RE: Morrissey Impressionist Art

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Morrissey Impressionist Art

in painting •  7 years ago 

She's back!!! I was happy to see you back on, and this painting is wonderful! Great work. I've been far less active as well. Been very busy. Hope all is well my friend

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Thank you! Yes, I'm back! I was happy to see you were still active as well :) Things are good, finally taking time to be creative again. You seem to be having a good time, putting on shows, that's awesome! Did that already happen, still happening? Hope all is well with you, amigo.

Our first event will be this friday! I'm very excited, and will surely blog about it and try to record it in some capacity. I've been pretty distant, but I'm trying to make time for this when I can. I'll stay in touch my friend :)

Well, good luck! I hope all goes really well, and I look forward to hearing about all of the juicy details. Cheers! Break a leg and whatnot :D