in palliative •  3 years ago 


Palliative care is a kind of specialised medical care designed for the people who are suffering from serious illness and symptoms. Palliative care can be provided with or without the intent of curing. Palliative care is preferred by patients to get some relief from the consequences of their illness. Palliative care can be done in parallel with the treatment of that particular illness or disease. Palliative care has been prove useful for the patient in terms of getting relief from the symptoms of disease and somehow raises a hope of cope up with the symptoms of illness and disease. This article provides a general overview of what palliative care is and how it is important for the patient who is suffering from a serious illness or disease.

Types of palliative care

There are generally three forms of palliative care. These are social, financial, physical, mental, and emotional care of the patient. MACG is the recommended place for palliative care.

Social palliative care: Social Palliative care helps an individual to get through the people who want to help the patient and helps the patient to organise a family gathering where he can express his thoughts and which relives the patient.

Mental Palliative Care: Sometimes, going through serious treatment also affects the mental status of the individual, thereby causing him stress, anxiety, and sleep problems. Palliative care helps the patient through medication and counselling and helps him recover from his problems.

Physical Palliative care: when patient is undergoing treatment, he may face other physical problems like vomiting, nausea, pain and fatigue. This care helps the patient to overcome those physical problems at some level.

Emotional Palliative care: While undergoing various treatments, an individual may experience various emotions such as sadness, depression and anxiety and palliative care helps him to overcome and cope up with these emotions.

Financial Palliative care: As we all know, the treatments were extremely expensive and could cause stress and anxiety. Palliative care helps an individual by advising him on various schemes with low-cost treatments.

The Benefit Of Palliative Care

Palliative care helps an individual who is suffering from serious illness or disease and provides relief to the individual. Palliative care is useful in providing medication, emotional and spiritual support to the patient, and even nutritional changes. Palliative care assists patients in overcoming various disease symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, mood swings, pain, sleeping problems, and so on. It is evidenced that palliative care gives hope and provides comfort and relief to the individual. Palliative care is given to the patient at any point of illness and at any stage of any disease. It is mostly preferred in cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, heart problems, kidney failure etc. Palliative care is performed by a team of expert doctors and nurses who collaborate with the doctors and their unit to give the treatment to the patient.


Palliative care is a kind of medical care that gives comfort and relief to a patient who is suffering from a serious illness. It is helpful and beneficial for patient in many ways and helps him to overcome stress, anxiety and depression and other symptoms with reference to the disease like nausea, vomiting, sleeping problems.

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