Painting Worth 525$ for Sale . Read the Post

in painting •  7 years ago 


This beautiful painting belongs to a 14 years old needy student of mine. Whoever votes the painting the earning will go the student to help her pay her school tuition fee; moreover, the painting is for sale also. This painting was auctioned in Dubai and one of the bidder put a price of as high as 525 $. But he creator did not agree. The painting will be on auction again from 20th January to 23rd January in Dubai.

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Sort Order: of the most beautiful painting i have ever seen; that is too for a 14 years old girl. Thumbs up! As a help I voted her and going to resteem the post. Friends Please follow

A good painting, I want to contribute for your noble cause, good luck for her.

Nice painting!

Beautiful painting.

She is a brilliant artist and an amazing person and pure soul