How Might 'a World that Works', Work? [Includes OurNet Update VIDEO]

in ournet •  7 years ago 

Founder - Michael Brodie - and myself have been trying to create a punchy presentation out what's going on at OurNet. The snappiest 'show and tell' we've come up with currently weighs in at nearly 20 minutes! However, given that it covers:

  • The Challenge of 'binary times'
  • The difference between 'change' and 'transformation'
  • The importance of context
  • The 'Virtual Village'
  • OurNet's propositions of 'peer refinement', 'trust over truth' & 'crowd mining'
  • The search for a tech team
  • OurNet's new home
  • OurNet's value propositions
  • And the perfect storm of cryptocurrency, blockchain and basic income

It's a wonder it's this short (-:
Please take a look, your comments, questions and suggestions are most welcome,

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