in ot •  3 years ago 

Why would the bible describe Lord God Jehovah as a man of war in Exodus 15:3 - "The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name."

Obviously this is not all loving and forgiving Jesus Christ whom some equate with Jehovah, such as Jehovah Witness, LDS Church, Catholics, and pretty much the rest of them. Confusing, I know. So, let's sort it all out.

While the Christ is reference to the head and top crown chakra, Lord God Jehovah, as Saturn, is traditionally the ruler of the first chakra, dealing with sex and survival, hence why he can be seen as Lord God of the Beginnings, separation and boundaries, time and space, pleasure and pain, laws and judgement.

He is jealous and vengeful Lord God of Moses, I am That I am, who prefers measure for measure justice, "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe." Exodus 21:24-25 So, yes, most definitely not one and the same with Jesus Christ of the New Testament.

Since Jehovah is ruler of the first chakra, this is where our sense of the electromagnetic force first occurs, later interpreted by the pineal gland into the neuroelectric signals, enabling sensory perception. only here it makes a first point of receiving / transmitting energy from the great void of the quantum field.

Here, at the root chakra, the first centre is established enabling the perception of time and space, first sense of individual self with the independent freedom to choose. This brings us to, who is choosing what. If one chooses unity then one is one. However, most souls are oblivious to the existence of unity within and without due to being ignorant and having developed their egos, as a mirror of self reflection.

They choose, unconsciously, to separate themselves from the divine unity, the first sin, and spend the rest of life trying to find it again, however, since the separation has happened by way of the unconscious choosing, hence why Jehovah is god of boundaries and separation, the opposite of this dichotomy would be unity, connection to which can only be made by a conscious choice, hence the Christ as manifestation of higher awareness, Crown Consciousness, and the way to redemption through repentance, changing one's mind, to attain forgiveness in atonement of sins and Salvation of their souls from self induced hells and misery.

So, if one is born already enlightened, spiritually awake, then one can choose divine unity, ascend to the throne of God and live happily ever after. However that is not the case for most people. It takes many lifetimes to climb one's way from Chaos to Heavenly Order of pure love, truth, and peace. Thus, Jehovah acts as a father figure, elder brother rather, to the children souls on their way to maturity. But, as is often the case, not all make it. Some get devoured by Jehovah, whose very existence depands on it, yet others are lucky enough to pass this first test.

Yet, Jehovah is not done with them. As long as the souls think of themselves as being something distinct and separate from Jehovah, he acts as the adversary to their quest for unity, for he knows that he himself cannot be ignored and excluded from this holy unity of which Lord God Jehovah is the first manifestation. Therefore, the dichotomy is set between the holy unity on one end and the unholy egoes on the other end.

Lord God Jehovah is thus tasked to exterminate all the egos, in his role as the adversary to them, the wobbled rock that his wife Reah gives him to eat, while the conscious souls are raised in the cave, Subconscious, until they feel strong enough to confront Jehovah. Now, here is classical battle between Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades with Chronos. The war of the Titans.

The rising Consciousness of the soul stirs it upwards, however it has to overcome the first root chakra controlled by a formidable opponent Lord God Jehovah who in his role of the adversary is Satan. He wants good souls to live and be happy and he wants ignorant maggots of egos be destroyed. He is a jealous and vengeful Lord God because of his great love, not hate.

Henceforth, the dichotomy that is available at the root level is either merging as one with Jehovah by way of consciousness or fight it as an adversary. This brings us full circle to why Lord God Jehovah, the biblical tetragrammaton, is described as a man of war. War requires two sides to fight each other, which would be impossible if one is to achieve unity in body, mind, spirit, and soul with Lord God and become as one and whole. Therefore, the ascension is the process of merging the opposite pols of dichotomies into one complete unity.

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