Update from my studio

in painting •  7 years ago 

It is time for a new tarot card, three had already been completed "The Trickster" , "The Lovers" , "The hanged man" . Next one coming up: "The Hermit".

"The Hermit card signifies solitude, reflection,isolation..." This is particularly inspiring for my version of "The Hermit".

It is going to be a long process to complete this journey, but I have no hurry... 22 cards of Major Arcana are going to be quite a great challenge.

20170118_Vlada u ateljeu.JPG

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Super ti je rad na ovom projektu, pratim te sada i puno sreče :)

Mnoge cuvene ''face'' u svetu arta su ovo odlicno uradile...Bice interesatno ,videti ih sve na belom zidu,kada bude gotovo...

you have a nice studio - not like mine, which is a dump!

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