What’s Wrong With This Picture?

in outofthinair •  5 years ago  (edited)

I’ve been collecting images lately of the things I see around me that aren’t always simple to make sense out of. The types of things you see and then have to look at two or three more times to verify it is, in fact, what you thought it was—or wasn’t. When I do that, I tend to get carried away and, before I know it, my phone is loaded up with images when I have a perfectly functional blockchain to save them on.

I’ll add captions to the majority of them, if not all of them, but I don’t like doing that to cover images. So, I’ll explain the first one to you, what I think of it, I mean, and then you can scroll through the rest and see what I saw.

Firstly, I’d like to thank the lady in front of the jazz hall for not only wearing a ponytail that day but also for walking with a purpose. “Thank you, ponytail lady, for having a perfect hair day at the exact moment I happened to snap the following picture.” Secondly, with all of the editing programs currently available in each of our app stores and common Ai features such as Autocorrect, they still managed to misspell #steem.
























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Freaking hilarious dude!... but please, stop with the blue skies already. 😂

Wait a minute... who is this guy just popping in outta no where?? Please state your name and why you are here. Plus I need government issued I’d, name of your first born, mother maiden name, BTC private keys, and a major credit card... that should make things good...

How the heck have you been?

Any time i can make you laugh, I know it must be funny. These random visits are great, hopefully we’re working ourselves up to a new @sivehead blog. As you can tell, @jlsplatts doesn’t miss you at all.

Busy is good, though, I’ll take these random visits anytime over no visits any time! Pura and I will be back in the UK probably around March’ish I’m thinking... when it isn’t sofa king cold—got dang! A couple of California people just couldn’t get used to it.

Fact—I bought a jacket when we were in Liverpool, first “jacket” I’ve purchased in I don’t even know how long, several years. Fact #2—first umbrella I’ve ever purchase in my life was bought in London. “In my whole life,” first umbrella I’ve ever purchased. Trippy, it either looks like it’s gonna rain or it rains there. We both really love it there, though, great place!

What part are you in? We spent some time in London, Bradford, Hull, and Liverpool, 1 month at each and, while in each of them, we toured all of the surrounding areas. Great country ya’all got.

I’m probably typing to myself so I’ll stop now. 👍🏿 Great to hear from dude but I think I already said that and I’ve never rambled about anything ever in my life so I’m I won’t start now.

The nice one about the header/cover image post :)

Well if it isn't my favorite dtube recording ice cream maker! Good morning from Greece, @anggreklestari! I'm glad you liked this one, I really appreciate you keeping an eye on me.

for @dandays

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for stickin with me @eii! 👍🏿 If you get time during the week to stop by the Contenders Post and cast a vote, we sure would appreciate your participation. That contender post will run every week.

Thank you, eii.

D and A.


Hey @dandays, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Green??? WTH is wrong with people?? Stupid car is pink okay..

Dude I am dying over here!!! Level - plumb.... nice dude!!!

Nice! Thanks for checking this one out, I’m glad you got a few laughs. I don’t expect everyone to get the level, plumb one, but the ones that do should get a good laugh out of it.

Thanks @jlsplatts, you’re the best.

Greetings Dan, a real fun post here and people don't always get it right do they? Satirical marketing is designed to be a talking point in the case of the pink car, as it draws attention to the brand.
Since childhood I have never again touched a peanut butter sandwich in my life.

Here is something interesting for ya!


The first sign at the left "Avbob" is a funeral undertaker. The sign at the top on the right "Flaura" is also a funeral undertaker.
But check where the enterprising witchdoctor placed her "General Healer" business, slap bang in the middle of the two funeral places.
Only sign missing from her signboard is "Resurrection of the Dead"

Hey, @papilloncharity! Thank you, I’m glad you had a good time with this one. Congratulations, again, on your ocd mention—well deserved! I’m a big fan of this new and improved Steem, it’s gratifying to see the hard working authors finally getting what they deserve.

