Farmatrust: reinventing the circle of confidence.

in originalworks •  7 years ago 


Since immemorial time, human beings have devoted a large part of their time to the study of substances, herbs and their combinations in order to recover or maintain complete and perfect health.

In this path, some of the first to carry out this action were the so-called shamans in the tribes, normally this position was held by one of the wisest men of the tribe, being the ones in charge to look out for the herbs necessary to make the combination and the necessary preparation to make people recover health. Much later in the history of humanity, physicians are born, who similarly begin to prepare their medicines, being the most recognized of the Greek era the physician Galen, from whose name the word Galenic is derived, which is currently understood as the correct form to administer medications.


Galen, has historical and universal recognition due to the creation of the famous great triarca, which is nothing more than an electuary of more than 60 different active principles. An electuary is a mixture of herbs and roots to which they added fresh honey, which had a dual purpose, served as a vehicle for the active ingredients and favored the taste of the preparation. The great Galen’s triarca was valid until the twentieth century.

In this order of ideas and already during the Middle Ages, the role of the pharmacist progressively separates from the role of the doctor, the pharmacist remaining in the area of drug preparation and the doctor in the role of prescribing them. Thus, the nature of science to the performance of the work of the pharmacist is strengthened, is in this moment when the most individualized prescriptions for each treatment are born, called master formulations.

Later, with the appearance of pharmaceutical companies, specific medicines are born, which have undergone their respective process of evolution and diversification to the present day.


Medicines are responsible for alleviating, preventing and curing the manifestations of diseases that afflict living beings, they do so thanks to having the right concentration to eliminate the threat to the health of the patient, thanks to this concentration and the doses indicated doctors can achieve the goal of regaining lost health.

Added to this, as a positive factor in the treatment of healing and recovery of the patient, you should always add the effect that produces a total and complete confidence in the doctor who is indicating the treatment, confidence that the drug will effectively make its task of curing the ailment. Nowadays the phrase is common, circle of confidence, in general lines, with this term the circles of people known or not are coined in which you have deposited your total and absolute confidence, belong to one of these circles is an honor for anyone, person or company. And within the agreements to belong to it, is precisely to value, respect and defend this invisible link that binds you to another human being.

However, unfortunately and breaking this circle of trust, it is quite common in our days to get medicines that do not contain enough of the active ingredient or, in the worst case, do not contain any active ingredients, but plaster, flour and even poison. These fake drugs flood the international market, especially the Asian and African market, even reaching an incredible 50% of the market of medicines. An alarming number, taking into consideration that you are risking people’s lives.

Fortunately, there are already solutions for this problem, one of the tools that aims to reinvent, re-establish and protect the circle of trust between the patient and the pharmaceutical company that produces the drug is Farmatrust.

FarmaTrust has developed a holistic approach to eliminate counterfeit drugs meanwhile creating efficiencies for the manufacturers and also provides an easy access tool, a freely downloadable mobile app to consumers to control the authenticity of the medical products they intend to purchase.


Now, how does Farmatrust improve the pharmaceutical supply chain? Farmatrust works with any system, any platform, its unique blockchain-backed system and an infallible AI that efficiently detects fake drugs, will positively impact the pharmacy supply chain, since it will restore the trust circle in the relationship between the pharmacy and the consumer, ensuring that the medicines they are acquiring are guaranteed, that it has the quality not only for the pharmaceutical that produces them, but also for the laws that indicate that this product is suitable for human consumption and its effect on the body is as expected.

This process of detecting false medicines or medicines that do not fully comply with the standards is a determining factor, not only in restoring the circle of trust in pharmaceuticals, but in the medication itself. Particularly I personally experienced the fact of acquiring a "generic" antibiotic, this means that it wasn’t made for a recognized brand, they do contain the indicated active principle, but apparently they have it in a smaller percentage than the recognized brand. This produced that the infection that I had wasn’t completely cured at the end of the treatment, after which, I had to go to the doctor again for a change to a stronger treatment and for a longer time. Then, my throat was completely healed. Achieving there my complete recovery. In my case, it was a minor consequence, but we know of extreme cases in Asia and Africa, where the supplanting of the drug is made with any substance, even filling the capsules with poison, poison! The people who make these types of actions are criminals, to say the least of them. That is why, particularly for me, I give the highest and special importance to this point, Farmatrust guarantees this tranquility, guarantees the quality of what you are consuming.

