Cause i be hella Fruit Jucie tsunami ! :P
i found digital oujia boards my ass stil hasnt burned down yet
but i did start hearing 2 voices in the garage and start 2 feel like some being (s) where hanging around near me they didn't teach us about existing in school
also find it funny how some wanna try 2 convience by oujia boards don't work or thats just some silly thing sure part of reason i been getting mirrors like that is cause i tend 2 be abit overly opinon relgions out da asshoel at times...
its funy though cause ive literally fucking like for 2 seconds halfway met a faye nature spirt i was fucking talking to in the oujia board appp so YEA DONT WORK MY FUCKING YIFFHOLE! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LOL