on the next OVERTHOUGHT!

in overthought •  7 years ago 

on the next podcast:

whenever we see something that seems weird/odd/gross to us, our reaction could be, "why is that thing configured in a way that disgusts me? why am i uncomfortable with this specific configuration?"
so, why isn't it? 🤔

what part of our lives are we protecting by being trained for unacceptance, and is it relevant still in the 21st century?
being outwardly, assertively disgusted at some one or some thing, without knowing why, is not a scalable social process.
being politically correct to the max isn't scalable either because it blocks the flow of information at the bottom levels of the network, an effect of making people to feel like they're constantly about to offend someone.

there is another option, the self-awareness questions at the beginning are a scalable way to increase information flow while promoting UNDERSTANDING, not some blind "tolerance" without any knowledge or insight whatsoever as to Why.

note: any comments here may be read on the next episode

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