Good question Miss Palin, Why to have to risks the live of American Troops over the putinians...

in palin •  6 years ago  (edited)

Contrary to alex jones and co, this is a real fundamental question and the answer is super simple:

If the forces of fake human evil aren't opposed they grow.


the longer you wait the dangerous they become

Now I understand that most european nations behave badly. I look at germany who loves to have the sex slaves send by the east while censoring political speech. And all like moghelrini the blonde bitch who says that venezuela has excellent election, only seek money, fame and power to fuck so called movie industry workers.

There is another plan, way more vicious, stop all contact with russia and it's allies, wall, no visa, no contacts etc, and once putin dies kill all his family... that is fun and has to happen, this diseased bloodline must be stoped from spreading, a little punishement to have worked for kgb.

Now the problem with this approach, is that it takes time, and with life extension technology, (feotal blood injection, dna etc) putinians can live a long time. But as much as europe is just try to destroy the usa, there are real allies, for exemple KSA or Isreal, they see the putinians (iran, assadians, russians) creeping next to their borders...

petrobux without ksa... difficult, betraying isreal, will have consequences... let's say the black hats of manhattan aren't the most powerful isrealis supporter in the us.

but fundamentally it ask this question, contrary to you, the putinians seek war... remember they are all men pumped on viagra trying to fuck young prostitutes... and their military might work so easy on the hindbrain of those females... so they will continue...

and the question is what will american lives face... 10 years ago it would have been easier to nuke 1000 russians cities and wiping all living things... today it's a little bit harder, and tomorrow even more. And at one point the battle will move from former to syria to maybe LA, NYC or Anchorage...

So where do you want to see war? foreign lands or home front? Many people say home front blah blah... I think they don't understand what war is about... it's just about killing the other side faster than he can kill your side. nothing else.

but if done properly it permits the home front to be intact, and lives there to be saved. Look at ww2... if america had attacked the hitlerians early it would have costed how many lives? and the waiting and believing there will change finally costed how many?

Sometimes, someone can say he want to save live... and bring a man at sea on board, then another one... until the ship sinks and all die. I know it's hard to watch men die at sea. that's why women shut the fuck up and let men handle ship.

out of my way fuck hole.

I hope it's clearer? why?

if you want to ask another question, is why germany is so friendly with russia? remember the bimbo is just a front... or let's say, she obeys TPTB...

and to comeback to you... I think you would have been an excellent potus, however to get there some members of the MSM would have to be killed... because even if you seem to be a weak patriot preaching appeasement that will result in war in the homeland, I don't think that you would have understood that without killing those msm members you couldn't win. read the scenario of starcraft 1.

ps fake human evil means that they are just bad human...

kill all the women & children of putin as a starter...

((the truth, generally those sea men at sea are taken on board and then used as bait for fishing...))

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