person we are suffering from pain and suffering from any pain in life. Due to the fact that painkillers are not harmful for a long time, it is a serious harm to eat painkillers for a long time. Many people have been taking pain medicines for years, day after day without consulting the doctor. Besides, those who are suffering from various arthritis or arthritis or dengineatic disorders or age-related bone diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, encoding spondylitis, osteoarthritis, spondylitis, etc., regularly do not have any painkillers, nor can they tolerate the pain of pain. But playing a painkiller for long periods of time may lead to serious damage to important parts of our body such as kidney, liver, stomach, etc., and may even become crippled. The physiotherapy treatment reduces the patient's pain, joint or bone-joint movements are simple, normal muscle performance increases and the patient can move. Therefore, avoiding the pain medicines and taking side effects-free physiotherapy, it is possible to be free from the harmful effects of pain medicines.
Painkiller is harmful for health.
8 years ago by najimbd (29)