paleo week 4...

in paleo •  6 years ago 

I haven't been keeping up with meals here this past week. We have kept to paleo pretty good, a few cheats, but still stayed gluten & dairy free.
This week is week 4!

Here are a few breakfasts and lunches from last week!

Paleo blueberry muffins with organic strawberries. Bulletproof coffee for mommy (organic coffee, coconut milk, coconut oil, butter, vanilla, cinnamon, cacao, turmeric).

(@themyrrhmaid salve sitting on my table!)

Baked sweet potato with almond butter, honey & pink salt, with paleo chicken sausages.

Snacky lunch of smiley face organic cucumbers, carrots and hummus (hummus is not paleo, but we had a bunch we needed to finish using)

We also went to my grandmother-in-law's for a family gathering. Virturally no food that we could eat being served.
I roasted a whole organic chicken, organic sweet potatoes and roasted organic curried carrots. With organic salad & Tesseme dressing.

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All of that looks right up my alley! If I could figure out how to upload pictures, I’d probably start posting some dishes we enjoy. I can’t seem to do it! Lol

Are you posting from a computer or mobile?
I might be able to help :)

I’m trying to post from my iPhone

I have an android, so i dont know if the set up,us different.
But.... When you write a new post (pencil image top right), or reply to someone, like here, below the text box, there is a green highlighted "selecting them" below.

See circled in my pic:

Click that. It then gives you a pop up of options to click "upload files" from....... I click "documents". Then "gallery", which takes me to my phones gallery (camera pics, saved pics, etc). Click the photo you want. It will then upload (takes anywhere from 2 seconds, to almost a minute sometimes).
It will upload where your typing curser was last positioned.

If that doesnt line up with your iPhone, try this.

Thank you! I will give that a try!

I download most pictures from my phone, over WiFii. Lots easier than from the desktop. Sometimes I write it on the desktop, and post it; then I open, and edit it with my phone to add the pictures. Enjoy Steemit!

I may try that but I am not at my desktop much. Thanks for your help!

Not much into diets of any kind (as you can tell by the pictures I have posted...), but I Don't see a thing here I wouldn't enjoy! Add some pickled brussel sprouts, and I'd be tempted to make the drive, ROFLOL!

And I can tell the girls hate it...not! Good food good times.

They hate my cooking, im sure you can tell 😂

Yes that is obvious from the pain on their faces, on these pictures, ROFLOL!

My kids in line at Luby's years ago, ordered Brocoli. The serving Lady asked me if I Made them order it, I said No. She asked me how I got them to eat it, and I asked her if She ate it? She told me NO WAY! I had some on my plate, so I pointed to my brocoli; and told her that kids are pretty smart.

If MOM will Not eat it....