Man, what happened in your childhood that gave PB&J such a bad name? Believe it or not, those crusty things pack a bit of a punch, you get a good dose of carbs, proteins, sugar, all in one. Just gotta get the natural butter, dairy free bread, and sugar free jelly—that’s my method at least. 👍🏿

Thank you for showing me the picture, excellent! The only thing that would’ve made it better is if I discovered it myself. 😉

Thanks for checking me out, I hope your week is off to a great start, we’ll be chatting again soon.

Hahaha, my friend, that's all we got to eat EVERY DAY of my childhood.
Put your school case with you lunch inside in the sun and the sandwich bakes as hard as a brick. Ever eat a sunbaked peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

The new steemit is certainly a great help in the curation stakes and I am glad that it also swung the bots onto the curation path. Never used one, but hopefully now their curation efforts will help everyone.

Glad that you liked the picture!


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Thanks for keeping up with me @esteemapp!

That cab is definitely not green 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Yooo! What's up, Nicky? Thanks for checking this one out, I appreciate it. It wasn't even kinda green.... 🤔 Very pink actually. Thanks a lot for dropping me a line, @nickyhavey.

Probably the least green colour I've seen 😁

Hope you're all good my dnb buddy!

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy sir dandays! lol..great selection here, I love the variety and the captions. Lots of jet trails, do they have chemtrails over in Europe too or do you pay attention to things like that? I never see them here but most people in other parts of the country do.

Oh man, they’re everywhere. I’m from Long Beach, Ca. and there isn’t a time of day where you’ll look up and not see at least one chemtrail across the sky. In the UK and here in Europe, also, there’s just as many. It’s one to one, easily—chemtrails are so abundant here, they come in custom designs.

I’ve often wondered what our true potential would be, as humans, should those things stop flying?? 🤔 But we’ll never know, I guess, so long as they’re spraying whatever it is over us. I guess I’m just supposed to believe all of humanities illnesses, sicknesses, psychotic behaviors, deformities, Alzheimer’s and a million other things I could list here are just normal. 🤔 Rumor has it it’s a battle against global warming and, seeing how they’ve been flying decades prior to that hoax, which is nearly as artificial as “social security,” I’ll just continue to snap pictures and voice my concerns which often leads to people thinking I’m crazy so I should probably stop right now—“stop!”

Thank you for checking out my articles, @janton, I’m glad I’m able to keep your attention. God bless you and yours, sir, we’ll be chatting again soon. Happy Monday—have a great week.

Howdy again sir dandays! We never see them here, ever. I suspect that it is because of the L3 plant we have close to us. They do all kinds of top secret manufacturing and repair things there for many aircraft.

In fact, Airforce One and it's escorts regularly fly in here plus all kinds of other jets and aircraft with no markings on them. Anyway, all kinds of top-level government stuff goes on there so I think they are keeping this area clean because of that.

I can see them spraying the aluminum particles to help reflect the sun's rays, even though it's stupid, at least it's logical with their thinking. But the other stuff they're spraying.. makes no sense and I don't know what it is or who is doing it.

Hey you're gonna miss Thanksgiving. It's no big deal to us, we usually don't do anything for Thanksgiving. I'll probably have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or something. lol.

Just don’t eat the PB&J before the spicy peppers. 👍🏿 I didn’t see any trails in Costa Rica. I guess I didn’t pay close enough attention the times I was in Texas. That’s interesting though!

Some of the fiends we’ve met here have dropped comments from time to time about aren’t we going to have thanksgiving and celebrate the slaughter of the Native Americans? I tell them, “they didn’t write it like that in our issued history books.” 😉

I hope you have a great thanksgiving, @janton! Don’t be such a recluse and go celebrate the holiday!

Haha! "Some of the fiends we've met here!" lol..I thought you've been meeting wonderful people over there sir dandays! lol. That's too funny. That's like verbally tripping on air but all of us do it and I'm sure I do that kind of tripping more than you.

Well, not celebrating Thanksgiving isn't because I'm being a recluse. It's because Mrs. J. will be working part of it and we don't have any friends or family here. Well, she has some friends but they all have their own family gatherings to go to.

Really cool people! Kind. They’re all patient, too, nobody is eager to get where they have to go and, for the most part, everyone lives in the moment.

