in osho •  6 years ago 

Prem Amrito, it is exactly the definition of mysticism: the transformation of the dark night of the soul
into a light night of the soul.
It is my work and it is your work, too. All these people who have gathered here are in search of light,
life, love, laughter; and all these divine qualities have been destroyed by centuries of exploitation –
by all kinds of priests, bureaucrats, politicians, by all those who have been in some kind of power.
But they have not been successful in destroying you. They have been successful only in suppressing
you; they have not killed you, they have only poisoned you. And your poison can be taken out, and
you can become alive again – which is your birthright.
You are saying, ”All day, I have this melted sensation.” This is the beginning of disappearing –
disappearing into the whole. First, you will feel just as if you are melting, ice melting...”like something
inside me dissolving in the glow of your love.”Something certainly is dissolving in everyone, more or less, except those few unfortunate ones who
stand on the bank of a river and remain thirsty. But what is dissolving is not your reality; it is the
unreal in which your reality has been repressed, covered. Once the unreal dissolves, the false
disappears. Suddenly, you will have for the first time, an inner experience of sunrise – light all over
the inner horizon of your sky.
”Discourse comes and it just expands.” Spirituality is very contagious; if there are so many people
around you in the same space, it helps tremendously. And if someone who has come back home is
amongst you, his very presence starts giving you the direction, the dimension in which you have to
expand, move, melt, merge.
”Discourse comes and it just expands to fill the silence.” Perhaps this is the only place on the whole
earth where so many people are sitting in immense silence – not only on the outside but inside too.
And silence gives space. Words, thoughts, are all disturbances.
Silence is an opening to the infinite.
You can expand to infinity – it all depends on your courage. And courage also comes as your
experience grows, as you see that the more you expand, the more beautiful life becomes; the more
you expand, the more love showers on you; the more you expand... everything takes on a new
psychedelic dimension. It becomes more colorful, more alive, more dancing. The ordinary world
suddenly starts changing into something extraordinary. The mundane becomes the sacred. And
these are the most significant moments in life – when the mundane becomes sacred.
All the religions have been enemies of mankind for the simple reason that they have divided the
mundane from the sacred. Rather than bridging them, they have been continuously conditioning the
human mind that they are opposites, enemies, and you have to renounce one if you want to get the
If you want victory and success in the mundane world, you have to forget about the sacred
completely. And to forget it, the best way is to deny it – it does not exist at all. Otherwise, how
will you forget it? It will always remain somewhere in the corner, nagging you.
Just the other day, I was informed that in the Soviet Union – atheism is their religion – every child has
to be conditioned from the very beginning in atheism. It is not different, it is the same: somewhere it
is the Catholic religion, somewhere it is Protestant, somewhere it is Hindu, somewhere it is Buddhist.
In the Soviet Union, it is atheist. Somewhere it is God, somewhere it is no God. But the society never
leaves you anywhere to search for yourself. It gives you ready-made answers. And in life, readymade
answers are not only futile, not only poisonous, but almost murderous.
The information was about many countries within the Soviet Union which are Mohammedan – used
to be Mohammedan. Now, officially they are all atheists. But they have not forgotten; something of
the sacred still lingers – even against the whole propaganda machine of the Soviet Union, which is
one of the most efficient, dictatorial, which allows no criticism, no freedom of thinking.
Those Mohammedans have to pretend that they are atheists. But in Mohammedanism, five prayers
are prescribed every day – from morning till you to go bed. It is very difficult in the Soviet Union to

do five prayers. They have changed the name of the five prayers; they don’t call it prayer, they call
it physical exercise. Five times every day... it is good for the body and for the mind. They cannot
mention the soul.
Sixty or seventy years of continuous propaganda, conditioning – but the sacred is just standing by.
And thousands of years of conditioning all over the world against the mundane, but the mundane
has not disappeared. In India, they even reached to the extreme – they have been preaching for
almost two thousand years that the mundane world does not exist; it is maya, it is illusion, it only
I was staying with a shankaracharya, and he was discussing the illusoriness of the world. I told him,
”There is no need to argue. You just pass through the wall. Don’t go through the door. And it will be
enough; I will be convinced and I will remain your devotee for my whole life.”
He said, ”Go through the wall? What kind of argument is this?”
I said, ”It is not a question of argument. It will simply prove whether the wall is real or illusory.”
You can condition the human mind, but the mundane is there. And even the person who preaches
continually.... the first shankaracharya, Adi Shankaracharya, who created this theory of illusion and
propounded it with great argumentation – he also needs food, he also needs water, he also needs
clothes. And I am wondering why none of his followers ever objected, ever asked, ”What is the need
of these illusory things? And how can an illusory food become nourishment? And if it becomes
nourishment, then to call it illusory is nonsense.”
This was one side of the game: the people who wanted to emphasize spirituality had to deny the
reality of the world which surrounds you everywhere. And there have been people who have been
denying the spiritual, saying, ”Man has no soul. He is just a robot created by nature, and when he
dies, everything dies. So don’t be bothered about the inner world; there is no inner. All that is real is
outside, and all the talk about the inner is unreal, illusory.”
On the surface, you may think these two parties are against each other. But my own understanding
is different: they are using the same argument. They belong to the same category, to the same
mind: choose one half – which half you choose is not the point, both are against the whole.
My effort is to make you aware that both are real, both are together in deep harmony. And the idea
of their opposition destroys your life. Hence I say, the moments when you come to know that the
sacred and the mundane are one – the sacred is the inside of the mundane, and the mundane is
the outside of the sacred – then you have a total conception of reality.
”... leaving a breathing heart and a pair of ears hanging from nowhere.” When you are absolutely
silent and have become only a listening, naturally you will feel as if two ears are hanging from
nowhere. This is the right way of listening, and ”a breathing heart” deepens the silence; it does not
disturb it.
Amrito, you are right when you say, ”It feels like being an orgasm.” It is. It is a love affair with the
whole. It is a meeting with eternity, and it is an orgasm that can remain with you twenty-four hours –
day in, day out.

An enlightened man remains orgasmic in every moment of his life. Orgasm is no longer an incident
that happens and disappears; it becomes his natural way of being. His blissfulness is so much, and
he is so deeply in tune with existence that orgasm is no longer an incident, it is his very life.
”Oh Osho, are you even turning the dark night of the soul into the light night of the soul?” That is the
purpose for which we all have gathered here. This mystery school, or this university of alchemy, has
only one purpose – to transform the baser metals into gold; to transform the dead into the living; to
transform the dark into the light; to transform you from your mortality into the immortal.

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