the same time generates the conceptual and contextual conditions for believing in and relying on avant-garde technology, behind BEAM, in which is explicit the confidentiality character of all deposits, transactions and exchanges achieved with the electronic currency in reference, and in the purse premeditatedly used.

Interestingly, the term "Mimblewimble" used to describe the protocol implemented at BEAM, comes from the "Saga" of "Harry Potter" (correct term: "Mimble-Wimble").

It is a spell or enchantment that has effects (within the plot of "Harry Potter"), when one of the characters of that jewel of cinematography, with a magic wand, points to other characters, and when saying those words, ties the tongues, so that they cannot speak about a specific subject, according to what can be seen in the famous film of the Mecca of cinema. (Source. Information paraphrased).

When transposing this fictitious fact of "Harry Potter", to the explicit reality in BEAM, by analogy it is understood that the protocol "Mimblewimble", prevents the encrypted data in the BEAM Blockchain from being public.

It is necessary to note that the protocol "Mimblewimble" was devised by an unknown author, similar to the Bitcoin case, with Satoshi Nakamoto. This causes in parallel, that BEAM builds its network from scratch, in CC+, being therefore ideal, its parity with the already mentioned protocol.

BEAM Road Map

BEAM offers an overview of the established and completed time periods from March 2018 until next December of the current year.


The road map of BEAM specifies each of the phases that will be executed until the proposed objectives and goals are reached.

Use Cases

Case One:


♦Frederith began to work on a web platform, and little by little, he began to obtain a considerable amount of digital coins. On one occasion, while shopping with his family, an unknown person, approached him and said: ¡I have seen your account online, and you have enough electronic coins there, and practically, by exchanging them for fiat coins you would get lot money!...

The attitude of this unknown person, has caused in Frederich, a feeling of insecurity, and that is why "Fred", as his friends tell him, now feels insecure knowing that his wallet on the digital interface is public and all users can see what has deposited there, many digital coins.

Kelly -who is a close friend of Fred- when she found out what happened to him, told him about BEAM (Digital Coins / Wallet), but Fred couldn't believe it. Then he searched his laptop for the platform in question and realized that, in reality, it did offer levels of security and privacy. It was in this way that Frederick became an active "Beamer", and is now satisfied with BEAM.

Case Two:


♦Maribel was born and lived in Venezuela, but because of the country's situation, he decided to emigrate to another country in search of new social and economic opportunities. In the country he selected to start practically from scratch, he got a job where he could get a living wage, and thus could cover his personal expenses and send money to his family in Venezuela. Also began to work with digital coins.

Every 15 days, Maribel sends money to her parents and a younger brother, through a bank account, without any problems. But the government authorities implemented a system to control the remittances that come to Venezuela from other nearby and distant countries. However, it is not convenient for Maribel to lose part of the remittances due to the disposition of the National Government. That is how John told her that she could make digital currency transactions through BEAM, making it possible for her family to receive what she sends privately, securely and reliably, quickly and efficiently. ¡Now, Maribel is a very active Beamer!

Case Three:


♦Rhina and Charles have a small air cargo company, and since they both work with digital coins, being very prosperous in both activities, they accept payments with crypto coins, through the chain of blocks. It happens that none of them like that what they have in their portfolio is public, and when they look for information on the Internet about the privacy of personal and confidential data, they found out about the contest held by @originalworks and BEAM sponsorship. They liked the proposal and decided to become users of the platform. By using the purse, as well as the digital currency, they were satisfied with the transparency, security, privacy, speed and efficiency in carrying out the required transactions. ¡Today, Rhina and Charles are two very productive Beamers!

The BEAM Team

Behind every corporate organization, there is always a group of people who offer the best of theirs knowledges in productive sectors and areas. Indeed, teamwork, perseverance, dedication, mutual help, solidarity and cooperation, among other social values, make entrepreneurs successful.