Where I come from, even saying “hello” goes against the days schedule.

lol! Laughing at your last sentence. It's hard to believe that the whole attitude and outlook is so different. Much healthier. Here people are so frenetic and desperate to get where they're going even if it's to get home and just lay on the couch. I guess zero patience is a big factor.

Hey I just saw you were in the top ten of the League! The numbers are a joke anymore since all the big commmenters have left but still, it's free steem.

I don’t have many complaints in Europe, sir. I really like it here. Everyone is so kind and welcoming.

Would you believe I placed 8th for two straight weeks?? I didn’t even know I was doing anything special. It didn’t take much to discourage me, though. I mentioned to Asher how shocked I was. I said something like “whhaaat?! Two weeks in a row, there’s more than one way to get Asher to keep an eye on me.” And then I added this emoji - 😉. You know wtf he said?!

“I didn’t notice you made it last week.”

Back in a week moment or two with a proper comment, but for now...

@tipu curate

Thank you, tipu!

Well if it isn’t my Favorite York! You can say that when you’ve actually been to York. Thank you for the tip, really! I haven’t seen many of those but every time i see someone else getting them I’m like.. “Danget, what in the heck do I have to do to get one of those?!”

I’m glad you liked this one, @traciyork, thanks for checking me out. I wasn’t sure if I should add the peppers and PB&J, it was never part of the plan. What happened was, I got those peppers at the farmers market and they were delicious—they were gone in like 1 day actually. Well, I really did eat a PB&J within seconds of eating one because iheart real, actual peanut butter, too.

Uhm.. yeah, they don’t pair well—at all! So I added them to the mix. Thank you, Traci! I guess I tipped you back, didn’t I? Yellow peppers and PB&J go together like.... well, salt an an open wound I guess.

LOL! True story, we actually took a family vaca to York, PA a few years back (because of its proximity to friends, not because of the name). Jim & I had a running joke that the kids NEVER tired of because we were their ride home they always find us hysterically funny, that we should get everything for free since our name was on it. Oh, the laughs!

Also appreciate the inadvertant reminder I hadn't yet returned with my promised proper response (aka, you have no one to blame but yourself for bringing me here... lawls

You're very welcome for the @tipu gratuity, and if you're interested I wrote a post about it ages ago that is still kinda relevant. It at least describes the basics. The curation thingy though is something separate, and I won't bore you with the details since it's kind of an exclusive thing (payback for knowing that @plantstoplanks played basketball and I didn't).

Awesomely entertaining photos, by the by. My faves in this bunch, because I totally for real lol'ed and had to explain to hubby why, were the 60 minutes and "this cab is green" shots.

And thank you - not a big fan of peppers actually (don't tell Katie!), but huge fan of natural actual peanut, so I will be sure to mind your tip just in case the day should ever come I find myself about to eat both one after the other...

lol no speed racer.gif

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Should we exchange addresses or?? Cuz I feel the need to send ya’all a Christmas card. I only heard his name once but I know Jim is a lucky dude. Your kids, well, I’m still on the fence about that one! 👍🏿 (edit. This is one of those times I should probably tag #satire)

I just wrote you a huge long book on the other one, something I’ve been doing with you lately, so I’ll try to keep this one a little shorter but with the same amount of entertainment.

About Plants being a baller.... Here, tell you what I’m gonna do for you and, no, your name isn’t on it but it’s still free. Just play the following song as loud as you can and if Jim should wonder what in the heck you’re doing just tell him “my virtual friend whom I’ve never met one-upped me with my other virtual friend I’ve never met, both of which are the coolest virtual strangers I’ve never met, and I’m playing catch up!“

After 32 years of training being together (30 married), I'm sure Jim considers himself lucky in many respects. What's that saying - if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...?" 😂

(good idea with the hash tag clarification for innocent bystanders, but my satire radar is fairly spot on)

I made it about 10 seconds into the song (and fair disclosure, I jumped ahead to about the halfway mark), and after Jim gave me a look from the other side of the couch, I read him what you said. He actually snort-laughed. 🤣

Hope you and your lady love have a wonderful weekend!

  ·  5 years ago 



@cherryzz 阿紫 迎着大雪 骑着熊熊 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


Hey @dandays, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Thank you @beerlover!

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