This process of quality assurance starts from the very moment of packaging the product, since in this step it generates an identification label of said batch of products in the blockchain, allowing each step of the product to be verified at any time, even in real time. This process is carried out from the manufacturer to the retailer or final consumer, it is important to mention that in this step QR codes are used to facilitate and speed up this process. Thanks to the Zoi Supply Chain Information Exchange platform, which allows, among other things, the tracking and verification of information, keeping it updated continuously.

The following graph represents the scheme of how Farmatrust allows the monitoring of the products in each step:


In this way, Farmatrust, with the Zoi ecosystem, will only affect the supply chain of pharmaceutical companies in a positive way, offering them only advantages without incurring in an increase in costs, and allowing the depuration of fake products in the process of drug distribution. As if that were not enough, it would also produce a minimization, practically almost to zero of the time of updating the data, allowing to know in detail in which step of the distribution process is each batch of each medicine.

Additionally, imagine, when you receive the medication, you should only use the mobile app (yes, it is included in the package, an app for your mobile) and certify that the product has been verified, is authentic and has followed all the steps of the protocol determined by the laws. This action can be carried out by the end user either through reading the QR code with the app, with an SMS or by calling the callcenter. This tranquility, has no price. And that's what Farmatrust offers every day.

Throughout the process, it is important to mention the very valuable AI that develops Farmatrust, is the first company that uses AI to strengthen the parameters established by law in the pharmaceutical industry, also, another of the objectives is to predict exactly when, where and how many products will be needed at a certain time in a specific country. Eliminating in this way the over-manufacture of medicines, maximizing the use of available resources to satisfy the demanding market, all of it based on the administrative theory of "just in time", according to which there is no surplus or lack of product or raw material in the established production process, satisfactorily covering the market demand. This would greatly benefit the manufacturing industries, since it would exacerbate the real productivity of the factory, eliminating the elaboration of medicines that would be overcome due to lack of use, avoiding in this way, great losses at all levels of the manufacturing and supply chain.


Likewise, the knowledge and potential of the IA will be used to reframe the best access routes to the different markets, again decreasing costs and time unnecessarily invested in the transfer of the merchandise, again maximizing the available resources, increasing profit margins and productivity of all those involved in the different processes.

Now, how will you have access to all this unmatched project? The way to acquire any of the services and information offered by the Zoi ecosystem will be through FTT interchangeable tokens by the Zoi tokens, which will be used to pay for the operations carried out in the Zoi sistem, allowing manufacturers, governments, companies and end users to have access to the information offered, the particularity of the Zoi tokens is that, once used, the token is burned. The following image easily illustrates my words:


In summary, Farmatrust allows:
• Recover confidence in the product purchased, certify that the product is of guaranteed quality.
• Detects and eliminates products of doubtful origin or that do not meet the requirements of the law from its distribution chain.
• It can be considered as a perennial audit around the quality of the products.
• Minimizes costs of the distribution chain
• It allows to keep the data constantly updated
• Maximizes the productivity of the manufacturing company, through the implementation of the just in time determined by the IA.
• More efficient transfer routes, determined by the IA, will be reconsidered.
• The process is supported in a blockchain, eliminating the possibility of data alteration and the risk of fraud.
• Encrypt all confidential information, protecting the various interests of the different phases in which it operates.
• Eliminates the risk of spreading important information.
• It is a global solution, without a central server, since it is supported in the blockchain.
• Cash at cost level anywhere in the supply chain.

Likewise, in the bitcointalk website, they indicate the following characteristics in the revolution that Farmatrust is carrying out in the sector:


Finally, the functionality of Farmatrust is supported by the following scheme:


The benefits of using blockchain technology in this project have innumerable benefits, including these that we can mention:
The processes are more transparent, safe and efficient.
Elimination of risks
Elimination of frauds in the whole process involving Farmatrust.
Payments 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Payments are effective immediately, in the worst case after a few minutes
Update of data in real time.

The blockchain has the particularity of being able to change the way companies and people approach the management of a large amount of data, in a 100% reliable environment, with efficient transactions in an environment of strength and reliability never seen before. Farmatrust invites us to travel this path of its hand and its experience.

Welcome to the Farmatrust evolution!

If you want more information about Farmatrust, please consider follow these links:

FarmaTrust Website
FarmaTrust WhitePaper
FarmaTrust Telegram
FarmaTrust Reddit
FarmaTrust BitcoinTalk
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FarmaTrust CEO Interview

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