BEAM, is no exception to the rule, and has a multidisciplinary team, which stands out for its work and functions in different areas. Here is an immediate overview of the men and women who allow "Privacy" to be equal to "Freedom".




BEAM, is a worthy example of entrepreneurship. It is an emerging project that addresses a problem in a practical way ("No Privacy in the Block Chain"), and consequently proposes a viable solution, with the available material and economic resources, and the human talent capable of assuming commitments and challenges, with responsibility, immediate response capacity and availability in the present time, to create alliances "Pro Privacy in the Blockchain", and from there, offer a quality service.

The next video is illustrative and complements the information concerning the BEAM Team:


Lack of Privacy in the Blockchain

It is because of the above that, BEAM, emerges as an action alternative (as I said in advance) that is completely viable, fast, secure, private and reliable, that reaches the chain of blocks to fill the gap that exists in relation to the "Lack of Privacy " in transactions or exchanges of digital currencies from user to user.

Actuality, it is not understood why when they created the chain of blocks, they did not try to generate the cryptographic conditions for the protection, security and privacy of personal and confidential data, apart from the records of the digital currencies exposed to transactions and exchanges...It is not possible to understand that, even though we are aware of the permanent concern for security and privacy on the Internet, electronic platforms emerge, which are publicly exposed.


As far as I am concerned, the public nature of the chain of blocks, specifically the records of digital currency transactions and exchanges, represents an imminent danger, because I live in a city, and specifically in a location, where levels of insecurity and delinquency are high, and anyone has access to the Internet. Therefore, I fear for my security, as each of the values of my STEEM, STEEM POWER (SP) and STEEM BLOCK DÓLAR (SBD) are publicly reflected. I would not like to be concerned about the public exposure of these data related to digital currency and its derivatives.

That is why I consider the option offered by BEAM as a purse and digital currency very valuable, because with its alliance for privacy in the Blockchain, it allows me to feel security, protection and trust in the execution of crypto-financial transactions and exchanges. It seems to me that the massive adoption of the digital methodology in reference is vital to create elementary conditions to promote and guarantee financial freedom, without obstacles or limitations. Hence the relevance of the motto: "Privacy = Liberty". ¿Could the chain of Steemit blocks in the future massively adopt the process BEAM is focusing on?

One Resource available at BEAM: ¡Mimblewimble!

For its part, the protocol "Mimblewimble", which is presented from the perspective of an innovative concept and context, gives greater credibility to the project in general on which it focuses BEAM. Knowing that avant-garde technology is at the service of humanity is an aspect in favor that must be taken advantage of consciously and responsibly, thinking of the contributions that, from the platform implicit in this post, the human talent involved is able to plan and concretize in function of continuous improvements, focused on privacy in the Blockchain.


"Mimblewimble", by direct derivation, is a technological resource available, which adapts to the interests and needs felt both by the human talent of BEAM, and by the users (Beamers), who use and enjoy with pleasure the platform projected here. "Mimblewimble" as a protocol, counteracts part of the inconveniences generated by the nodes, by allowing transactions and exchanges decentralized and reliable, but exposed to the "Without Privacy", which is considered one of the problems linked primarily to Bitcoin and its Blockchain.

The architecture of "Mimblewimble" was made known through an initial document that was presented to the public, under the pseudonym "Tom Elvis Jedusor", which is also another of the eponymous that is known as "Lord Voldemort" (character from the film series: "Harry Potter"). The proposal behind this digitised protocol was to radically simplify the implicit process, which led to a progressive increase in the privacy of the digital currency under analysis, without affecting its scalability, thanks to Blockchain's architectural structuring.

Personal, basic needs and requirements in Internet

As Internet users, everyone has the right to enjoy protection, security and confidentiality. The laws established in telecommunications, electronics, technology and related areas, at the international level, guarantee this right, without prejudice to the sanctions that must be applied when necessary, for various infractions.


