Stop Israel from destroying another comunity and school please sign the petition.

in palastine •  6 years ago 

News reports say that Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has said "it would certainly help" if the Khan al-Ahmar village in Palestinewhich is home to over 180 people is demolished before the Israel’s April elections.

Angela started a petition to save a school there that wascreated by an NGO to help educate hundreds of children.She says the demolition could happen at anytime and is urgently calling on people to add pressure to stop it.

Angela says the situation is "more dangerous than ever." Over 641,000 people have signed her petition. Will you join them by signing?

Petition by Angela Celeste Costantino


On June 1st Israeli authorities made the final decision to demolish the Palestinian village of Khan al Ahmar along with a school built for children. This means that any moment now the Israeli government, could destroy the homes of around 180 people who havelived there for over 60 years.

Please help us to save this school and homes by signing this petition.

The "Rubber Tyre School", named as it was built on tyres as Israel limited the possibility of creating masonry buildings in the area. It was started by an Italian NGO “Vento di Terra” with the help of others. It is a place that provides hope for a future of peace for childrenthat live in the village and the surrounding areas. It has become a symbol of the right to education and the rights of people living under occupation.

As a painter and a traveler, my art is dedicated to social justice, women’s rights, children’s rights, and the rights of people in territories facing war and terrorism. I chose to start this petition and support this cause because I believe that every school, not matter what part part of the world it is in, should be a place of growth, a place of dialogue, and most importantly a place of peace.

Because of the occupation and limitations on travel, children in the village have no real alternative to education. Thisdemolition would create a dangerous precedent and do serious damage to the local community, and it could lead to the deportation of people living there.

Every child on earth has the right to be educated, to have the means to develop their own potential, to learn about the world they live in and learn skills that will lay the foundations to give them a better future.

It's not right. It is cruel and inhumane to make voiceless children victims. I am angry because they are taking away the opportunity for these children to study, to learn, and to become better men and women.

Let’s not trample on innocent children’s right to life, freedom and education. The School is the only means they have to build a better future. Let's help them!

I'm with #TheTyreSchool. #SaveOurSchool.
Sign the petition here

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Next stop 1 million.

Glad you dropped by Lyndsay. Was going to tag you if you didn't. 💜

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I am so confused. Is this your article? You are a painter and traveler? Who's words are these?

These are the words of the person who set up the petition. I had to copy and paste as dlink isnt working. If you go to the petition you will see the author. Oh and when you are there please sign the petition to save these people from losing their school and village to Isralie opression please 😎

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