A depressed Girl

in pakistani •  4 years ago 

Once upon a time a girl fell in love with a handsome and cute guy.they were in love for almost 5 years then the situation becomes worst and the boy accepted the proposal of another girl and blocked her ex.the situation of the girl becomes worst with the passage of time and she gets into trouble with her mind and depression overcomes her fully.everyday she started to cry at night but there was no hope no one was near to her who can help her to remove the pain.
One day Allah almighty showed mercy on her and her lover the same back but the girl was fully broken from the inside and she didn't tell what she felt to the boy she was afraid he will leave again. But she decided to love him like before and try to overcome her depression.
Then again when exams were near he left her again how cruel was luck she tried to kill herself but somehow her bad luck protects her.
Sadness even started to cry on her situation she was so depressed that she prayed every day to Allah he makes the situation so that she can kill herself easily.
She is fighting with her situation but she has no one who supports her let's see what happened at the end.......


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Depression kill everyone.