I'm a BEAST when it comes to playing Bastion and this PotG compilation will back that up for me! I also Main Pharah, Soldier76, Zenyatta and Tracer! When I run out of Bastion Comps, you're going to start seeing the others I'm making =) At this point, I'm making these by combining 5 at a time. With Pharah being my most played main, I have enough clips to upload about 8 for her so far.
There will be more to come! Follow me to see more kick ass vids! Besides Blizzard games, I do post on a few other topics. I'll also be posting about my dog, my cryptocurrency adventures and well just about anything else I find interesting!
When I run out of Bastion vids, I'll move on to another character for even more Play of the Game vids!
Don't forget to add me! Battle Tag = Pollymorphin#1332