It really makes you wonder, huh? ~ Daily Chaos

in paedophiles •  7 years ago 

And I wonder what really happened to Jill Dando. Was she murdered because she was going to blow the lid on Savile, his alleged VIP paedo ring and the BBC/establishment cover-up? Or maybe about Childline, Esther Rantzen's gig which some claim was setup not so much to protect kids as to screen them, protecting VIPs accused by kids? We know that Barry George, a vulnerable guy convicted for her murder, was later released with the charges dropped ... after the story had gone cold. Her murderer was never found, or the identity disclosed anyhow. Her fiance Alan Farthing, at the time briefly implicated, went on to become Kate's doctor, delivering the future king, another curious case where it was alleged a surrogate mother carried the child. Kate's midwife, you may recall, committed suicide within days of the birth. Did she know something?

So much smoke yet some will understandably feel it is somewhat tawdry to regurgitate what none of us can be sure about. I would tend to agree. Then again ...

Meanwhile, PM Treason May, as Sharia-selling Home Secretary, set up the Independent (my arse) Inquiry (my arse) into Child Sexual Abuse, fudging the thing with what, three Chairs, the first two having to quit after it was disclosed they had direct links to one of the accused, Leon Brittan whose Home Office indirectly funded the Paedo Info Exchange (which also had links to fmr. Acting Labour Leader Harriet Harman and her husband), and that conveniently lost the Dickens dossier alleging a slew of VIP depravity. Geoffrey Dickens, now dead, said that his house was subsequently raided by cops with the single copy of that dossier being taken, so where is it? And just a few months ago, again buried right down the running order, it was announced the IICSA's remit would exclude certain VIP paedo rings.

Do you feel sick too?

Manics: "If you tolerate this, then your children will be next."

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