USA Mountain Placer Gold Sample Panning New Ground! GTAO Vlogs for #gtaovlogssteemit, River Treasure

in outdoors •  6 years ago 

Hey friends, I needed to do some sample panning for gold in this river area to learn about the area better and because of the very steep terrain I could only climb in there with small shovel, gold pan, and a classifier screen. The area is infrequently hit with very large floods and the places I was sampling are hammered by theses floods and gold and other heavy elements (including pollutants like lead, glass, iron) drop out of the flow in these "traps" and are left behind as the flood recedes. The "classifier" is used along with a gold pan to screen out the material larger than 1/4 inch thus making the gold panning much more effective. Whenever I'm in the wild places I always do my best to pick up human trash left or lost by people before me and people leaving trash intentionally really aggravates me. Well cheers and I hope you like the video friends!
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