All Internet users are subjects of law and no one should violate the principle of privacy, while it is understood that, if so, it is with the full knowledge and conscience of the affected parties. No person can or should force another to be part technological and computer systems, processes and procedures, where the privacy of personal and confidential data is not prioritized, unless it is at will.

You, me, we have a duty to act correctly when we remain active on the Internet. Our protection, security and privacy, are basic requirements and needs, personal, and therefore, everyone should seek and achieve highly secure websites, where privacy, in addition to being synonymous with freedom, is a priority, as stated in BEAM. High levels of security and privacy on the Internet and in the chain of blocks is a benefit that must endure in space and time.

Block size, performance, and scalability

Through Internet network, millions of encrypted data are manipulated daily, allowing the visualization of texts, images, listening to music, among other positive activities. Each web platform handles data of different sizes, without ignoring the chain of blocks, but in BEAM these blocks are smaller than in the rest of the interfaces that work under that system and digitized process. This reduced size makes computational performance superior and scalability very beneficial for the platform and those who use it.


The possibility of reducing the size of the blocks in the Bitcoin chain, ensures greater scalability, and similarly, would reduce the negative computational impact, with possible episodes of saturation. By proposing the reduction of these blocks, the intention is to slow down the incredible growth (size) of the blockchain, not only of Bitcoin, but of other digital currencies. Possible side effects must be taken into account in order to act and solve unforeseen situations, which can be minimized with the passing of time and human ingenuity.

Currently, BEAM represents a concise example of reducing the size of the chain blocks and the scalability of everything that compromises the concordant platform. The scalability of digital coins is positive in nature and leads to higher levels of productivity.

Importance of the Privacy of a Value Warehouse Currency

Whether in a banking institution, public or private, or on the Internet, it is clear that the privacy of financial operations offline or online, is one of the relevant aspects, on which basic and advanced operations are theorized and performed to ensure the "privacy" of the data stored in either of the two alternatives mentioned. It must be understood, as I have already said, that "privacy" is a priority for Internet users, to put it in general terms; and by virtue of this, actions must be aimed at guaranteeing that right within the broad technological context.


Digital coins, as a whole, should be subject to the principle of "privacy". This private character gives these coins an absolute value widely estimated by users or "crypto-users", as I say ... and this nature of "privacy" should be sought in the chain of blocks, which in fact has shown signs of protection and security online for years, despite some attacks by computer criminals (hackers), who with their improper actions have perpetrated facts and situations that reflect great cryptoeconomic losses.

The greater the "privacy", the greater the protection and security for digital coins, and this is how BEAM, emerges in the public arena to offer precisely (worth the redundant): "Privacy", "Protection" and "Security" to the users, or in other words to the "Beamers". It is undoubtedly a proposal that revolutionizes the Internet, and the world of digital currencies. It is a proposal that should not be discarded, that should be taken advantage of, in particular and collective benefit, because definitely BEAM, is synonymous with "Privacy = Freedom".

Varieties on the BEAM Website

On the BEAM website, you will find an Ambassador Program, if you would like to be a representative in your home country or where you are currently living. A forum, you can also find there in the digital platform, as well as a section to download the wallet, and another section to contact them, among other varieties.


BEAM complementary links

Position Paper
Mimblewimbler Paper

BEAM Complementary Videos


Beam Strategic Corporate Alliances



BEAM is a digital platform that revolutionizes the chain of blocks, creating the essential conditions to offer privacy, protection, security and trust to digital coin users, who want all of the above, to feel comfortable and secure, on the Internet.

BEAM, in short, is an innovative interface, innovative, intuitive, friendly, which allows, among other things, download a wallet, and thus, store, buy, sell and exchange digital coins, such as Beam, among others. It is based on the protocol "MimbleWimble", to support privacy.

Besides, it has a program for ambassadors, and a forum, where users can participate actively, dynamically, respectfully, in order to grow as an organized community in the Internet and the chain of blocks.

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