So, Oxford Union held a debate.

in oxford •  3 months ago 


The question was, "Who is the Greater Obstacle to Peace: Hamas or Israel?"

The majority of the students believed that Israel is the greater threat to peace.

I'm gonna steelman the argument before tearing these white privileged jackasses to shreds.

Yeah, if the Ottoman Empire came back into existence, and the entire region went back to living under a caliphate, and the majority of Jews went back to being expelled from their indigenous land (assuming the new caliphate weren't to simply murder the Jews), there wouldn't be much incentive for the Muslim world to engage in their racist, religious wars against the one Jewish state.

The fact that they could get anybody to take the stage, and argue for the idea that Israel is the threat to peace must terrify anyone of intellect or conscience. With the steelman argument comes the Nevell Chamberlain policy of placating a racist, authoritarian, genocidal, expansionist regime with the philosophy that war must be avoided at all costs. Yes, comparing Hamas to the Nazis is pretty close to an apples to apples comparison. Was Great Britian the greater threat to peace in Europe in the 1930s, or was it Nazi Germany?

They specifically chose Hamas. That means that they picked a terror group that has, in writing, in its charter, that there will be no peace until the genocide against the Jews is complete. And these morons and Oxford are pretending that Israel is the greater threat to peace.

"Why won't the Jews just let themselves be killed? If the Jews would just take it, we'd have peace."

That's what these fucking people are saying.

Dennis Prager made the point that every war is either fought between two police states, or a police state and a free state. No reasonable person can say that Hamas is running a free state. If any state in these United States went a tenth in the direction of running itself in the way that Hamas runs the Gaza, all of the anti-Israel people would be calling to have the state removed from the union and subsequently bombed into oblivion. What's more, it takes some serious mental gymnastics to deny that Israel is the free state in this conflict.

The free state is always the state that wants peace more than war. Israel is clearly the entity in this conflict that wants peace more than war. You have to have your head planted firmly in your ass to not know that that's true.

So, how is it that the side that wants peace is the greater threat to peace than the side that wants war? I've given you the only answer that I can think of, and it's a dumb answer.

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