イーサリアム(ETH)をベースとするオラクルプロジェクトUMA protocolのHart Lambur共同創設者は、UMAが来週「Oval」と呼ばれるソリューションを立ち上げると述べたそうで今回の発表の後、UMAトークンの価格は2ドルから急騰して一時6ドルまで上昇、現在では4.65ドル付近で推移。時価総額は3.5億ドル近くに達しているそうなのですがこれは凄いと思うしどんどん色んな暗号通貨が誕生しているからそういった暗号通貨に分散して購入したらもしかしたらどれか当たるかも。
Hart Lambur, co-founder of the Ethereum (ETH)-based oracle project UMA protocol, said that UMA will launch a solution called "Oval" next week, and after this announcement, the price of the UMA token soared from $2 to $6 at one point After the announcement, the price of UMA tokens jumped from $2 to $6, and is currently hovering around $4.65. The market capitalization is $3.5 billion. The market capitalization is said to be close to $350 million, which is amazing, and since more and more cryptocurrencies are being created, you might win some of them if you diversify your purchases.