Ahed Tamimi Gets 8 Months in Jail for Slapping a Soldier, Meanwhile an Israeli Murderer Gets Community Service

in palestine •  6 years ago 

(Video 7:31)

What I discuss in the Video

  • Why Ahed slapped the soldier in the first place
  • Hear from her cousin 15-year-old Mohammed, was shot by Israeli forces with rubber-coated steel bullets that destroyed his life
  • Israeli killer Elor Azarya's sentence now reduced to merely 9 months
  • Slapping a soldier appears to be worse than killing a Palestinian
  • Israeli David Muial gets a penalty of community service for murder


Shooting Children - The Palestinian Information Centre

Israeli killer gets community service and Ahed Tamimi gets 8 months for slapping - Mondoweiss

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it seems that he does not have justice, the world is now upside down, who is the strong one who won ...

Thank you for sharing this report

You're welcome Max, and thank you for always supporting Palestinian Freedom. Much Respect I have for you!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

In the face of what is coming, we are all Palestinians and if the plight of the Palestinian people is not soon healed and its people are lost, then the way of Palestine will be the way of the world. But that will not happen because the people of Palestine will never fail in their will. They will never back down. They will never waver... They used to say Palestinians are like hero's but now it is said that hero's are like Palestinians.

All they need is for people of Earth to step back into their humanity and stand with them.

Much love to you Lyndsay

Listened completely through, yet could not watch all the visuals as such aggressive clips makes my blood boil; turning me into that old guy who screams obscenities at his computer screen.

Thanks for having a heart that can feel righteous rage.

I read somewhere, that the army wanted to use the roof of their house to shoot at kids and adults, not sure how true it is, it sure looked that way from photos at the time, so she smacked one of the soldiers in the face, to me that is justified, though if you are in the business of theft of property and land it must seem like a real insult to get a slap from a child eh! FREE Palestine!

I know, sickening is it not, I want to write about the situation, I have followed it for years, including the 75 UN condemnations and resolutions if that was any other country they would have been invaded after 1 or 2 violations of international law, let alone 75. Though if I write about it on here, I will probably be flagged down to berniesanders level, and I would not have a way to come back.

I don't know about that, folks here are pretty wise to the israhell lies!!

Well I started already, see my last post, and it is only going to get better, trust me :-)

When was the last time a nuclear armed nation was attacked by the UN? Never?

Are they nuc armed though? to my knowledge there has never been a declaration of being such, and no audit, you may know more than me though. I have heard of the "samson" option, though is that all bluff and puff?

Yeah allegetly they have about 400 nukes which they developed in South Africa during apartheid.

Wikiprdia's entry suggests the following:

From the mid-1970s, the two countries were allegedly involved in joint nuclear-weapons development and testing. According to Seymour Hersh, for example, the 1979 Vela Incident was the third joint Israeli–South African nuclear test in the Indian Ocean.[39] Richard Rhodes concludes the incident was an Israeli nuclear test, conducted in cooperation with South Africa, and that the United States administration deliberately obscured this fact in order to avoid complicating relations with Israel.[40]

I find it hard to believe, but anything is possible I suppose, as for Wikipedia though, you, I or anyone else can edit that to say 1 nuc or 1 million nucs.

Actually it surprised me that is allowed to stay on Wikipedia. But, yes, it is the non-secret secret that the Zionists have nukes. They are now about to get subs to put them in courtesy of Germany's guilt.

. Though if I write about it on here, I will probably be flagged down to berniesanders level, and I would not have a way to come back.

Damn, do we have Zionist Whales on steemit? Thought such censorship was only on the commercial platforms.

No, I haven't seen that at all @novacadian.

Think again, even some of the truth posts get flagged, and that was by steemit inc members.

Anti Vax posts. A Haarp post. @FamilyProtection's comments. By the user @sneak mainly. I haven't seen any antizionism posts get flagged yet. Tell me if you see that though @deliberator.

I shout out for them, they don't support me, enough, time to get real all the same, let's get this party started.

Ouch. They would have been the last on my guess list.

The young man did not shoot someone's mother, and is crying at the funeral of his friend who was killed not by rock, but in a firefight with Hezbollah in 2006.

The young women are crying in 2014, after 7 Hamas murderers popped up from a tunnel, shooting a RPG and gunfire at their friend's IDF vehicle, killing Adar Bersano. They intended on kidnapping someone as well, but they fled back through the tunnel after 1 was incapacitated by the IDF.

Jews can't even mourn without YOU spreading LIES to get the same world pity you accuse them of seeking.

Thank you so much for sharing this. It's really sad what is happening.

Where is the justice in this world? This whole situation makes me sick to the pit of my stomach, we seem to be entering an area of increased instability and the Zionists appear to be capitalising upon the fact that the world is looking in a million different directions :(

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and for providing a voice to those without one.

Apartheid and colonialism has to stop. Even though most don't even realize it's still happening. My kids are taught about Rosa Parks in school, yet not about the racial segregation happening right now in Occupied Palestine. Of course I make sure they know. It's our duty to be the TRUE MEDIA and bring all of this shit to the light.

Ahed Tamimi is my spirit person.

I first heard of Palestine in early High School. News of the Infantada (sp) was on the news. My parents watched the news religiously.

And I remember thinking something was wrong. Even as a young teen the media was so one sided.

Again in 2006 my mind was dragged back. And in 2012 I stayed awake every night listening to the live feed if Harry Fear, glued to the tweets and facebook updates of people there.

One young woman updating every few minutes, stating they were on her block. And then nothing.

Gods the hell these people have lived through. I have been offered tens of thousands of dollars to wed young men from Palestine, trying anything in their desperation to flee their awful country.

I think of them every day. My heart hurts for them so, so much.

Thank you for spreading truth.

Thank you for being aware of the truth, and on your own at such a young age. Love you Sis!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you Dear @lyndsaybowes.You never stop supporting them in Palestine. I love you and your family

Love you too Brother <3

There are always two forces in the world, The Good and The Bad. Undoubtedly, the brutality is prevailing in the Palestine and when i see innocent faces of crying kids, my heart cries too. I wish the Good Force prevail soon in Palestine so that they may enjoy their lives according to their own will.

It's up to us to inform people of the truth.

apartheid 201

Nizar Tamimi - Her father's nephew is a terrorist who killed an Israeli civilian in 1993

Alham Tamimi - Nephews wife is a terrorist convicted in killing 16 Israeli civilians in "Sbaru" bombing in 2001

Israeli killer Elor Azarya's sentence now reduced to merely 9 months - He killed a terrorist who stabbed his friend 10 minutes ago. Maybe it's not ethical and looks bad but he deserved to die. Hypocrits need to look at the beheadings of innocent people in Syria but they are stuck in hating Israel.

8 month seems fair for repeatedly disturbing military soldiers and physically engaging with them.

Here is the unrepentant, proud child killer, in her own words.

Actually I do not know anything about this for which I can not say anything here but I'm seeking to know about this matter, hopefully you'll say what he had to go to jail. I think there has been a lot of things here that I do not know, because you know the facts, I want to know this from you completely.

Nonsense politics, They don't care for normal person. I feel pity for her. Even her face is not in good position.

thank you for sharing a very interesting moment.
this justice wishes him fair.