Paid surveys is the best online earnings opportunities in today's time for everyone. Paid surveys not make Rich but gives better pocket money, some survey sites having very good affiliate program which gives you better earnings opportunities.
But, Paid surveys having to much qualifying questionnaire. Like your adge, Gender, birth date, Employment, in which company do you work, number of full time employees, your position of work, disision making authorities, your organization revenue etc.......
If you select anyone wrong answer from this questionnaire then you will be disqualified immediately and that's happened near about 98% people's. If you trying before completing online paid surveys then you have some experience about that and will be upset more and leave this survey panel.
But friends here is GOOD news to you, I will give you some Tricks & Tips for completing online paid surveys. This tricks & tips helps you completing more number of paid surveys and earnings Better opportunity, following are some important questions and his answers.
- Do you or does anyone in your family members working in the following Industry ....
- Market Research,
- Advertising,
*Media , - Marketing,
*Food industry ,
*Education, - Social media,
*Banking and finances etc.
Your answer should be, NONE OF THESE.
- Do you have Agricultural land for cultivation ?
Your answer should be,... NO .
This two questions are most important every online paid surveys and near about 50% people's were disqualifying in this Two questions.