"7 roses for you"___watercolor /// "7 rose per te"___acquarellosteemCreated with Sketch.

in painting •  7 years ago 

I participated last week in a painting competition, about 8 hours to paint a work with pleasure techniques, watercolor, oil on canvas, acrylic and more.
The jury, composed of experts in the languages ​​of art, had given a very important topic: to remember with a painting a young girl who died of a serious illness.
I felt the need to create a watercolor work, and I chose as the subject the door where the poor girl's grandmother lived, with 7 red roses in front of her to witness the memory and affection for her.
The jury appreciated the meaning of my painting and I was rewarded with the 2nd prize.

Ho partecipato la settimana scorsa ad un concorso di pittura, circa 8 ore di tempo per dipingere un'opera con tecniche a piacere, acquarello, olio su tela, acrilico e altro.
La giuria, composta da esperti dei linguaggi dell'arte, aveva dato un argomento molto importante: ricordare con un dipinto una giovane ragazza morta a causa una grave malattia.
Ho sentito il bisogno di realizzare un lavoro ad acquarello, ed ho scelto come soggetto il portone dove viveva la nonna della povera ragazza, con davanti 7 rose rosse a testimoniare il ricordo e l'affetto per lei.
La giuria ha apprezzato il significato del mio quadro e sono stato premiato con il 2° premio.


title: "7 roses for you"
technique: watercolor on paper Fabriano rouge 600g.
size: 50x70cm.
year: 2018
property of the municipality of Campobasso




my joy of the award for 2nd place

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Although the subject is sad, the painting is wonderful. Congratulations on your effort and prize.
I believe you have to really love and be dedicated to painting to do it for eight hours.
Is there any special meaning assigned to the numbers, for example the 7 roses and number 12 in the picture?

Si! per il numero 7 ti posso dire che è il numero più presente in tutte le religioni, dal Buddismo all'Islam e Cattolicesimo,Shintoismo, non ho voluto dare connotazione di una sola religione, ma attribuire alla sua assenza un valore universale, presente in tutte le religioni. Per il numero 12 è solo il numero civico dell'abitazione della nonna. Grazie amico e scusami se ho risposto in italiano, ma per rispondere bene era necessario.

Thank you very much for your answer!

Congrats for the 2nd place maestro @armandosodano

Art has no places that can be countered thru numbers but higher degrees that cannot be understood by the humans

Regards maestro

ty maestro @luciannagy

Such a beautiful piece, @armandosodano ! Love the colours so much, the shade cast by the overhanging plants are wonderful, and the stone work are nicely done, and the flowers left at the steps are so beautifully detailed <3 Gorgeous painting !

ty very much @veryspider!

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Complimenti Armando per il premio conseguito. Veramente felice per te e per la tua opera.
Spero di vedere ancora per molto tempo questi bellissimi quadri.

grazie Guido

wonderful aquarelle artwork! Very profesional!

ty friend I m very happy for your comment

Increíble acuarela

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ty for comment

You convey a lot of emotion through this painting of a door. I would not think that likely, but you did it. Very effective. Congratulations on your prize.

ty for your comment

This is awesome work....i can clearly connect to the memory.

Very accomplished work for eight hours and at last we see what Armando looks like. :)