Chicken Paella

in paella •  5 years ago  (edited)

300 g paella rice /300 g beras paella

8 pcs chicken thigh/ 8 potong paha ayam
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2 tomatoes chopped/ 2 tomat potong2
1 bell pepper, chopped / 1 paprika, potong2
150 g peas / 150 g kacang kapri
800 ml chicken stock / 800 ml kaldu ayam
8 pcs safron / 8 safron (dilut in the hot stock)
salt 1 tsp (or according to the taste)/ garam 1 sdt (atau sesuai selera)
2 tbsp oil / 2 sdm minyak goreng
1 onion, chopped/ 1 bawang bombay, potong potong
2 garlic, chopped/ 2 bawang putih, cincang
1 tsp paprika powder / 1 sdm paprika bubuk

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heat oil in large pan or paella pan, brown the chicken leg ,set aside. saute garlic and onion, soften for 5 minutes, stir in 1 tsp paprika, put rice in the pan, stir for 1 minutes. put back the chicken leg to the pan. Pour in enough of hot chicken stock to cover the mixture , partially cover the pan with a lid and bring to a gentle simmer for about 7 minutes and keep add the stock a laddle at a time allowing each to be absorbed before adding the new next.

Panaskan minyak di wajan besar atau wajan paella. masukkan paha ayam, panaskan sampak kecoklatan. tiriskan. masukkan bawang putih dan bawang bombay. gongso sampai harum. masukkan paprika. masukkan beras paella. aduk aduk selama 1 menit. masukkan kembali paha ayam ke wajan. tuang kaldu ayam panas sampai menutupi ayam dan beras. tutup wajan, jangan terlalu rapat. masak dg api sedang selama 7 menit, dalam masa ini tambahkan kaldu sedikit sedikit jangan sampai wajan kering.



stir all vegetable into the pan. add salt. keep simmer and add the stock until rice is cooked. it will take aproximately 7 minutes (or according to the instruction at package of the rice). add more stock if necessary. taste the paela. correct the salt if necessary.

masukkan semua sayuran ke dalam wajan. tambahkan garam. tambahkan kaldu ayam sampai nasi paela masak sampai matang, kita kira 7 menit (atau sesuai petunjuk cara memasak beras di bungkus beras paella). tambahkan kaldu jika diperlukan. koreksi rasa. tambah garam jika diperlukan.


ready to serve
siap dihidangkan


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Recipe or recipes would have been the best option for the first tag. This way your post would go to the bigger category. Habis itu baru bisa dipersempit lagi lingkupnya utk tag berikutnya, misal: cakes, dessert, beverages, vegan, vegetarian, etc. Kalau kamu ngga terpikir tag yg bagus utk kategori utama (yg pertama), pilih Indonesia can never go wrong, khususnya jika resepmu makanan Indonesia atau kamu pakai bahasa indonesia.

Recipe or recipes would have been the best option for the first tag.

... And of course the #food tag would make sense, too ...

Thank you for your suggestion

thanks for your suggestion. o iya lupa kalau harus diurut dari yg terluas dulu. suwun suwun. itu tadi memang ngambang banget tag nya.